The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2558: Hurricane training station

Chapter 2558 Hurricane Training Station


Xu Feng's speed is very fast.

He returned to Ye Deng's body.

Just stand there,.

Before Xu Feng spoke, the kitten suddenly opened his mouth and smiled. "The next generation is to be a man. You must learn to measure your own weight. I have said that you are not my brother's opponent, but you are giving yourself a head."


The words of the kitten rang, and Ye Deng rushed to the heart and rushed out of his mouth.

You know, this sentence is the words he just gave Xu Feng, and now a pet is actually given to him.


Ye Deng screamed, which was a shameful shame for him.

His body suddenly broke out.

His claws became extremely fierce, and he smashed away toward Xu Feng’s head.

Even Xu Feng did not expect that Ye Deng was so cunning, but he still had the strongest trick and wanted to fight with himself.

"This is going to kill you."

However, before Xu Feng shot, the kitten had already pulled out from his shoulder.

I saw that the kitten's body at the moment seemed to be a whistling wind.

Then, above his claws, there is a terrible atmosphere.

Xu Feng has big eyes.


He did not expect that the kitten was so perverted and had already realized the meaning of the righteousness.

It seems that this time the kitten, after seriously stunned, it is incredible to have such great progress.

Space ambiguity, as if it is a mysterious rune.

Above the cat's claws, when the hollow is torn, all the sounds are squeaky.

"how is this possible?"

Ye Deng's eyes widened. He looked at his paws and tore away from his chest. His eyes widened.

He always thought that the kitten was a small pet, but did not expect that the strength of this small pet seems to be more terrible than Xu Feng.



Yuan Kai's long sword, the birth of the father was directly broken.

He spurted out his blood and his eyes were angry.

His face smiled and said: "Joe, you take blood, you will kill me, you will die."

Yuan Kai issued a big laugh.

He looked at Joe's sly face, his eyes were red and bloody, apparently the **** attack of Blood Lie.

Qiao’s face is absolutely utterly, saying: "How about my death, anyway, there are four of you to bury me, enough."

Xu Feng appeared in Yuan Kai's not far away.

He looked at Qiao Xueyuan and said: "Don't continue to run the spiritual power, take **** Dan, it may not be a dead end."


Qiao Weiyuan is wide-eyed. He doesn't understand what Xu Feng's words mean.

Xu Feng’s hand appeared a medicinal herb, saying: “You should take this medicinal medicine quickly. I will help you control the medicinal power of Xue Lie Dan, try to make you suffer the sequelae and reduce some.”

"You are an alchemy teacher?"

Joe cherished his eyes and looked at Xu Feng. The look on his face was awe.


Xu Feng said undecidedly.

After Qiao Yuan swallowed the medicinal herbs given by Xu Feng, he found himself burning in the blood and gradually calmed down.

His feeling of being hot is gradually disappearing.


Yuan Kai, who was seriously injured on the ground, was about to die. He was stunned and his face was not reconciled.

"It seems that your hopes will be lost. We both will not die, and it is you who die."

The kitten above Xu Feng’s shoulder jumped straight out, sharp claws, and crossed the chest from Yuan Kai’s chest.

Yuan Kai’s eyes are round and horrible, and it looks terrible.

Xu Feng came to the front of Qiao Weiyuan.

Above his hands, the spiritual flow, began to check the situation of Joe.

"It's a lot better than I thought. You can rest assured that the aftermath of Bloody Dan has no effect on you."

"On the contrary, I will let you get the benefits of **** Dan, and your cultivation should be able to improve."

Xu Feng began to sort out the meridians.

As time goes by.

Joe cherished the violent breath of the body, completely disappeared.

When he opened his eyes, his face was full of excitement. When he looked at Xu Feng, he was grateful.

"Thank you for the help of the little brothers, I haven't asked the little brothers to name them, and they are in the bottom."

Qiao Wei did not expect that Xu Feng helped him to clear the meridians.

The blood of Dan Lidan was broken.

It is really amazing.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "I am Xu Feng, I am also a disciple of Baiyang Island, but I am a foreign disciple."

" are the outside disciple of our Baiyang Island. Why have I never heard of you?"

Joe is a bit strange.

With the horrible strength and talent of Xu Feng, he should not have heard of it.

Xu Feng said: "Maybe I have been in Baiyang Island for a few months. You have not heard my name. It is normal."


Xu Feng Qiao Liyuan talked for a while.

Joe is also very honest and honest, and his character is very straightforward.

"Xu Feng brothers, you must be the first time to come to the wind and mine, not familiar with this."

"Your current cultivation is a half-step spirit, you can go to a place next, which is of great benefit to you."

Joe cherished the gratitude of Xu Feng for his life-saving grace, and the entire secret of the wind and thunder, all the secrets and things he knew, were originally told Xu Feng.

"Hurricane cultivation station."

Joe cherished the opening.

“Hurricane cultivation station?”

Xu Feng frowned. I don’t know what kind of place is this cultivation station that Joe said.

"It's not bad. The hurricane cultivation platform has a great effect on improving the speed of cultivation for the warriors who have been repaired under the three-way spirit."

"Your strength is so strong that you can definitely compete for a hurricane training station, and you can practice for a while with peace of mind."

Before Qiao Weiyuan, he also practiced at the Hurricane Training Station.

He knows that the Hurricane Training Station can bring great benefits.

"I don't know where this hurricane cultivation station is, where?"

Xu Feng asked about Qiao Weiyuan.

Qiao Weiyuan took out the existence of a crystal ball. He said: "Xu Feng brothers, this crystal ball records almost the map of the wind and thunder, you can remember all the memories, you can find the hurricane cultivation station."

"That's a big thank you."

When Xu Feng entered the wind and thunder secret, it was like a headless fly.

If there is such a detailed map of the wind and thunder, it is really a good thing.

Joe said with a smile: "Xu Feng brothers, you don't need to be polite with me. If it weren't for you, I would have become a dead person."

Xu Feng did not continue to be emotional.

He remembered all the maps inside the crystal ball, almost the wind and thunder.

His current cultivation is a realm, and remembering such a map is a trivial matter.


Xu Feng and Qiao Xiyuan are directly different. He moved away from the place where the hurricane cultivation platform.

(End of this chapter)

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