The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2564: The death of Zheng Zheng (fifteen)

Chapter 2564 Zheng Zhengzhi's death (fifteenth)

Blood red suffocating, completely wrapped Xu Feng.

He was in a state of killing at the moment, and he did not know what he was.

He only knows that he must avenge the people in this village.

Xu Feng hit the village.

His eyes fell not far away. It was a middle-aged man with blood. His face was very strong.

"Is you the one who killed this village?"

Among Xu Feng’s eyes, the momentum of killing is spreading, and the field of killing around his body is constantly surging.

Zheng Zheng stared at the opposite youth. He was in the realm of the wind and thunder, and inquired about the youth who walked halfway through the spiritual world, looking for a place to come to this place.

His face is full of excitement, said: "You are Xu Feng?"

I heard Zheng Yu’s words.

Xu Feng suddenly frowned, and in his impression, he was the first time to see each other.

How can the other party know their name?

"Who are you? How do you know the name?"

Xu Feng asked a little strangely.

Zheng Xiao haha ​​smiled and said: "It seems to be you, I really did not find the wrong place."

"You have offended people who should not be offended. They don't want you to live away from the wind and thunder and want me to get rid of you."

Zheng Xiao’s voice is full of confidence, and his face is just the blood of murder.

"If you want to kill me, are you qualified?" In Xu Feng's eyes, the killings came out and said: "The people in this village are innocent. Why are you killing them?"

Zheng Zheng looked at the bodies around him. His face was full of ridicule. He said: "In the world of weak meat, only the weak will sympathize with others. I want to kill them. There is no reason at all."

"Have you ever heard a word?"

Xu Feng looked at Zheng Xiao on the opposite side, slowly.

"When you raise the butcher's knife, you will die under the knife!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are firm.

"Ha ha ha..."

Zheng Xiao haha ​​laughed and said: "Don't tell me what the **** is, I only know that killing is the greatest pleasure."

"Kid, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you, the next is your death."

When Zheng Zheng spoke.

He did not find out.

Not far away, a little girl, her big eyes are full of hatred.

When she was silent, the sharp sword went straight to the back of Zheng Zheng.

Zheng Xiao’s eyes widened. He looked at his own back and pierced his own sword. His eyes were all condensed.


As Zheng Xiao suddenly disappeared in the village and appeared outside the picture, his eyes were awkward.

"How is it possible? It's so realistic."

Zheng Zheng just really felt the breath of death.

Xu Feng came back to God. He looked at the surrounding villages. With the appearance of the little girl, everything disappeared completely.

Instead, Xu Feng’s body, the eighth-day killing field, unconsciously ascended to the ninth heaven.

Xu Feng was also stunned and said: "This picture is really amazing, and it can still be like this."

Xu Feng knows very well that everything that was just was an illusion, but he succeeded in angering his killing field.

However, the people who killed Zheng in this village, the kind of cohesive atmosphere, just blended into Xu Feng’s killing field.

Make his killing field to the ninth heaven.

Xu Feng’s eyes flashed.

"When you raise the butcher's knife, you will die under the knife."

Xu Feng believes in karma.

Undoubtedly, the emergence of Zheng Zheng, in disguise, helped him to understand the field of killing and upgrade to the ninth heaven.

In the field of killing in the ninth day, the power became more horrible, comparable to the general killing.


A burst of wind blew from Xu Feng's ear, his face was a firm color.

Looking down on Zheng Zheng, who is not far away, said: "If you want to kill me, then let's do it."

Xu Feng’s body, half-step through the peaks of the spiritual environment, followed by a line of spirituality.

Zheng Xiao’s eyes were wide, and when he stared at Xu Feng, his face was awkward.

"Half-step through the peak of the spiritual realm, even condensed ten threads, it is no wonder that I want to kill you personally?"

Zheng Zheng seems to understand, why did he tell him before the cold Zen, the lion fight rabbit also use all strength.

Dare to love this Xu Feng is not a rabbit, but a lion that is about to grow up, talent is very against the sky.

"Kid, even if you condense ten threads, then you will die in my hands."

In Zheng Xie’s eyes, the killing spirit condenses, the spiritual power of the body is flowing, and the clothes flutter in the wind.

Zheng Zheng is also filled with ten spiritual veins, and his eyes are full of sternness.

A sharp sword appeared in his hand, and the blood-red long sword seemed to be blood flowing.


Zheng Zheng did not have any hesitation. In a moment, he stepped out of the ten spirits and concentrated on the sword.

Then, his long sword seemed to be a cold wind, and the irritating cheeks felt pain.

The long sword is very fierce towards Xu Feng’s chest.

Xu Feng moved in foot.

The golden light of the body is filled, and then it is like a swallowing fist that bursts out directly. The male fist seems to be floating.

In a moment when a fist is thrown out, it is like a collision with a sword.

The emptiness of the void broke out.

However, Xu Feng did not retreat.

He looked at Zheng Xiao on the opposite side and said: "Zheng Zheng, the people who slaughtered the village, helped me to understand the killing field of the ninth heaven, and let you see and see today, the power of the ninth heaven and death field."

On Xu Feng’s body, the ninth day of the murderous field is filled with tens of meters of squares, all of which are wrapped in murder.

Zheng Xiao’s face was blank and said: “Impossible... How can someone be able to gather the killing field of the ninth heaven?”

"It's like fighting."

Xu Feng roared, and it seemed to be killing horror.

A boxing bombardment went out.

Surrounded by spiritual powers, the ten spirits are also condensed on Xu Feng's fists, becoming even more terrifying.


A bang, a strong blast, and a fist turned into a savage, fierce anomaly.

The whole void is shaking, and the violent waves are coming from the surroundings, forming a strong sense of power.


Zheng Yan spurted out a blood, his face became pale, and his blood was boiling.

The spiritual power of his whole body was completely affected by the field of the ninth heaven and the violent anomaly.

In particular, Xu Feng’s ninth-day killing field seems to be a solid attack.


Zheng Xin’s heart is full of anger. He has never seen such a perverted half-step spirit, which is really amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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