The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2570: Zhang Ruhua's taboos (six more)

Chapter 2570 Zhang Ruhua's taboos (six more)

"The last time you chased Benedict, you almost killed your brother, and almost killed Ben, and today I want you to pay for your blood."

The sound of the kitten came out.

His body has become huge.

The body of two or three meters high is full of majestic power.

The most chilling thing is.

The speed of the kitten is very fast, and the huge body has a heart-wrenching speed.

The sharp claws contain the threat of terror.

The void seems to be torn directly by the kitten's claws.


A man with a three-pronged spirit, his arm was born and the kitten was directly torn.

Blood ran down from his claws, his face was awkward and painful, making a miserable snoring.

Not far from the people of the Soul Island, they are all stunned, one by one is a misunderstanding.

They didn't understand at all, just the look of such a cute and charming kitten suddenly became so powerful.



Teng Xin really can't resist the attack of the Great Nirvana Buddha, and the sixteen spirits are invincible, and the smashing impact on him.

Blood spurted out of his mouth, his face became incomparably ugly, and his expression was embarrassing.

He stared at Xu Feng, saying: "Xu Feng, you will definitely die very badly, I can guarantee that you will die very badly."

In the moment when Teng Xin bit his teeth, a breath of blood spurted out, and the breath of the whole body became languid.

There was an instant of a jade in his hand.

The blood condensed directly toward the jade.

In an instant.

Around the body of Teng Xin, a circle of volatility fluctuates.

Xu Feng wanted to kill Teng Xin, but found that only a residual image was left behind.

Teng Xin fled directly and disappeared into the void.

Xu Feng looked at the disappearing Teng Xin.

He didn't have much trouble.

It can be seen that Teng Xin's position in Wuyi Island is very good.

If you enter the wind and thunder secrets, and there is no means to save your life, it is really impossible to say.

However, Xu Feng does not have much emotional changes.

He knows that from now on.

In the future, Teng Xin was simply not worried.

When he saw Teng Xin, the other party had only one dead end.

His cultivation is now a half-step pass, and he knows that it will take a long time for him to break through to the spiritual world.

The kitten can't help but cope with a few people.

"Brother, come over and help me."

The kitten was besieged by several people, and he looked at Xu Feng.


The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body was stirred up, and the sixteen veins were criss-crossed across his head, forming a violent wave.

It is like a swallowing of heaven and it is like an ancient image of a head, constantly surging in the void.


Xu Feng’s eyes stared at one of the warriors. He slowly said: “I’m not mistaken, you are one of the people who chased me last time.”


The warrior saw Xu Feng attacking himself, and the fierce fist shadows were the shadows of the elephants.

He screamed and said, "Don't kill me, I was forced by Teng Xin to follow him to kill you!"


How could Xu Feng listen to the other party's ghosts.

His fist did not hesitate, and he punched out with a punch.

Like a storm, the fist slammed on the other's chest, and the sound of the broken bones came out.

After the warrior was killed by Xu Feng.

The other few people on the island without a shadow, they are all remorse.

They secretly screamed Teng Xin and said: "This Teng Xin is really mean and shameless. Since he is not an opponent of Xu Feng, he should let us escape early."

"Now, he has a life-saving means, he has escaped, leaving us to die."

This group of people all greeted Teng Xin’s 18th generation ancestors directly.

"Teng Xin, you are a tortoise, and the next generation will kill your family."

A warrior was snarled by the paws of the kitten and slid from the neck.

At the moment, it is not the hatred of Xu Feng.

But hate Teng Xin.

After all, they all followed Teng Xin, all the way to Teng Xin alone, the benefits are to take more.

Now, it is obviously Xu Feng who is provoked by Teng Xin.

Instead, Teng Xin fled himself, leaving them to die here.

Xu Feng and the kitten, one person and one cat.

In this way, we continue to kill other warriors.

Several people in the shadowless island were killed by the kitten and Xu Feng.

The huge body of the kitten, after killing those people.

He suddenly became smaller and jumped onto Xu Feng's shoulder and smiled. "Brother, am I very powerful now?"

The kitten is high in his head, and his look is a look for a reward.

Xu Feng knocked on the kitten's head.

"It's really amazing."

Xu Feng nodded and expressed great appreciation.

The kitten heard Xu Feng’s praise and was very happy.

Xu Feng's eyes swept across Zhang Ruhua, who was not far away. He slightly browed his brow.

Zhang Ruhua’s face is a charming smile. When his arm is extended, it looks enchanting.

Xu Fengqiang endured the disgusting heart.

He didn't expect a big man from the other side to like this dress.

This is completely a shemale.

"Hey, this little handsome guy, people still don't know what your name is? I am called Zhang Ruhua!"

Zhang Ruhua took a step in the position he thought was the most flattering and approached Xu Feng.

When Xu Feng heard the other person’s name, he almost didn’t vomit blood. He said, “You said that you are like a flower?”

Inside Xu Feng’s mind, a picture suddenly appeared.

Don't be too surprised.

"Oh, my little brother, people and you are still not familiar with it. You call it like this, isn't it good?"

Zhang Ruhua’s footsteps move, as if they are coming to the front of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng almost did not spurt blood.

He directly reached out and prevented Zhang Ruhua from staying close. He said: "Your strength is very strong. I advise you not to come over as well."

"For people like you, I don't want to provoke, but I won't be afraid."

Xu Feng’s voice is powerful.

He does not think that this Zhang Ruhua is good.

If the other party is good, it is impossible to provoke yourself and Teng Xin.

Zhang Ruhua’s face is still smiling.

"Oh, little brother, why are you so unrequited?"

Zhang Ruhua’s expression seems to be really heartbroken.

Xu Feng slowly said: "I am not interested in the space stone here, so I will not bother you, I will take a step first."

Xu Feng held the kitten above his shoulder and walked toward the empty void in the distance.

Zhang Ruhua looked at the back of Xu Feng's departure. Inside his eyes, it was very rare to have a jealousy.

"Zhang Shijie, this person can't stay, it will become a disaster!"

A young man said to Zhang Ruhua.

Zhang Ruhua heard the words, he frowned, and suddenly slammed out.

"Do you think I don't know? Can you kill him with confidence?" Zhang Ruhua yelled at the youth.

The youth’s cheeks are burning and painful, but they dare not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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