The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2553: Come out of the fight

Chapter 2553 chapter of the Cold War

as expected.

Xu Feng followed the pirate.

It turned out to be a very secret island.

The size of this small island is not very large, it seems very desolate.

Obviously, the big forces like Baiyang Island will not care about such a small island.

Xu Feng and Lu Xuantian followed the pirates and came to the warehouse of their pirate boss and found many Lingjing.

Both are very happy.

Xu Feng will split the spirit crystal into Lu Xuantian.

There are probably more than 10,000 Lingjing.

Lu Xuantian points to more than six thousand Lingjing, it is simply a smile.

Xu Feng did not care too much.

After all, when he was in Wangbei City, he had a lot of Lingjing, and he couldn’t finish it for the time being.

However, he found this pirate here, there are many good things.

For example, the number of spiritual materials is really quite a lot.

Xu Feng put all these spiritual materials into the bag.

The two returned with full load and drove toward Baiyang Island.

As for the remaining living pirate.

Xu Feng is too lazy to kill each other, let the other side on the island, self-destruction is also very good.

"Xu Feng, I can't think of the fact that our harvest is so big, it is really worthwhile." Lu Xuantian said with great joy.

His cultivation is now a breakthrough, and he can go one step further and become an inner disciple of Baiyang Island.

However, his status will continue to improve and his strength will continue to grow stronger. This is naturally a happy thing.

"Well, this time the harvest is really big."

Xu Feng nodded.

The flying fish spirit obtained this time can make his cultivation, from the peak of Emperor Feng to the half-step spirit.

Nature is a good thing.


The sea water rolls over both sides of the spirit boat.

Xu Feng and Lu Xuantian have already seen the distance.

On the night of Baiyang Island, the lights are a little dim, but they are also very bright.

Lu Xuantian and Xu Feng are still in the same place on Baiyang Island, and the two quietly come from the shore.

They quietly went to the house of Baiyang Island, and there was no blockage on the way.

Mainly, the streets of Baiyang Island at midnight are also somewhat quiet.

Xu Feng and Lu Xuantian returned to their yard.

The two seem as if they have never left.


"Xu Big Brother, I heard that you actually had a fight with Tan Zijie one month later. Is this true?"

Lian Yun's face became much more rosy, and her current toxins have been completely suppressed by Xu Feng.

As long as the subsequent Xu Feng is removed several times, the toxins of Lianyun can be completely removed.

However, the current cultivation of Lian Yun has also returned to a realm of spirituality.

She used to be a three-way cultivation of the spiritual world.

Xu Feng had a smile on his face. He looked at Ling Yun and knew that the other person was worried about himself.

He said: "Do not worry, I never do things that are not sure."

Xu Feng is now repairing to break through to the half-step spirit.

For Tan Zijie, he is completely unconcerned.

Lian Yun slightly frowned, said: "Xu brother, I am begging you, you should not fight with Tan Zijie, how?"

"You have come to our Baiyang Island for a short time. I don't believe in your talent and strength, but your gap is really small."

Lian Yun said anxiously.

She is very aware of the strength of Tan Zijie.

Tan Zijie is now one of the most powerful people in the disciples outside Baiyang Island.

Moreover, the power of the practice of the Holy Spirit is great.

Xu Feng and the other side fight, there is no advantage at all, how can you not worry about Lian Yun?

"Do not worry, there is still a long time!"

Xu Feng said with a smile on Lian Yun.

Xu Feng came back for three days, and Lian Yun thought that Xu Feng had been practicing in retreat before. She did not know that Xu Feng had broken through to the half-step spirit.

Lian Yun is worried inside, secretly biting his teeth, his heart said: "Absolutely can not let this happen."


Xu Feng left the courtyard of Lian Yun.

Lian Yun went directly to the courtyard of the Cold War.

"Father, have you heard that? Xu Feng wants to fight with Tan Zijie's life and death?" Lian Yun asked directly.

As a landlord of Baiyang Island, the Cold War is of course clear.

What's more, what happened to him under his eyes?

Nodded in the fight.

"Yue, I really heard about it for my father."

She is looking at the integrity of her face. She said: "Father, you have to come out and cancel this challenge."

The voice of Lian Yun is very firm.

Lian strategy slightly frowned, said: "Rhyme, this life and death battle, or Xu Feng initiative to propose, how do you let me cancel?"

"In addition, this time the challenge, the entire Baiyang Island people, almost all know. I am now, is not to let many people see my jokes?"

The Cold War also thought about coming out to stop the fighting.

Yes, he has no choice.

"Father, do you want to look at your daughter and follow Xu Feng?"

The voice of Lian Yun, with awkwardness.

"If Xu Feng has three long and two short, I will follow him to death. Do you want to watch me die?"

The Cold War heard that the wrinkles on his face were instantly wrinkled. He sighed deeply and said: "Oh... forget it, I will go to Tan Zijie."

"Father, thank you!"

Lian Yun knows that it is inevitable that he will pull down his face when he goes to Tan Zijie.

However, the election is for her daughter.

But you can put down your face, this is the greatest fatherly love.


"Zi Jie, I heard that you have made a breakthrough to the spiritual environment. It is really gratifying."

When he came to Tan Zijie’s yard, he took a deep breath.

Tan Zijie did not expect that the Cold War actually came to his own yard.

"Is the island owner, what do you have, summon me, Tan Zijie, is it, how can I, let you come to my yard personally?"

Tan Zijie said with some fear.

Integrity said: "Zi Jie, you are now breaking through to the spiritual environment, it is also the mainstay of our future."

"It didn't take long for Xu Feng to come to Baiyang Island. I am the island owner and I don't want to see you die."

"You see your life and death battle, canceled, how?"

The words of clean warfare sounded.

Tan Zijie understood the meaning of the clean war.

He frowned slightly and said: "The island owner, you don't know, this battle of life and death is Xu Feng's initiative."

"If I give up the challenge now, don't tell the whole Baiyang Island, my Tan Zijie is greedy and afraid of death."

"In the future, what other faces do I have, mixing up in the entire Baiyang Island?"

Tan Zijie said righteously.

"Zi Jie, you can rest assured that I will go to Xu Feng to talk about this matter. When I am two of you, I will be the talent of Baiyang Island. It is not appropriate for death and injury. I personally came forward to cancel your life and death. The battle."

Open fire.

(End of this chapter)

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