The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2552: This is a half-step pass!

Chapter 2552 This is a half-step pass!

Xu Feng heard that he looked at Lu Xuantian with his eyes.

"Do not worry, in the future, Xu Feng, I will definitely be in the mainland of the Spirit, and I will make a world of peace. I want to be the supreme being of the spiritual gods."

"I want to rule the entire spiritual **** continent!"

If you change to someone else, you can hear Xu Feng’s words at the moment.

I would definitely think that Xu Feng is a neuropathy.


Lu Xuantian is clearer than anyone else.

How powerful is Xu Feng’s strength.

How terrible is Xu Feng’s talent.

When he saw Xu Feng in the Abyss Palace, it was only a year away.

Anyone, in a year's time, from the point where the nine spirits are not, is it a half-step spiritual environment that condenses six spirits?

"Ha ha ha! I want to hold my thigh!"

Lu Xuantian smiled at Xu Feng.

"Let's leave this island."

Xu Feng said to Lu Xuantian.


Lu Xuantian can't wait to go back. He is now breaking through to the spiritual realm.

He wants to go back and tell those who bully him.

Although Lu Xuantian is from the mainland below, he is still able to live in the sky.

Lu Xuantian followed closely behind Xu Feng.

Xu Feng did not destroy the array of this island.

The illusion of his destruction, the collection of all the spiritual materials.

Although some spiritual materials consume almost the same, they are also the third-order spiritual materials. It is really precious and precious.

When going out of the battle.


Lu Xuantian couldn't help but scream, as if it was a snoring.

In the case of the formation, it is really incompressible.

Xu Feng and Lu Xuantian did not hesitate, they boarded the Lingzhou directly.

It is in the evening.

It is also the best time to return to Baiyang Island.


As Lu Xuantian drove the spirit boat, Xu Feng's eyes suddenly condensed, and his mouth slightly raised.

Above the sea level, a few warriors dressed in black rushed out and rushed toward their spirit boat.


Xu Feng’s eyes are all killing.

He really did not expect that he would leave Baiyun Island so secretive behavior, and there are still people lying here ambushing himself.


This time Xu Feng is really jealous of others.

These people are all pirates who discovered this island. They thought that there were treasures on this island.

Who knows, those who went to the island were killed by the formation.

"Kid, who are you, can you come out from the island?"

Opposite a black man, he is the dual cultivation of the spiritual world.

His eyes flashed, and the killing of his body continued to emerge.

"Hey, you all lie in us here, don't know who I am?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised, and the look was cold and cold. He asked: “Who is it, send you here?”

Several black people are full of mistakes, they look at each other.

"Boy, what sent us? We are the pirates in this sea area. Look at your appearance. Are you a disciple of Baiyang Island?"

He was the first man to be psychedelic. He laughed directly.

"The disciples of Baiyang Island are bound to have a lot of treasures. It seems that we really want to make a fortune today."

Xu Feng suddenly frowned and said: "Is it really someone else sent you?"

He just thought that these people were sent by Huo Qing or the left family.

"Hey, grandpa just don't like Baiyang Island, this is a pirate."

Said the headed man.

Xu Feng heard the words, and suddenly said: "You guys have to hurry, we don't want to kill you."

"Yes, hurry."

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and waved his small claws, which seemed to be extremely exciting.

"The kid, the district is half-step through the spiritual realm, you dare to be so arrogant, are you looking for death?"

A middle-aged man with a heavy spirit, his face is full of flesh and blood, and his body is full of killing.

He stepped out directly, and the violent wind of his hands blew, accompanied by the emergence of four spiritual veins.

Lu Xuantian stood on one side and couldn't help but shook his head.

He is very clear about the strength of Xu Feng.

This group of pirates actually think that Xu Feng is arrogant.

"Are you also looking for death?"

Another pirate, looking at Lu Xuantian shaking his head, he thinks that Lu Xuantian is looking down on them.

It is also rushing out toward Lu Xuantian.

The five spiritual veins of Lu Xuantian’s head directly impacted.

Attack and display.


However, the pirates who attacked Xu Feng just now were punched by Xu Feng and flew out directly.

A few pirates can see this clearly. Xu Feng’s head is actually six veins, as if six dragons are dancing.

"Ah... how is it possible?"

Several pirates are wide-eyed, and they simply cannot believe that the existence of a half-step spiritual environment can condense six threads.

"There is nothing impossible, die."

Xu Feng followed by another punch and squatted out.

What he displayed was like swallowing a fist, and now the power is terrible.

His eyes are cold and killing, and there is no emotional color in his eyes.


The pirate with a heavy spirit in the spirit is thus directly smashed into the dead by Xu Feng’s imagery, accompanied by the spirit.

"Come on, come to you."

Xu Feng’s gaze fell on the pirate who was opposite to the spiritual world. His footsteps moved and his spiritual power flowed naturally.

"Damn, who are you, why are you so powerful?"

He was screaming with a scream of pirates.

"It’s like swallowing a fist, killing me."

Xu Feng did not talk nonsense with the other party.

The opportunity he gave to these people just now is that they don’t know how to cherish it. This can’t blame him.

The powerful imagery, constantly condensing above his fists, formed a fierce hurricane.


The two pirates in the spiritual world, when he fell in the spirit boat, his eyes narrowed and said: "Don't kill me... I beg you... don't kill me..."

"I can take you to our site, our boss, they just died inexplicably."

"Now the pirates are only a few of us, and the treasures we have come to can be dedicated to you."

The two pirates in the spiritual world suddenly said.

Xu Feng heard that his face is changing.

"Just give you the opportunity, you don't cherish it."


Xu Feng finished, a punch directly results in the life of the pirate.

The other side.

Lu Xuantian is also killing people who shot him.

Xu Feng looked to the front, the pale pirate, said: "Take me to your site, I can not kill you."


The pirate had seen the greatness of Xu Feng, his voice was trembling, his face was terrified.

"Do you have a choice?"

Xu Feng looked at the pirates and asked.

"It looks like it doesn't."

The pirate's face is helpless and bitter.

"Get up and lead the way."

Xu Feng directly opened the road.

The pirates did not dare to play tricks, and they were constantly guiding the direction of Lu Xuantian.

(End of this chapter)

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