Chapter 2566 encounters Teng Xin again

"let's go."

The kitten jumped onto Xu Feng's shoulder.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body flowed directly toward the void.

at the same time.

In the whole atmosphere of the wind and thunder, there are really many places where such a void is present.

Many people have rushed out to the void.

To know.

There are many treasures that are likely to appear in the Void.

It is even possible to find Soul Crystal.

"I don't think that our luck this time is so good. When we first came to the wind and thunder, there was a void."

"The vain martyrdom usually only appears once in a few months. If we don't think of it, we will easily meet it."

"Since the existence of the Void rumor is encountered, of course, we must find a way to get a lot of opportunities inside."



Xu Feng took the kitten and appeared in the emptiness of the emptiness. His eyes were full of gloom.

Among his gaze, they are criss-crossing squats, as if they were formed by squally showers.

The vain martyrdom of the road, criss-crossing in this void, is truly spectacular.

Xu Feng looked at those vain rumors, like a completely different road, it was really strange.


Xu Feng’s face is full of smiles. Although he is inside the memory of creation, he knows that the space is very strange.

Now, when you see the existence of the Void, you are naturally excited.


Xu Feng did not hesitate, and he chose a emptiness to go, and he walked toward the depths of the emptiness.

These vain rumors are intertwined with each other, and he does not know which one to take, which is the best choice.

He believes that other people who enter the void will not know where to go.

Just walk in the ramp.

It is like walking in the void.


Not long after Xu Feng had just left, a burst of noisy voice came, and there was a figure not far away.

The other person’s eyes stared at Xu Feng, and his face was mocked and disdainful. “I really don’t know which power you are using. I’m half-step through the spiritual practice and dare to enter the void. You are here. Looking for death?"

Xu Feng stood there, he looked at the young man who spoke opposite.

His brow wrinkled slightly.

"Do you think you are very good?"

Xu Feng really does not understand, the other party is only a peak of the spiritual realm, where is the courage to say such a thing?

With his current strength, even Zheng Zheng, who is full of spirituality, has only one dead end.

What's more, the other side is only a spiritual one.

Not enough to see.

"At least my strength is much stronger than yours." The other side's eyes are disdainful, said: "Hand over all the storage bags and storage rings on your body, I am too lazy to kill you, you roll."

The man who passed the peak of the spiritual world, when he said this sentence, seems to be a great favor to Xu Feng.

Only Xu Feng stood there, his eyes were mocking, saying: "You are kneeling on the ground and crawling in front of me, I can spare you a life."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

"Ha ha ha..."

The opposite man laughed directly at the sky, his eyes were awkward.

He did not expect that the district’s half-step spirits would dare to be so small.

This is a great shame for him.

"you wanna die."

The sly eyes in the eyes of the man seem to be the shuttle of the sword, forming a fierce air wave.

Immediately afterwards, above his head, four veins ran out and smiled: "The kid, have you not seen so many threads?"

"I have never seen so many threads, really many."

Xu Feng said that at the end of the day, especially a lot of two words, said very heavy.

However, above his head, six veins permeated.


The opposite man felt the oppressive momentum of Xu Feng, his eyes were shocked.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."

Before he could react, Xu Feng exhibited a first-class sacred spirit, which was like a condensed, and the fist was unstoppable.


The opposite man looked at Xu Feng and attacked. His hands violently waved and resisted Xu Feng’s fist.

However, his attack and Xu Feng's fists collided with each other.

His whole person was directly shaken out, and blood flowed from his mouth.

"who are you?"

The opposite man fell on the emptiness of the emptiness, his expression was terrified.

"Xu Feng."

Xu Feng went forward and said his name.

"Don't kill me... I will kneel down for you!"

The man’s fear of his face suddenly fell to Xu Feng.

"When you gave me the opportunity, you don't cherish it. Now... you only have one way, that is the dead end."


It was like a swallowing fist, and the field of killing was above his fist. The **** red image was condensed.


The fist fell and the man died unwillingly.

Xu Feng did not have any mood swings, a faint saying: "There is a saying that you will not die if you don't die."

Xu Feng just really didn't want to kill each other.

After all, in his eyes, the psychic environment is really too wasteful, he can easily kill.

I know that the other party is not self-reliant.

First, there was ridicule, and then I wanted to kill him.

Of course he will not be merciless.

Looking at the end of the martyrdom, the spiritual power of Xu Feng continued to move toward the depths of the martyrdom and continued to advance.

Xu Feng crossed the passage to the ramp, and his footsteps did not stop, but continued to move forward.

Walking, he suddenly found out.

In the distant vain place, there seems to be a layer of interlaced sinuous phantoms, all of which are silvery white.

"Hey... Is that the place of the space stone?" Xu Feng's footsteps did not stop.

From the side of the empty martyrdom, go straight to the place where the silvery white light shines.

Xu Feng's speed is going very fast.

His eyes fell not far away, only to see there, turned out to be in the void, like a platform.

On top of that huge platform, there are many warriors standing.

Xu Feng’s eyes fell on one of them, and his eyes were all killing.

The kitten is also biting his teeth, and he stares at the figure.

"Brother, that is, he almost killed us."

The kitten's voice is killing.

Xu Feng gently touched the kitten's head and said: "Do not worry, we will definitely ask him to pay the price."

That's right.

On the platform, one of the standing figures.

It was in the nine wild seas, chasing Xu Feng, and almost killed him Teng Xin.

His previous repairs were not enough to confront Tengxin. Of course he would not provoke each other.

Now, his cultivation is a breakthrough to the peak of the spiritual level.

In addition, his Taikoo Dragon Soul, and the power of the soul skills, he is fully qualified to confront Teng Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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