Chapter 2543, tyranny

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Everyone on the scene was completely stunned.

They really don't know.

Where did Xu Feng come from, the courage to dare to accept the challenge of Lai Shuangcheng.

The strength of Lai Shuangcheng and Mei Wen is not a grade at all.

Lai Shuangcheng is already a half-step through the peak of the spiritual realm, but also condenses three spiritual veins.

Moreover, everyone knows the spirit of Lai Shuangcheng's cultivation of the Holy Spirit, the first-order product of the Holy Spirit, and the cultivation of the soul into the realm of perfection.

It can be said.

Once Lai Shuangcheng’s Xingluo’s claws are displayed, it seems to be the claws of the flames, and the power is even more terrifying.

Lai Shuangcheng stood there, and he thought that the most taboo was wrong.

He looked at Xu Feng across the street and said, "What did you say? I didn't seem to hear it clearly. Can you say it again?"

Lai Shuangcheng’s heart is also wrong. He feels that if Xu Feng really dares to accept his challenge, he must be looking for a dead end.

"Don't you dare? Or is there a problem with your ears?"

Xu Feng looked up and raised his brow, his voice was sharp.

He went to the center and his face was calm.

Xu Feng wants to see, his eighth-day killing field, along with the seventh-day gravity field, and the sixth heaven space field.

When the three fields broke out at the same time, he would like to see where the limits of his battle are.

For defeating Lai Shuangcheng, Xu Feng can be said to be well-informed.

When he escaped in Xiuwen Island, the speed of killing half-steps was quite high.

If it wasn't for his cultivation, if he hadn't broken through to the half-step spirit, he could sweep through any half-step spirit.

Even when he broke through to the spiritual world, the people below the three levels of spirituality were not his opponents.

"I can not?"

Lai Shuangcheng spoke to himself. He looked at the people around him and said, "Do you think I dare not accept his challenge?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Some people who know Lai Shuangcheng, they are all laughing, and all the screams in their eyes are ridicule.

"Lai Shuangcheng, telling him with your true strength, just becoming a foreign disciple, it is better to be a low-key person."

A man who is also half-step through the peak of the spiritual world, he directly yelled at Lai Shuangcheng, apparently mocking Xu Feng.

"Yes, this kind of kid who doesn't know how to be tall and thick, I am afraid I will suffer a lot of losses in the future."

"If he feels that he is very powerful, then there is really no way, maybe he does not understand, the power of the pulse."


I know a lot of Lai Shuangcheng’s outside disciples.

Xu Feng stood there, his mouth raised, his eyes blinking.

"A group of frogs at the bottom of the well, even if it is half-step through the spirits?"

Xu Feng’s words rang.


The scene seemed to blow up the cool breeze.

Undoubtedly, Xu Feng’s sentence, all half of the way through the spirits, seems to have been insulted by Xu Feng.

"This kid is really looking for death, but dare to say that we are the frog at the bottom of the well."

"Lai Shuangcheng, if you don't teach him well, I can't look down on you."

"Yes, I must fight him to live without it."

Each one is filled with indignation.

They are all angry in their eyes.

Lai Shuangcheng looked at Xu Feng and his face was a calm smile.

"It looks like you have caused public anger, are you ready?"

The spiritual power of Lai Shuangcheng and the horrible momentum began to emerge from his body.

"You can't be less nonsense. If the nonsense can beat me, I will admit defeat."

Xu Feng spread his hands.

Lai Shuangcheng almost did not vomit blood, and the cold killing in his eyes burst into tears.

"you wanna die."

Lai Shuangcheng was completely angered by Xu Feng.

The three veins above his head are criss-crossed at the same time, and the spirits on his hands are surging, surrounded by spiritual power.

All three veins permeated his body, and above his palms, he formed a horrible hurricane.

"A good terrorist attack, I feel the three veins of his palm, the power is very powerful."

Looking at Lai Shuangcheng, he rushed out toward Xu Feng.

Some people have horror in both eyes.

"Kid, I am irritated that I have no benefit to you. I will teach you a little today."

Lai Shuangcheng’s eyes seem to be burning.

"More nonsense."

Xu Feng spit out three words, the golden light on his body, accompanied by clothes and a squeaky voice.

His palms were shot out, and the moments formed were fierce waves, and the light above the fist broke out.

Then, Xu Feng's three fields were filled at the same time.


The wind, along with the momentum of the field, oppressed around.

Many people have gone backwards.

They are all stunned.

One by one, the big mouth, said: "Three areas, and the realm has reached such a high?"


The opposite person, Lai Shuangcheng, was directly punched by Xu Feng and flew out.

Xu Feng stood there, his face was very calm, said: "Now, your strength is nothing more than that."

Some people who promoted the foreign disciples together with Xu Feng are stunned at the moment.

"It turned out that this is his real strength."

Lu Xuantian, standing not far away, whispered: "It's a metamorphosis."

"Kid, it turns out that your strength is good, no wonder I said that you dare to be so arrogant?"

Lai Shuangcheng’s eyes are all killing.

The field and field of the body, the pulse is in the madness of the impact.

"Star Luo Huo."

Some people exclaimed.

"Lai Shuangcheng has just started fighting, and he has even displayed a star-shaped fire claw."

"It seems that he also knows that this Xu Feng is not simple."

Lai Shuangcheng’s eyes seem to be burning flames.

"What qualifications do you have in front of me, I will let you know that our gap is really big."

The three spiritual veins converge at the same time, and the spiritual power formed becomes extremely fierce, and the flame continues to burn.

Above the claws of Lai Shuangcheng, the flames are filled with raging sounds, and the whole void is screaming.

The claws are constantly making a squeaking sound.

The claws continue to attack the key points of Xu Feng.

Many people clench their fists and instead of Xu Feng pinch a cold sweat.

If this horrible paw falls on Xu Feng's body, it must be a skin.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."

"Get out!"

Xu Feng suddenly screamed, and the field of killing on the eighth heaven was all condensed.

All the spiritual powers on the body seem to be floods, and the madness is filled with violent waves.

A punch hit out.


The spirit broke out and the claws were shattered by a punch.

However, Xu Feng’s moment of survival.

A punch fell again.


The fist bombarded on Lai Shuangcheng’s shoulder, and Lai Shuangcheng directly shocked his legs and blew his blood out of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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