The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2563: The ninth day of killing the field (fourteenth)

Chapter 2563, the ninth day of the killing field (fourteenth)

"The lion is also working hard with rabbits!"

"I can let you shoot, which proves that this child must be killed, and it has to die."

"So, you shouldn't question me like this, but go to complete the task before you can leave the wind and thunder."

The cold voice of Zuo Leng Zen passed directly to the wind and thunder secret through Yufu.

Zuo Leng Zen has been in Baiyang Island for so many years. How can he possibly not even have some means of his own?

Zheng Yu is the cruel man of the once ridiculous seas, and has successively slaughtered dozens of swordsmen of Baiyang Island.

Later, Baiyang Island dispatched many strong people and arrested him in the sea.

Finally, he was arrested.

Originally, the Cold War was to kill Zheng Zheng.

However, he was blocked by Zuo Lengchan. He suggested that Zheng Yu should be sent into the wind and thunder secrets to be able to play a good role as a disciple.

We must know that Zheng Zheng is a four-pronged cultivation of the spiritual realm, and the means are extremely hot.

Anyone who has experienced the experience of the wind and thunder.

As long as it is able to fight with him, it must be a very powerful experience, and it is bound to grow up.

Of course, at that time, Zheng Zheng was the person who became the left cold Zen.

Specifically for the left cold Zen, in the wind and thunder secrets, do some people who want to do it.

Zheng Hao haha ​​smiled.

"The deputy island owner, it seems that you are very jealous of this young man." Zheng Xiao's laughter has some ironic charm.

"In this way, I didn't have any interest in him. Instead, I became very interested. I have to look at it. What kind of youth is this, can the deputy island owner feel jealous?"

After Zheng Hao finished, said: "The deputy island owner can rest assured that after three days, you will definitely see Xu Feng's body."

"wish you success!"

After the end of the cold Zen, the jade will continue to close.


"Thirteen stripes road?"

Xu Feng felt his own Taikoo Dragon Soul, and the original illusory shadow became more powerful.

His time in this village seems to be his soul power, and the promotion will be even faster.

His face is full of smiles.

I don't know how long I have lived in this village.

"Under such a quiet environment, it is really suitable for self-cultivation, and the soul is also a great place."

"I don't know what kind of person is it, can I build such a picture to enhance my soul power?"

Xu Feng looked at the sky in the distance. He knew that the life of the scroll was to return to reality.

Around the Taikoo Dragon Soul, there are thirteen stripes.

Xu Feng took a deep breath.

He took a step and walked towards the small village in the distance.


The picture is outside.

Zheng Zheng stood there and his face became stunned.

He looked at the picture hanging on the wall, and there was a slap in the eyes.

The whole person disappeared outside the picture, and when he appeared in the picture, he looked at everything in the picture.

"I don't think there is such a place in the realm of the wind and thunder, it is really very exciting, some magical."

In Zheng Xie’s eyes, they are all killing.

He took a step and walked towards the village not far away.

Everything in the village is a happy one, and it seems to be serene.

However, the group of children at the entrance of the village, when they saw Zheng Zheng, had fear on their faces.

They quit and rushed out, one by one, and their eyes were full of fear.

Far from being as warm and warm as they saw Xu Feng.

They seem to be able to feel the killing from Zheng Zheng.

"Hey...what is this place, there are so many children?"

Zheng Hao rushed forward, his face was a fierce expression.


"Don't come over!"

A little boy rushed to the front, his two big eyes staring at the opposite Zheng Zheng, the fear between the eyes, but still rushed out.

"Oh, I just want to come over!"

Zheng Hao rushed straight forward, his hands clutching the child, as easy as the eagle catching the chicken.

He lifted the little boy directly, his face was cold and killing, and at the same time he made a roar and said: "Want to learn to be a hero, are you not looking for death?"


As he spoke, he slammed his hands and the little boy made a scream and flew out of his hands.

With a bang, the little boy fell to the ground, and blood flowed from his face and from his body.

He widened his eyes and didn't understand what he was doing wrong. Why did this person kill himself without hesitation?



A few children were scared by this scene, and they burst into tears.

They all fled to the village behind them.

Zheng Zheng was full of killing, saying: "Today, all the people in this village will die."

"I haven’t been so addicted for a long time. Killing talent is the greatest pleasure. I want to kill you."

Zheng Zheng was originally a cruel demon.

He was arrested in the nine seas before, and it was because of indiscriminate killing that he was bloodthirsty.

Many people who kill Baiyang Island, men, women and children, almost can not escape his clutches as long as he is met by him.


Zheng Zheng rushed out to the village in front.

Some men rushed out of their rooms, waving their hands and threatening weapons.

When Zheng Zheng attacked, Zheng Zheng’s strength was so strong, how could they be opponents.


The miserable snoring sounded throughout the village, and both men, women and children were slain by Zheng Zheng.

Blood completely dyed the entire village.

When Xu Feng walked back to the village, his eyes were suddenly condensed.

Just because he looked at the sky above the village in the distance, there was a layer of blood-red suffocation.

"What is the situation, how can such a terrible atmosphere appear in a village that is so quiet in the past?"

Xu Feng’s body flowed, his speed was fast, and he quickly rushed out to the distant village.

When he came to the front of the village, his eyes were blind, and he looked at the children who fell in the distance.

As if he appeared in this village that day, the cheerful voices of several children wandered in his ears.

"What happen to you guys?"

Xu Feng rushed forward, holding a little boy who was bloodthirsty.

The little boy and he have spoken many times.

"Big brother... Big brother, you run fast..."

The boy’s voice was intermittent.

In the moment when Xu Feng stood up, his eyes were filled with blood-red killing rays, and the killing field of the eighth heaven was naturally emerged.

Among his eyes, Senran’s incomparable horror.

"No matter who you are, I have to pay the price of death."

Xu Feng himself did not find out that the eighth-day killing field on his body was actually absorbing the suffocation in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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