The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2574: Practice magic

Chapter 2574 cultivating magic

"Xu Feng, you can't be my opponent now."

"Today, you are destined to die here."

In the eyes of Long Aotian, they are all shining.

The violent spiritual power of his body floated.

When he stepped out of the way.

The movement speed at the foot is really fast.

"Snake blood claws."

Long Aotian is obviously not ready to give Xu Feng a chance to live.

Above his palm, it seems like a snake is turning.

When the claws condensed, his sixteen veins were constantly flashing in front of him.

There is a constant burst of strong volatility.

The formed claws seem to be a snake-like movement.

The claws went one after another, and they twitched toward Xu Feng’s chest.

"Xu Feng, starting today, there will be no more people in the future."

"Give me death."

Long Aotian made a roar.

Above his hands, the blood-red claws became even more horrible, and the paw prints of ten meters were all stirred up.

Seeing the paw prints attacked toward him.

Xu Feng’s face is dignified.

However, he did not give up.

His body is energetic.

Twenty spirits condense at the same time.

"Great Nirvana Buddha Seal."

Xu Feng’s ninth-day killing field, all in the Nirvana Buddha Seal, condensed away.

The violent wind blew around the bodies of two people.

Some people hiding around.

Looking at the battle between the two men, they are all stunned.

They really don't understand, these two people are really half-step through the peak of the spiritual realm, and the three spiritual repairs of the spiritual realm?

It is really the strength of these two people that broke out. It is really beyond their common sense.

In the eyes of Long Aotian, there was also a horror.

He obviously did not think of it.

Xu Feng also cultivated such a powerful Holy Spirit.

"Oh, you still have such a means, but unfortunately you are not my opponent, and are destined to die here."

The words of Long Aotian are very firm, and the tone is full of pride, with a firm meaning.

next moment.

The attack of his claws came.

The claws collide with the Great Nirvana Buddha, and the golden Buddha's light is extraordinarily dazzling.

Long Aotian bit his teeth, his face became a bit ugly, but he still tore his claws out.


Xu Feng’s Great Nirvana Buddha Seal, the smashing impact on the chest of Long Aotian.

The sound of broken bones permeated.

In the next moment, the violent winds swayed in all directions.


The claws of Long Aotian are also from the shoulders of Xu Feng, and the sly attack has passed.

Xu Feng's shoulders are bloody, and the scars of flesh and blood are blurred.

Xu Feng bit his teeth, he did not let the kitten on his shoulders.

He knows that even if he and the kittens join hands, they may not be able to defeat Long Aotian.

He did not expect that Long Aotian actually became so powerful.

"Xu Feng, you can actually hurt me. It really surprised me, but you still have to die."

Long Aotian’s eyes are all blood red.

The blood of his mouth was swallowed directly into his mouth by his tongue.

His face is awkward and looks really terrifying.

"If you want to kill me, you have to look at it. Do you have this qualification?"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body is surging.

His face is absolutely.

The three areas of the body have completely broken out, especially in the field of killing, which is really scary.

"Give me to die."

Long Aotian moves in the footsteps, and the spiritual power of his body gathers on the palm of his hand, and the hurricane is blowing.

His attack headed toward Xu Feng's chest and a smashing hole.

"Get out."

Xu Feng did not have any pauses, and he punched out with a fist.


Xu Feng is still not the opponent of Long Aotian.


In the eyes of Long Aotian, the killing of Senran, a complete burst.

Above his hands, the strong waves of the air, the **** red rivers are condensed, criss-crossing.

"No, you can only use the soul skills."

Xu Feng’s eyes are condensed.

He knows that he is next, I am afraid it is really impossible to resist the attack of Long Aotian.

The Taikoo Dragon Soul on Xu Feng’s body struck from his head.


As the Taikoo Dragon Soul appears.

The golden light of Xu Feng’s body is filled with it.

His current holy soul line has reached 13 articles.

The strength of his soul power is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Long Aotian looked at Xu Feng and even condensed the Holy Spirit. He suddenly laughed and said: "Haha, it's really good. You sent me a holy soul. My favorite thing is to devour the Holy Spirit."

In the eyes of Long Aotian, they are all greedy eyes.

It’s like a long dry nectar.

"Green inflammation."

Inside Xu Feng's eyes, the mysterious light is shining, as if it is a blue flame, burning in his eyes.

His Taikoo Dragon Soul, the golden light, the next moment of the blue flame, instantly condensed.

"How is it possible... How can you cultivate a successful soul skill?" Long Aotian made a shocking speech this time.

He just saw Xu Feng condensing the Holy Spirit, not particularly surprised.

However, the soul skills are precious.

It's hard to find, and even if it's a sinister sea, there is no such soul.

The soul skills exhibited by Xu Feng are obviously very powerful.


Long Aotian only felt that his soul was burned, and he spurted blood from his mouth.


However, Long Aotian still wants to kill Xu Feng.

He did not care, and came to the impact of Xu Fengqi.

The space field of Xu Feng broke out, and his body suddenly turned toward the void and suddenly disappeared.

Xu Feng knows that if Qingyan Demonstration does not kill Long Aotian, his other means will not help.

Unless there is enough time to arrange the array.

Obviously, Long Aotian is not an idiot, and it is even more impossible for him to arrange the array safely.


Long Aotian looked at Xu Feng, who fled, and his palm was shot on a tree not far away.

He bit his teeth and said: "Xu Feng, next time I will become stronger, then you will die very badly."


Long Aotian was spurting out of blood, and his face became pale.

Obviously, Qingyan Demonstration also caused great damage to his soul.



Xu Feng squirted blood from his mouth and gasped with a big mouth.

He knows that once he is entangled in Long Aotian, he is really dead.

"I don't think of such a place, it is really interesting to be able to appear magic."

The voice of the mysterious woman rang in Xu Feng’s body.


Xu Feng’s heart is wrong. From the memory of his creation, he really did not collect the words of magic.

He understands it himself.

Indulgence is indulged in alchemy and formation, and there is not much to understand about the martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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