The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2571: Space Yuan Shi to the hand

Chapter 2571 Space Yuan Stone to Hand

"Brother, why don't we compete with them for the space stone?"

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and asked curiously.

He knows the character of Xu Feng.

This is not the style of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep in the eyes, saying: “Kit, you have to understand later, sometimes do things, think more.”

"We just fought against the people of the Shadowless Island and consumed a lot, and Zhang Ruhua is obviously not easy."

"This person's strength is very strong, we do it with them, there is no win."

"Those space stones are very precious, but as long as the Void Way has not disappeared, we will be able to find the space stone."

Xu Feng said to the kittens.

Xu Feng knows that the kitten is simple.

After coming to Lingshen, Xu Feng did not know that danger was really happening anytime and anywhere.

Maybe one day, he will leave the kitten and even separate from the kitten.

If so, let the kittens be the same as in the southern continent.

Once separated, the kitten will inevitably suffer a big loss.

"Well, my brother is right."

The kitten's face was a calm look, and he looked at Xu Feng like this, constantly pointing his head.

Xu Feng looked at the cute appearance of the kitten, reached out and licked the kitten's head, and whispered, "Where do you say the fire is? What can we do to find her?"

Still don't say it.

Xu Feng and the fire have been separated for many years, and he has long been accustomed to a fire that squats in his own ears.

Fire shovel often likes to brag and feels more powerful.

However, these years.

There is no fire around, Xu Feng finds his own cultivation distance, and sometimes it will be a lot less fun.

The kitten is obviously missing the fire.

Although the fire has always bullied him.

They both played very happy.

"Brother, when we are strong enough, we can find the fire." The kitten said firmly.

Xu Feng and the kitten snarled in the void and continued to start the journey of one person and one cat.

Their speed is not very fast.


They walked out and saw the place in the distance, showing a silvery white light.

"Haha, it seems that our luck is very good. We have not found far, and we have discovered the space stone."

Xu Feng took the kitten and rushed out to the place where the silvery white light was shining.

“The number of space stones is still quite a lot.”

Xu Feng’s mouth raised his smile.

The kitten is also very happy.


Just as Xu Feng and the kitten came to the front of the space Yuanshi, there were two figures around.

It turned out to be two men. Their eyes were all mocking. "The kid who is half-step through the peak of the spirit also wants to get the space stone."

"Hurry and roll from here, I won't kill you."

One of the men said that he was arrogant.

When I spoke, the three-pronged momentum of my body broke out.

I am afraid that Xu Feng does not know that he is the same as the three spirits.

Xu Feng’s brow wrinkled slightly. He looked at the kitten above his shoulder and smiled. “Kit, people say let us roll, what do you say we should do?”

The kitten heard it and laughed.

"Brother, it is simply a blow to these two wastes."

The words of the kitten sounded.

The two men on the opposite side of the three-eyed spirit are all furious.

The killing in his eyes suddenly spread.

"You are looking for death, and you don't want to face your face."

The spiritual flow of the body, the five spiritual veins emerge directly from the top of the head.

In an instant of the pulse, he went out to attack Xu Fengyu.

Xu Feng stood there. "If you want to find death, I will fulfill you."

Xu Feng did not think that he had just discovered the space stone, and there are still such flies appearing here.


The man with a three-pronged spirit, his attack attacked Xu Feng in front of him, his face was terrified.

I saw the ten spiritual veins at the top of Xu Feng, and they all formed fierce fists and became even more terrifying.

It’s like swallowing a fist and punching it out.

The man who passed through the three spirits, his spirit was actually directly scattered by Xu Feng.

He took a sip of blood, carrying pieces of internal organs, and spewed out from his mouth and toward the outside.

His face is full of fear, and he is not reconciled.


The kitten pulled out directly from Xu Feng's shoulder.

I haven't waited for the other person to come back, and the claws of the cockroach have swept directly from the other's chest.

"Ah... how could this be?"

The other person left, his eyes were round and he couldn’t help but shudder.

Xu Feng has not waited for him to come back, Xu Feng continued to shoot.

Easily kill each other.

Xu Feng took the kitten to the place where the space stone was.

I have to say that this world is really amazing.

Xu Feng looked at the pieces of evenly incomparable space stone, which contained the atmosphere of the space.

His heart is full of sighs.

The kitten looked at Xu Feng and said: "Brother, I need some space stone, can I?"

Xu Feng heard the words and smiled: "You and I are still polite? How much do you want, take it yourself."

The kitten does not have much to do at the moment, that is, the space stone of more than ten pieces is collected.

There are dozens of space stones left to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng knocked on the kitten's head, and his face was touched.

He knows that this little guy knows that he needs space stone, which will leave so much for himself.

Xu Feng continued to search in the void with the kitten.

They are searching for a lot of space stones.

Finally, it is full of rewards.

Until the disappearance of the vain path.

He and the kitten appeared in the atmosphere of the wind and thunder, looking at the quiet valley in front of him.

Xu Feng’s face is a smile.

"Kit, you give me protection."

After Xu Feng arranged some arrays, he said to the kitten.

"Brother, rest assured."

The kitten patted his chest.

Xu Feng sits cross-legged, and he runs the space of life, and the blood of his body is also surging wildly.

His current space is the realm of the sixth heaven. I hope it will take some time to break through to the seventh heaven.

Xu Feng is also psychologically prepared for failure.

He took out the space stone, the sixth empty sky in his body, which appeared around his body.

Strong spatial fluctuations.

The kitten not far away stood there, and he stared at the surroundings with vigilance.

Time is so unknowingly passed.

Xu Feng's constant refining space Yuan Stone.

One after another, the space element stone transforms into the atmosphere of the pure space field, and gathers toward Xu Feng's body.

The emptiness of the void is getting stronger and stronger, and the void around Xu Feng’s body seems to be fragile.

When the breeze blows, it will make a loud noise.

Even the void has broken.

Xu Feng bit his teeth, he did not hesitate, and he is still refining the space stone.

The blood of the space that is in the air is also running wildly with the destiny of space.

It is like a storm.

(End of this chapter)

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