The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2573: You are not Dragon Aotian!

Chapter 2573 You are not Long Aotian!


Around Xu Feng's body.

The original broken void actually healed slowly.

Finally, the whole piece of void is intact.

Xu Feng opened his eyes and his eyes were clear.

However, the space field in his body has also been successfully upgraded to the realm of the seventh heaven.

Xu Feng’s face is full of enlightenment.

He already understood.

It turns out that his previous space field could not be upgraded to the seventh heaven.

That's because he got into a dead end.

The space field can break the void, but it can also make the void heal.

However, this is the reason why life is more and more terrifying.

The void is broken, then healed, and the broken healing is a complete process to be able to exert the greatest power in the space field.

Xu Feng felt that his strength has greatly improved as his space field has improved his seventh realm.

The most important thing is his perception of the space field.

It has also reached an unprecedented height.

Xu Feng removed all the arrays around him.

"Brother, have you finished your cultivation?"

The kitten jumped to Xu Feng's shoulder and stood.

"Well, let's go."

Xu Feng took the kitten and walked toward the front.

As he walked around, he suddenly heard a trembling voice, as if he was crying for help.


Xu Feng took the kitten and went straight to the place where the sound passed.

Not much time.

He saw a young man with a triple peak in the spiritual world. His eyes were dull and his body was shaking.

Constantly shouting for help, and constantly fleeing over here.

Xu Feng appeared in front of the other side.

"Don't kill me... don't kill me..."

Xu Feng stared at each other and said: "You look closely at who I am, why are you so horrible?"

Xu Feng’s voice seemed to be thundering and shook toward the other’s ear.

The young man who was originally frightened, his look finally returned to normal.

"Ah... run fast... devil... there is a devil..."

Xu Feng grabbed the other party and said: "What the **** is going on? What devil?"

"You don't take me, he's coming... Come on... Run..."

The youth wants to break free from Xu Feng’s hand.

He fled quickly.


A horrible pressure has come from a place not far away.

"Hey, I just let you run, you think you can run away alive?" A cold voice came.

When Xu Feng heard the voice, he frowned.

Just because he heard the voice really familiar.


When Long Aotian appeared, his gaze fell on Xu Feng, and he ignored the young man who was still running away.

He stared at Xu Feng, suddenly burst into laughter and said: "Ha ha ha... It really takes no effort!"

Long Aotian just thought about going back to the southern continent to kill Xu Feng.

Unexpectedly, the next moment Xu Feng appeared in front of his eyes.

Xu Feng felt the breath of Long Aotian, and his heart was shocked.

He is very clear.

It’s not a long time for Long Aotian to come to the nine seas before him.

However, now that Long Aotian’s cultivation has broken through to the realm of the three spiritual worlds, it is incredible.

The most important thing is that the violent momentum of Long Aotian makes him feel strange.

"Xu Feng, Xu Feng, I still want to go to the southern continent to kill you, I did not expect you to come to the spiritual continent."

Long Aotian is a bit of an accident.

He thought that Xu Feng did not come to Lingshen.

"You actually met me in the wind and thunder, and today is your place of burial."

The spirit of Long Aotian's whole body emerged, and the **** red veins appeared to be exceptionally strange.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed. His heart is wrong. He said: “What happened to Long Aotian?”

Xu Feng himself is very clear.

In the Lingshen continent, the spirit of all human warriors, except for the changes in strength and weakness, are almost exactly the same.

Now, the spirit of Long Aotian is actually blood red.

In other words, Long Ao Tian may not be a human race.

From the memory of creation.

Xu Feng knows that in the mainland of Lingshen, there are many fierce races in many dangerous and harsh environments.

The most powerful race is the Mozu.

The Mozu is cruel and incomprehensible. They specialize in engulfing the blood, body and spirit of human warriors to enhance their strength.

"No, the place like the Nine Wild Seas is unlikely to be a Mozu?"

Xu Feng is very surprised inside.

he knows.

There are many demons in the Lingshen continent, but they will not appear in such places.

The entire Lingshen continent is infinitely large.

Even if it is the existence of creation, it does not know where the edge of the spiritual **** is.

However, the territory of the Mozu is called the magic domain.

Throughout the spiritual gods, the top forces will send countless strong men to suppress the Mozu.

Prevent the Mozu from coming to the land of the Spiritual Continent.

"You are not Dragon Aotian!"

Xu Feng stared at the opposite dragon proud day, asked.

"Hey, you think too much, I am Long Aotian, but now the Dragon Aotian, and the previous Dragon Aotian, have a lot of changes."

Long Aotian’s face is cold and killing.

The sixteen spirits above his head directly spread.

Xu Feng slightly frowned.

The horrible pressure on Long Aotian’s body is really different from the human warrior, which makes his heart wrong.

If the demon land really appears in the nine ruins.

It is not his own thing, but the entire nine wild seas, it will be a devastating disaster.


The violent anger of Long Aotian’s body has already been shocked, and his sharp claws have become bloody.

The violent winds swept toward Xu Fengyu.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."

Feeling the horrible attack from Long Aotian, Xu Feng did not dare to have any intentions, and displayed a lot like swallowing a heaven.

The image above the fist, the bombardment of the bombardment.

Xu Feng’s half-step cultivation of the peak of the spiritual environment is pervasive.

Twenty spirits emerged from the top of the head.

However, his fate is like the swallowing of the heavens and the dragon's claws.

The blood-red claws are so powerful that they have been torn quickly toward his chest.

“Dragon Aotian has become so powerful?”

Xu Feng is wrong.

I dare not have any general idea, it is like another thing that swallows the sky and punches.

"Xu Feng, different times in the past, do you think you can beat me over the level? I am also able to fight more and more."

In the eyes of Long Aotian, there is a strong light.

Inside his voice, there is a violent momentum.

The phantom of the claws, instantly condensed, as if it was a sharp sword, slamming down towards Xu Feng.

Xu Feng successively regressed, and several blood marks appeared on his arm.

Blood ran down from the arm.

(End of this chapter)

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