The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2542: It’s better to hit the sun

Chapter 2542 is not as good as hitting the sun

Xu Feng turned to look at Lu Xuantian and smiled: "Is it okay?"

After all, it’s hard to see an acquaintance in the nine seas.

Lu Xuantian heard the words, he shook his head.

"I can't think of you as a pervert, but also came to the nine seas, and also came to Baiyang Island, which is really amazing."

Lu Xuantian looked at Xu Feng, he felt that the breath of Xu Feng was much stronger than that in the abyss palace.

He knows that Xu Feng, now, may have left him behind him early.

I have seen Xu Feng, who is strong.

For Lu Xuantian.

Xu Feng’s leapfrog battle is like a regular meal.

"Ha ha are all here, of course I have to come and join in the fun, or I can't keep up with your steps."

Xu Feng laughed haha.

Seeing Xu Feng and Lu Xuantian, they even blocked their faces, as if they were in the old.

This is a great shame for Mei Wen.

His face was cold and cold, his mouth was slightly raised, and his face was angry.

"Very good, two children who don't know how to be tall, do you think that the nine wild seas, or your inferior continent?"

"Dare to be so unscrupulous in front of me, completely ignoring me, you are the first."

Mei Wen’s eyes became sensational, and his heart was crazy.

He decided to teach Xu Feng.

Xu Feng spread his hands and pointed at Lu Xuantian and said, "Would you like me to give him a good lesson?"

Lu Xuantian nodded and said: "You can teach him, but don't kill him. I still wait to let him know that I am from the mainland below, but I can also hang him."

"Do not worry, the disciples of Baiyang Island are not allowed to kill, at most, let him suffer a bit."

Xu Feng knows the rules of the disciples outside Baiyang Island, and he does not want to destroy such rules.

Otherwise, he can help the capital to remove the toxins, even if he kills the opposite Mevin.

Cold war will never find him in trouble.

Mei Wen did not expect that Xu Feng and Lu Xuantian chatted more and more.

The two spirits above his head are constantly swaying, for fear that others will not know, and he condenses two threads.

"Kid, you are the first place in this assessment. I will teach you well today and let you know what is respected as a brother."

Mei Wen’s cheeks have become embarrassing.

In his meridians, spiritual power is stirring.

While his steps were moving, the palm of his hand seemed to be whistling in the wind, and the violent attack went toward Xu Feng and the attack.

"Maiwen's display is a first-class product of the Holy Spirit, the **** of the goshawk, the power seems to be terrible."

Someone knows the magical skills that Mevin showed, and immediately exclaimed.

This goshawk sacred palm, although only a first-class product of the Holy Spirit.

The status of Baiyang Island is very high. Once the cultivation is successful and the Dacheng realm is reached, the power will be very strong.


Mei Wen’s palms are constantly flowing, as if they were from the sky above, the goshawks that directly flowed down.

The palms became fierce and abnormal, and the strong winds were strong, and a whistling sound was heard around his palm.

Some outside disciples have replaced Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

After all, Mei Wen has been a foreigner for a long time.

Xu Feng is just a disciple who has just passed the assessment. It is too difficult to defeat the existence of Mei Wen.

Mei Wen’s half-step spirit is also cultivated to the later stage, and his strength is naturally terrible.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."


Xu Feng’s body is stirring, and the golden light is shining from his body.

The fist instantly became like a general, fierce ghost, on Xu Feng's fist, constantly gathering.

"Does he actually practice the Holy Spirit?"

Some outside disciples are making exclamations.

You must know that Xu Feng has not become a foreign disciple for a long time. The only possibility is that he has already cultivated the Holy Spirit when he has not become a foreign disciple.

Seeing the magical skills of Xu Feng.

Some people seem to understand.

Why is this young man of the peak Emperor, he can get the first place in the assessment.

"It seems that this young man's strength is good, we have underestimated his strength before."

"His holy spiritual skill seems to be cultivated into the realm of Dacheng, and the power is so terrible."

"The ancient style is like a normal boxing method. It is really good. It is not easy to cultivate into such a realm."

Seeing Xu Feng's display is like a swallowing fist.

Many people are full of mistakes.

They used to think that Xu Feng was not very powerful, but it was only the Emperor Fengfeng.

Now, watching the battle between Xu Feng and Mei Wen, their views seem to have changed a lot.


Xu Feng’s eyes are fiercely wary, his mouth is raised, and his body’s momentum is constantly impacting.

"Yes, fighting with you is not bad, come again."

Xu Feng did not have any hesitation, and suddenly slammed out with a punch.

The opposite Mei Wen, the whole person was shocked to withdraw.

"Damn, what is this metamorphosis of this kid? He has been fighting for so long, how can spiritual power be so abundant?"

Mevin’s face became ugly.

"End it."

Xu Feng’s spiritual power surged, followed by the killing field of the eighth heaven, which was completely erupted.

The blood-red light erupted from Xu Feng’s head and completely covered Mei Wen.

"Killing the field?"

"The eighth day of the killing field?"

Many people feel that their own creeps, the pores of the body, seem to instantly relax.


Xu Feng punches and condenses into a **** red ancient image, and it seems that the virtual shadow becomes unstoppable.

The fists of the fists slammed out, and the opposite Mei Wen was the whole person, as if it was a broken kite, and he was heavily squatting on the ground.

Blood ran out of his mouth, his face became pale, and his look was not reconciled.

Xu Feng stepped on the chest of Mei Wen.

Slowly said: "Please remember that even from the mainland below, you can easily defeat you."

"You are just a few years more than we have cultivated. What is it to be proud of?"

Xu Feng flew Mei Wenyu out of his ankle.


The scene has become quiet.

No one thought that Xu Feng could defeat Mei Wen.

The strength of Mei Wen, among the outside disciples, although it can not be a top-notch existence, it can not be underestimated.

"A good man, but unfortunately I can't even pick up my challenge. What if you beat the waste of Mei Wen?"

Inside the crowd, a figure came out.

Many people look at the figure, the face is taboo.

Xu Feng looked at the appearance of Lai Shuangcheng.

This guy was outside his yard before and provoked himself on the spot.

"Since you really want to fight, it is better to hit the sun in the future. I will accept your challenge today."

(End of this chapter)

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