The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2572: Weird situation

Chapter 2572 is a strange situation

Inside the wind and thunder, it is a quiet valley.

In the middle of the valley, there is a towering tree.

Above the towering tree, there are several blood-red fruits hanging.

If Xu Feng is here, I will definitely know this fruit.

"Blood fruit!"

This fruit is a very evil fruit.

Once the blood fruit is taken, it seems that blood is stirring in the body, but it can bring great benefits.

The blood of the blood is the second-order spiritual material, and it can be taken directly without refining the medicinal herbs.

Under the towering tree.

There are more than a dozen warriors.

They are all members of the three major forces from the nine seas.

These people are all spiritual fluctuations.

Among them, the three spiritual spirits are all three.

Their goal at the moment is all blood.

"Hey, who dares to rob me of these blood fruits today, who will I be." A man who is full of spirits, his eyes are shining with the killing of his face, his face is ferocious.

Ten spirits at the top of the head burst out at the same time.

His eyes stared at the blood-stained fruit on the towering tree, and the spiritual flow of his body rushed out toward the blood.

When he flew up, other warriors did not dare to stop him.

However, everyone is rushing out to other blood fruits.


Just at this time.

A burst of **** red wind, from the void, suddenly swelled, the wind swept.

The towering trees are constantly shaking.

The people who had climbed the towering trees at the moment felt the blood of the whole body rolling, and they felt the horrible pressure.

"What is going on, who is it in the dark?"

Someone stared at the place where the wind blew.


A cold snoring came from afar.

I saw a young man in a red robe. His eyes were unruly and proud.

When his mouth was raised, his face was cold and killing.

His coldness made the people shudder at the same time.

"Who is this person, why are you so strange?"

Someone who looked at the sudden emergence of the youth was full of horror and asked.

"I don't know, but the smell of him, how can it be so horrible?"

Said by a person next to him.

A disciple of the Shadowless Island, his eyes staring at the man in the red robe, said: "Dragon brother, you always like this way."

"Today, these blood fruits, without your points, you still have to hurry."

Many people heard this sentence.

They were all shocked and dared to be the young man in red, who turned out to be a disciple of Wuying Island.

"Chen Zhidong, do you really think that I am weak?"

That's right.

This red-shirted youth, like Xu Feng, came to the Longaotian from the southern mainland to the nine wild seas.

If Xu Feng is here, he will be shocked and unable to speak.

Just because the atmosphere of Long Aotian is completely different from the previous Dragon Aotian.

At this moment, the atmosphere of Long Aotian is unruly, but it is accompanied by the violent cruelty and bloodthirsty.

"Long Aotian, you are simply looking for death. You are just a disciple who has just entered the inner gate of the Shadowless Island. Do you dare to talk to me like this?"

Chen Zhidong’s eyes are all angry.

He did not expect that Long Aotian of the district would dare to do this to himself.


However, in the mouth of Long Aotian, when a word of death is spit out.

Suddenly, the formation of a violent blood red light.

When Long Aotian’s footsteps moved, his **** red claws were directly torn apart.

The claws suddenly attacked Chen Zhidong.

"Not self-reliant."

Chen Zhidong felt that Long Aotian was looking for a dead end, and even dared to take the initiative to him, really looking for death.


The moment when his attack attacked, he was directly torn by the blood-red claws of Long Aotian.

The unstoppable impact of the claws was above his chest and fell directly into his heart.

Long Aotian stood opposite Chen Zhidong. His face had a bloodthirsty taste: "Do you still think that I am not self-reliant?"


Long Aotian suddenly pulled out his arm, and the blood immediately came out from Chen Zhidong’s chest.

"How could it be so powerful, and the triple of the spiritual world could not resist him?" The rest of the people were shocked.

On the paws of Long Aotian, there are blood.

When he put out his tongue, he licked the blood above his palm, and his face seemed to enjoy an incomparable expression.

"Oh... you are a group of wastes, let's go together, I will let you see, I am proud of the dragon."

Long Aotian roared, and the red robes on his body were all squeaky.

Above his head, the spirituality that emerged was actually blood red.

"Fifteen Spirits?"

Everyone was shocked.

The cultivation of Long Aotian’s body is clearly the dual realm of the spiritual world, and it has condensed fifteen spirits.

"We have a bunch of hands and kill him."

A man with a four-pronged spirit, he screamed.

Everyone knows that if you don’t unite everything, you will die.

The people joined forces and rushed straight toward Long Aotian.

Their body spirits are constantly emerging, one by one, showing their own spiritual skills, and attacking Dragon Aotian.

Long Aotian stood in the center, his eyes were violent, said: "Come on, a bunch of waste, waste!"

Long Aotian’s hands violently torn out, a three-way warrior who was acquainted with the spirits, and was killed.

The most important thing is that the spirit of his head is like a strange whirlpool, engulfing the three threads of the spirit.

"God, I am not mistaken, devour the spirit, how is it possible?" Someone looked at this scene and felt terrible.

"Want to run?"

Long Aotian saw that everyone wanted to escape, the smell on his body became more horrible, and the attack was more fierce.

But anyone who was killed by him, the spirit is directly swallowed by him.

The thread of his head directly turned into sixteen.

However, Long Aotian's body was repaired, and at this time, the birth of life was promoted to the three realms of spirituality.


"You are a monster!"

A warrior in the spirits, when he looked at Long Aotian, his eyes were all terrified and he was afraid.


Long Aotian directly pinched his neck.

He seems to enjoy the means of killing.

Long Aotian's gaze fell on the towering tree, cracked his mouth and smiled: "It turned out to be a **** fruit, which is of great benefit to my cultivation."

He did not hesitate and put all the blood in his pocket.

Just walk straight ahead.

"Ha ha ha... I am a long time to come to the nine wild seas, I am destined to be a dragon for nine days, I will rise."

Long Aotian’s eyes are arrogant.

He remembered the scene he was defeated by Xu Feng.

If he can't go back to the southern continent now, he really wants to kill Xu Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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