The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2565: Void rumor

Chapter 2565 Void Ramp

"What about the four-pronged spirit?"

Among the peaks of Xu Feng, the cold killings broke out in an instant.

The pressure on the ninth day of the killing field is really terrifying.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."

The power of this first-order sacred spirit is completely revealed in Xu Feng's body.

His fists can be described as fierce, and every punch of the punches will form a fierce fist shadow floating.

Zheng Yu’s eyes are all embarrassing.

He stared at Xu Feng, and yelled: "Xu Feng, all this is forcing me, I have to see, how do you resist my sword?"

Said, the field of swords on Zheng Zheng is also pervasive.

The most important thing is that his long sword is lifted up in an instant, forming dozens of swords.

The sword became fierce and became even more horrible.

Sword gas directly tears the entire void, forming countless sword shadows.

"No trace of sword."

Zheng Zheng was really irritated by Xu Feng.

The spiritual power in him became more fierce, and he showed his first-class Chinese spirit.

The incomparable strength of the wind violently erupted, and the moment the sword gas was torn, it would be like a direct sweep.

Xu Feng suddenly regressed.

His face changed slightly, and he did not expect Zheng Hao’s sword to suddenly become so powerful, but he did not have any fear.

"Do you really think you can beat me?"

Xu Feng’s voice is extremely firm.

"Great Nirvana Buddha Seal."

In the next moment, the ninth heavenly field of his body was directly condensed on the palm of his hand.

The violent fist shadow has become more fierce, more powerful, and the crazy wind is constantly blowing.

Then, the Buddha on his body was a golden Buddha light, and it instantly shone down, forming a strong wave of incomparable air.

The gust of wind continued to sweep, and the whole void was roaring.

Some people in the distance are stunned.

When they were directly attracted to the battles of Xu Feng and Zheng Yu, they were all wrong.

"I didn't read it wrong. The young man is so horrible, completely suppressing Zheng Zheng."

"This Zheng Zheng is a monk. In the nine wild seas, there were countless killings and savage means."

"This person looks really strange, and he doesn't know which power is the power. It can be so powerful."

They looked at Xu Feng and Zheng Yu fighting, they are all talking.

Looking at Xu Feng's eyes one by one, they are all awe.

"End it."

In the instant of Xu Feng’s hands clasped together, Nirvana Buddha’s seal became golden and glittering, like the same ancient Buddha.

The fierce momentum of the ancient Buddha, so falling down like this, formed a fierce air wave.


Zheng Yu’s long sword was torn, and he wanted to resist the momentum of the ancient Buddha’s suppression. The whole person spurted out a blood.

The bombardment of Buddha and India was on his body. His face was unwilling, and his face was bitter.

The blood of his mouth continued to overflow, and his eyes were accompanied by remorse.

He felt that he underestimated the strength of Xu Feng. If he knew this, he would not come to deal with Xu Feng alone.


Xu Feng did not have any hesitation, and the bombardment of his fist was on Zheng Zheng’s body, and he was half-dead directly.

Zheng Hao fell to the ground, his eyes were round and round, obviously not reconciled.

"It turns out that the four-pronged spirit is just that."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, Zheng Zheng almost did not vomit blood.

This metamorphosis is the first time he has met and is unheard of.

"I really want to know, who is it, let you kill me?" Xu Feng stared at Zheng Yu.

"You can't say it, but you don't seem to have any harm to you, and I will give you a good time."

"Of course, if you don't say it, I may not be able to give you a happy death and suffer some pain."

Xu Feng’s voice is very calm.

Zheng Zheng looked at Xu Feng's face. He laughed and said, "Haha... I can't think of a talented young man like you in the nine wilderness areas. It's incredible. Your future is limitless."

"The person who wants to deal with you is the deputy island owner of Baiyang Island, Zuo Lengchan, who ordered me to kill you."

"Sure enough, he."

Xu Feng has actually guessed something.

After all, the wind and thunder secret is in the hands of the three major forces.

In the wind and thunder secrets, you can mobilize such desperate people to chase themselves.

Ordinary people simply can't do it.


Xu Feng, as he said, did not continue to talk nonsense, but gave Zheng Zheng a happy death.

Xu Feng’s eyes flashed.

The people around them have quickly left.

They are afraid that Xu Feng will come to find their own troubles.

After searching for Zheng Xie's body, Xu Feng received a lot of Ling Jing, and there are many spiritual materials.

These spiritual materials are not bad, obviously they are all found in the wind and thunder mystery these years.



Xu Feng looked at the picture behind him, his face changed slightly.

The picture seems to have disappeared.

Xu Feng took a step and walked toward a distant place.

He knew that the hours of the flower roll meant that his chances had disappeared.

He continues to stay here, which is a waste of time.

"Brother, you come with me, I seem to find a very magical place."

The kitten suddenly came to Xu Feng's front and said to Xu Feng some mysterious.

Xu Feng looked at the kitten above his shoulder, and he said something strange: "What magical place did you find?"

"I don't know. All in all, it's really strange. You can go see it with me."

The kitten said to Xu Feng, and gave Xu Feng a constant direction.

Xu Feng is a curious color.

Continue to follow the direction of the kitten, and walk toward the front.

He found that the place where the kitten said was constantly moving, and the fluctuation of the void was getting stronger and stronger.

"What is it?"

Xu Feng’s heart is wrong.

Not much time.

Xu Feng’s eyes stared at the void not far away, and I saw that there was a hurricane in the space that was constantly blowing.

The kitten looked at Xu Feng and asked: "Brother, what is this place, it seems that there is another mystery."

Xu Feng stared at the front of the void, his mouth raised, said: "Kit, this time you really made great contributions."

"There was a space rumor."

Xu Feng knows from the memory of creation that space martyrdom is a natural formation of space.

Of course, it is not such a powerful method of space martyrdom, but there will be a space stone in it.

The biggest role of the space element stone is to understand the space field, and even to understand the space.

Xu Feng’s current space field has been stuck in the realm of the sixth heaven.

If you can find a space stone to enhance the space, it is really a good thing.

"I also think it seems magical inside, let's go in." The kitten said with some excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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