The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2557: Really too strong

Chapter 2557 is really too strong.

"On the basis of your waste, you want to kill your brother. Don't you think you are whimsical?"

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder. He was facing Ye Deng, and the voice completely looked down.

Ye Deng was completely irritated.

The horrible claws contain violent spiritual power, accompanied by his eight spiritual impulses and violent impact.


The claws are madly torn apart, forming a crazy tearing force, which seems to tear from Xu Feng to the left and right sides.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."

When Xu Feng’s eyes were calm and his body’s spiritual power surged, the spirit of his head suddenly hit.

With the pulse of Xu Feng's head, all the shocks are ten.

The people on the scene are stunned.

Yuan Kai’s mouth is like eating a donkey.

His face became incomparably ugly.

"How is it possible? Half a step through the spiritual realm, condensing ten spiritual veins, is it especially illusory?"

The two people standing beside Yuan Kai’s side are also stunned and stunned at the moment, which is really amazing.

They really can't imagine that the half-step spiritual practice can even condense ten threads.

Those who have been trivial in their spiritual environment have lived on the dog's body.

Of course, the happiest thing is Joe.

He originally thought that Xu Feng would die.

I did not expect that Xu Feng's strength is so strong.

His heart is shocked and his heart is: "What is the identity of this young man? How can he have such a terrible talent?"


The power of the ten spirits is thoroughly revealed.

Although Xu Feng is only a half-step spiritual practice, his ten threads have been fully explained.

He is no weaker than any three-way warrior, and even ten spirits will be even more terrifying.


The most difficult thing is undoubtedly Ye Deng.

At the moment when his claws collided with Xu Feng’s fist, the whole person was directly shaken out and blood was sprayed from the mouth.

His face was full of sorrows, and the whole person continued to retreat.

Every time I stepped back, my feet were shaking.

The painful color of his face, staring at Xu Feng, said: "Damn, who are you, we are in a sinister sea, it is impossible to have such a genius."

Ye Deng had to admit.

Xu Feng is the most horrible genius he has ever seen.

Half-step through the spiritual realm, the number of ten spiritual veins, he is even unheard of, never seen.

"Are you not confident enough? You look down on it, kill me, do it, don't talk nonsense."

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body is moving, and the footsteps move. It’s like swallowing a heaven fist, and it’s a punching attack.


Ye Deng looked at Xu Feng toward himself, and it was another punch, as if it was a big impact.

His face is pale, and the whole person's look is awkward, and he is crazy to display his own spiritual skills.


However, Xu Feng’s ten spiritual veins completely crushed the eight veins of Ye Deng, almost destroying the dead.

"What are you still standing on, don't you hurry to help me?" Ye Deng screamed.

His mouth is full of blood, and his eyes are full of anger.

Watching him be abused like this.

Yuan Kai and others have not yet started.

Yuan Kai and others heard the news and reacted.

"You two and Ye Deng together to hold the kid, I will kill Joe, I will come to help you."

Yuan Kai’s heart is very clear, and the three people may not be the opponent of Xu Feng.

The pulse is not one plus one equals two.

The more the number of spirits, the more horrible the power.

The two people did not think too much, they attacked Xu Feng.

The number of the two people's spirits is also eight.

However, the number of Yuan Kai's spiritual veins is nine.

His eyes looked at Joe's grief and said: "Joe, I will kill you first, and then join forces to kill the kid."

Qiao cherished his eyes with anger, took out a medicinal herb directly, and the violent waves filled the air.

"The first-order Shangpin medicine, **** Dan?"

Yuan Kai's big eyes, said: "Joe the edge, you don't want to die? This **** Dan once taken, your blood will burn out, even if you beat me, you will become a dead person."

"Ha ha ha... I can go with you, I am alone, for the lives of four of you, what is not worth it?"

Joe cherished the smile on his face.

Even if he took Blood Lidan, he could not defeat Yuan Kai and other four people.

Now, if he takes Blood Lie Dan, he can help Xu Feng kill Yuan Kai.

However, with the strength of Xu Feng, it is possible to kill the other three.

"Yuan Kai, come on."

Qiao cherished the moment when he took the drug, and the blood of his body burned wildly.


Above his palms, the violent hurricane is fluctuating, and silver lightning is formed in an instant.

The thunder and lightning became his palm, and the violent thunder and lightning contained an unstoppable momentum and attacked Yuan Kai.

Yuan Kai grabbed the long sword in his hand, biting his teeth, madly wielding a long sword, and together with Joe.



The other side.

Ten spirits fell down.

A man with a three-pronged spirit, he has wide eyes and is not willing to look at the fierce image.

It was like a bombardment in his heart, and it was a boxing blow.

"He was actually in the midst of a battle, and there was a breakthrough in the realm of the Holy Spirit?"

Ye Deng felt Xu Feng’s savage like a swallow, and his power was obviously stronger than before. His cheeks were all awkward and unwilling.

"Ha ha ha... I really appreciate you three, my like a swallowing fist, has been stuck in the realm of Dacheng, I can't think of breaking through."

"It's quite like a place."

Xu Feng screamed and slammed out with two fists, as if they were two elephants, and the power was endless.


Two figures, while being shaken out.

Ye Deng's face was stunned and he was not willing to fill his eyes.

There was blood in his mouth, but he couldn’t stand anymore.

"It's really too strong!"

Ye Deng’s heart is unwilling, but he can’t help it.

What can they do with such a powerful half-step spirituality?

"Want to run?"

The other man with a three-pronged spirit, watching the situation has gone, fell to the ground in an instant.

The spiritual flow of the body turned and there was no pause, and he wanted to escape.


The space field of Xu Feng is diffused, his speed is raised to the extreme, and it is almost as violent as swallowing the heavens.


The fist is like this, without hesitation, he bombarded the man on the back of the escaped man and flew him directly.

The man's eyes widened, struggling on the ground, and he wanted to stand up, but he took a sip of blood directly, squirting the fragments of the internal organs, and squirting them directly.

(End of this chapter)

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