The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2551: Metamorphosis of Xu Feng

Chapter 2551, Xu Feng

The spiritual power of the body began to flow.

The double angry sea in the body, accompanied by the constant fluctuations of the meridians.

The momentum of Xu Feng’s body became terrible.

He has no hesitation.

After repairing the card for ten years at the peak of the Shipinling Emperor, he has already waited impatiently and wants to break through to the half-step spirit.

As the body's breath was adjusted to its best, his spiritual power began to flow.

The wind is constantly blowing.

Xu Feng grabbed the flying fish fruit and swallowed it directly into the abdomen.

"You can use the smelting and refining this flying fish fruit, the effect will be better."

Inside Xu Feng’s body, the mysterious woman said to Xu Feng.

"Waihua Ding can also refine the flying fish spirits?"

Xu Feng asked a little strangely.

"The creation of Ding can refine everything in the world, and then provide it to you to use." Mysterious woman said.

"It seems that this creation is really amazing."

Xu Feng’s heart is full of excitement.

He immediately thought of a move, making a tripod in the body, as if it was a melting pot of heaven and earth, terrible.

Xu Feng found that there are many differences between Chenghua Ding in his own body and the inheritance given to him.

"It seems that even if it is fortune, I don't know the full role of Chenghua Ding." Xu Feng said in his heart.

The moment of mobilization of the tripod.

Xu Feng’s mind was moved, and the flying fish fruit was built into the Ding, directly ingested inside the Ding Ding.

Xu Feng felt that when the Huai Ding refining the flying fish spirits, there was no trace of spiritual power leaking.


At this time, in the creation of the tripod, the pure spiritual power, the crazy excitement, flowing toward his body meridians.

The smell of his body is constantly changing.

The flying fish spirits are constantly refining, and the spiritual power is constantly moving toward his double angry sea, and there are still 16 spiritual streams.

The constant changes of the meridians, the breath of his body, constantly changing.

It seems to be constantly improving.

The sixteen spirits are crazy floats.

Time passes by one minute.

Xu Feng felt that even the body of his own spirit, with the constant tempering of the creation of Ding, also broke through to the extreme.

He knows that in the future, the body of his own spirit must find other methods of refining, and then he can continue to improve.

Time is unknowingly past.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed quietly.

Lu Xuantian opened his eyes and his face was full of expressions.

He thoroughly refining the flying fish spirits, and his cultivation has been upgraded from a half-step to a spiritual environment.

He now condenses five spiritual threads and becomes one of the most spiritual spirits.

His future strength will inevitably increase a lot.

"It is really unbelievable that the gap between the original spiritual environment and the half-step spiritual environment is so large."

Lu Xuantian took a deep breath;

His cultivation is a breakthrough in the spiritual environment, and it embodies five spiritualities.

His eyes fell not far away, and he saw Xu Feng still sitting cross-legged.

He looked at it and suddenly stunned.

I saw Xu Feng's body around him, the heavens and the earth's spiritual power, all madly merging toward his body.

"This is too abnormal. He will not be directly from the peak of Emperor Feng, breaking through to the spiritual realm?"

Lu Xuantian thought of it here, but also stunned.

He felt that I am afraid that only Xu Feng would be able to do such a thing.

"Forget it, it seems that he still has to practice for many days, and I will quickly consolidate it. When I go back to Baiyang Island, I will greatly improve my status."

Lu Xuantian continued to sit cross-legged and quickly consolidated.

Over time.

In a blink of an eye.

Seven days passed.

Lu Xuantian’s eyes were shocked. He sat together with the kitten and his face was full of surprise.

During the seven days of Xu Feng’s time, he has been continually practicing, and the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth can be described as terror.

There is no sign of breaking through.

Lu Xuantian looked at the kitten, and said: "Your brother is really abnormal."

The kitten heard the words and nodded in agreement.

Xu Feng only felt that the spiritual power of his body had reached a level of incomparable.

"Has a half-step through the spirits, is it finally going to break through?"

Xu Feng’s eyes flashed.

The spiritual power in him suddenly changed.

The meridians of the whole person are constantly surging.

"The spirit is now!"

Xu Feng roared, and the spirit of his body suddenly appeared to the top of his head.


Lu Xuantian suddenly stood up, he opened his mouth directly, and his eyes almost fell from the eyes.

"One, two, three..."

Lu Xuantian counted the pulse of Xu Feng’s head. His eyes were shocked and he couldn’t describe it with a stunned look.

"It is clear that it is a breakthrough in the half-step spirit, how can it condense so many threads?"

Lu Xuantian’s heart is shocking.

Because, Xu Feng half-step through the spiritual realm, even condensed six spirits.

Even Xu Feng himself is shocked.

He did not expect that he had just broken through to the half-step spiritual environment and was able to directly wake up six spiritual veins.

Xu Feng feels that in his own body, the original sixteen spiritual veins have also undergone great changes.

He can now mobilize all the spirits to fight at will.

Twenty-two spiritual veins.

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking.

It is necessary to know that it is possible to condense twenty threads in the virtual world above the spiritual realm.

It is really unbelievable that I can now erupt 22 out of the spirits.

Xu Feng opened his eyes and the horrible momentum of the body filled.

Lu Xuantian originally thought.

If you break through the spiritual realm, you can finally oppress Xu Feng.

did not expect.

Xu Feng half-step through the spiritual realm, directly awakened six spiritual veins.

He has no doubt that Xu Feng’s current strength is harder than him.


Lu Xuantian could not help but say.

If Lu Xuantian knows that Xu Feng can break out 22 spirits, do not know if he will vomit blood?

Xu Feng stood up and the six veins on his head converge directly with his breath.

Xu Feng walked to the front of the kitten and Lu Xuantian and smiled: "I don't know how many days I practiced?"

Lu Xuantian looked at Xu Feng, just like watching a monster.

"Are you really a human?"

Lu Xuantian’s words made Xu Feng almost no blood.

"You are not a human."

Xu Feng suddenly roared.

Lu Xuantian laughed and said: "Xu Feng, I found that I know you, perhaps the most correct thing in my life."

"Maybe not ten years, you will have your own world in the spiritual world, and your own business."

Lu Xuantian is very clear.

The Lingshen continent is very large.

If you want to stand on this foot, if you meet the arrogant son of Xu Feng, you can be tied together, it is really a very happy thing.

(End of this chapter)

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