The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2559: Who dares to block me? (ten more)

Chapter 2559 Who dares to block me? (ten more)

Hurricane training station.

It was a huge square, as if the wind was roaring.

The huge people's squares are shaking.

The whole earth is constantly shaking, and the wind has formed a circle of waves that permeate the surroundings.

When Xu Feng came to the square of the Hurricane Training Station, his eyes were all condensed.

He found that there were quite a few people around the hurricane cultivation platform.

Obviously, someone is waiting for the emergence of the hurricane training station.

Xu Feng knows from Joe's edge.

The hurricane training station is open for three days each time, and then closed for two days.

According to the calculation of time, it is just to continue to open tomorrow.

Xu Feng’s eyes flashed and his heart said: “It seems that this wind and thunder mystery is really good.”

The nine-order forces in the Jiuhuang Sea area should be a good big force and can build such a secret.

Xu Feng stood on the square like this, letting the wind blow from his side, his face was calm.

Not far away, a gloomy voice, but suddenly sounded.

"Hey, I really don't know how to live and die, half-step through the spiritual practice, but also want to compete for the hurricane cultivation platform?"

It was a handsome young man with a pale blue robe and fluttering in the wind.

There was a sword hanging from his waist, and his eyes were sharp, as if the sword had to rush out.

Xu Feng’s eyes were slightly cramped. In his impression, he did not seem to know such a person.

"Who is you, I am coming to the hurricane training station, it seems that you have no relationship with you."

Xu Feng’s voice is very calm. He has never been a person who provokes others, but he is not afraid of others to provoke him.

In particular, he feels very clear that the other party is only a double-practice of the spiritual environment, and it is simply not enough.

"You may not know me, but I know you." The young men's eyes are cold and killing.

"Can you still remember Zuo Mingpeng?"

Zuo Mingli stared at Xu Feng with his eyes and asked directly.

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly laughed and said: "For him, of course, I still remember it. I remember that he was dancing striptease. It was really amazing. The people who participated in the assessment all looked at it."

Xu Feng’s words rang, and Zuo Mingli’s face became extremely blue.

He stared at Xu Feng, saying: "Zuo Mingpeng is my cousin. It must be that you secretly swindle, so humiliating him is to humiliate our left family."

"At the time of Baiyang Island, there are island owners who support you, we can't deal with you."

"Now, I have to look at it, who else will support you?"

Zuo Mingli wanted to challenge Xu Feng before.

Who knows, Zuo Lengchan let them not be too impulsive, do not want to provoke Xu Feng.

However, this tone, of course, they will not swallow easily.

Xu Feng stood there and his face was calm.

"I don't need someone to support me at all, especially in the face of your waste."

Xu Feng’s words rang, and the spiritual power of his body suddenly flowed. “Since you want to avenge Zuo Mingpeng, I have to look at it. How many pounds do you have in the end? See if you have this qualification.”

Speaking, the spiritual power of the half-step spirit is flowing wildly in the veins of Xu Feng.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Feng’s head suddenly showed six veins, and the wind blew from his side.

The friction between Xu Feng and Zuo Mingli naturally attracted people from all around, and they all came over and watched.

When they looked at Xu Feng, they all had big eyes.

"Which is this young man, half-step through the spirit can gather six threads."

A man with a heavy spirit, his face is blank.

The one-man cultivation of one's own spiritual environment is only a combination of three spiritualities.

However, the other half of the way through the spiritual environment, condensed six spirits.

"Looking at it is very good, it should have never been seen." One person said: "From the contradiction between him and Zuo Mingli, this is definitely a disciple of Baiyang Island."

"It’s a bit surprising that Baiyang Island has found such a talented disciple."

Seeing the six veins at the top of Xu Feng, everyone was surprised.

Zuo Mingli was also shocked. He was only two spiritual practitioners, and he was only six spiritual threads.

"how is this possible?"

Zuo Mingli clearly remembers that Xu Feng was still repaired by Emperor Fengfeng.

How can I break through to the half-step spirits so quickly, and it also condenses six threads, which is too ridiculous.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."

Xu Feng exhibited like a swallowing fist.

He now practises the first-order sacred spirit of the door to the realm of getting better.

The power of the fist burst out is terrible.


Zuo Mingli was absolutely suppressed by Xu Feng.

The whole person is constantly regressing, and his eyes are full of anger.


Zuo Mingli’s face became ugly, and he hadn’t waited for his real reaction. It’s like a condensed fist, and the slamming bombardment is on his chest.


Zuo Mingli spurted out a blood, and the body fell heavily on the ground.

Xu Feng has no mercy.

In the moment of being in the air, it directly leads to the life of Zuo Mingli.

Zuo Mingli did not think that Xu Feng dared to do this decisively to himself, and still kill himself.

He didn't even have time to say anything before his death.

Xu Feng’s eyes are very calm.

Some people around can't help but feel chilly. It is really the means of Xu Feng. It is really decisive.

After the events of Zuo Mingli, no one took the initiative to provoke Xu Feng.

In a blink of an eye.

The next morning, when the distant sun rises.

The hurricane of the entire square has become even more violent.

Not far from a few hurricane training stations, surrounded by roar, as if the roar of the beast roar.


With the gust of wind blowing, on those high hurricane cultivation platforms, the spiritual power is more concentrated.

Xu Feng’s eyes are firm. If he gets such a hurricane training platform, his strength will continue to improve.

"Three hurricane training stations, I have to have one."

Xu Feng’s heart is firm.

He has gone straight to the central hurricane training station.

The warriors of the entire square came from the hurricane cultivation platform.

The cultivation of most people is below the three levels of spirituality.


It seems to be the sound of a door opening.

Three hurricane cultivation stations, at the same time a crack appeared.

Xu Feng rushed out toward the central hurricane cultivation platform.

The spiritual power of his body is surging wildly.


Around, suddenly figured, coming towards his attack.

The people around, of course, will not let him easily get the hurricane cultivation platform, it is necessary to take all efforts.

In the other two hurricane cultivation stations, fierce battles took place.

Xu Feng’s eyes showed a stern color.

"Who dares to stop me? Who is going to die."

The voice of Xu Feng became awkward, and the field of killing on the eighth heaven was condensed, and the whole sky seemed to be blood red.

(End of this chapter)

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