The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2544: Accept the battle

Chapter 2544 accepts the battle


Xu Feng lifted it up again and punched it, slamming on Lai Shuangcheng’s other shoulder.

The sound of screaming came.

Lai Shuangcheng made a miserable snoring. His body fell directly on the ground. His eyes were unwilling and he did not understand.

He really didn't understand why his claws couldn't attack Xu Feng.

However, the opponent's fist can instantly attack him.

He can't hide at all, and he can't avoid it.


In addition to the snoring of Lai Shuangcheng.

The rest of the people were dumbfounded, the scene was really weird and very quiet.

Almost no one continues to talk.

Xu Feng stood there.

At this moment, the figure of this youth seems to be branded into the hearts of all.

Some women look at Xu Feng, but they are full of worship and idiots.

You must know that Xu Feng was the leader of the Emperor.

In a short period of time, Lai Shuang’s achievements were directly hit by Xu Feng.

Or, the two are not at one level at all.

Xu Feng looked at Lai Shuangcheng lying on the ground and said slowly: "Do you think now that the words you just mocked me are really idiots, really stupid, what qualifications do you have to ridicule me? ”

Xu Feng’s successive words rang.

Lai Shuangcheng only felt that there was never such humiliation in this life.

His face is awkward, said: "Xu Feng, you use the space field to defeat me, it is not a skill."

"Ha ha..."

Xu Feng laughed and said: "If I break through to the half-way, I will only need a punch to deal with you."

Xu Feng’s words sounded, although it seemed very arrogant.

However, no one doubts the authenticity of Xu Feng’s discourse.

After all, Emperor Fengfeng can defeat the peak of the spiritual level in this way. If he breaks through the half-step spirit, what kind of strength will it be strong?

"Remember in the future, if the strength is not strong, don't force it out, or it will hurt if you are beaten."

Xu Feng looked at Lai Shuangcheng, his mouth raised and his face was calm.

As if for Xu Feng.

Defeat Lai Shuangcheng, it is really not something to be happy about.

Lai Shuangcheng struggled to stand up from the ground. He looked at Xu Feng standing opposite, and reached out to wipe the blood marks from the corner of his mouth.

His eyes are all cheating, saying: "Xu Feng, this thing, I will not end this way, you give me waiting."

Lai Shuangcheng’s face is full of anger.

Xu Feng faint smile, he is not even afraid of Zuo Mingpeng, is it not afraid that Lai Shuangcheng will not succeed?

"A person who can't afford to lose even if you lose money, to be honest, fighting with you is the biggest humiliation for me."

Xu Feng finished talking to Lai Shuangcheng, and he turned around.

I didn’t care about the anger of Lai Shuangcheng’s face and the shackles of his face.

For people like Lai Shuangcheng.

Xu Feng knows that the other party's achievements are really bad.

There is no future at all.

For him, Lai Shuangcheng is just a way to become a strong man, a ant ant.

If you go to such a tangled and controversial issue, is it equivalent to arguing with an ants? Is it valuable?

Xu Feng’s eyes swept over the people around him, especially those who were just screaming and very happy.

Those half-steps of the spiritual environment, watching Xu Feng turned out to be so terrible, the strength is so powerful.

At this moment, I dare not go to see Xu Feng’s eyes. One by one, I am afraid of Xu Feng, and now I challenge myself.

Xu Feng looked at a few of the most powerful people who yelled, saying: "You just didn't be very arrogant? Don't you want to challenge me, give Lai Shuangcheng an export gas? You and he are friends!"

Xu Feng’s words rang, some people did not hold back, and they laughed directly.

Everyone can hear it.

Xu Feng is ridiculing those people.

"A bunch of cockroaches!"

Xu Feng spit out four words directly.

Those people licked their mouths, but did not dare to stand up and challenge Xu Feng.

Since I know that it is not Xu Feng’s opponent, who dares to come out and look for bitterness?

"Ha ha ha... well, they are a bunch of cockroaches, a bunch of waste!"

Just at this time.

Not far from a young man, he was wearing a blue shirt with a majestic glow in his eyes.

When his laughter came, some people looked at the young man.

I saw that there was a sword hanging from the waist of the other side, and his face was like a sharp sword, which was extremely sharp.


"It turned out to be him, what did he do?"

"Tan Zijie, inside the disciples, his strength is very powerful."

"This person is also one of our geniuses in Baiyang Island. It is said that he will become an inner disciple."

The people around are whispering.

Xu Feng looked at the young people who came over. He didn't have much emotional changes.

Those who are not good come are not good!

The people around are extremely depressed.

It was just roared by Xu Feng, and now it is insulted by Tan Zijie.

However, one is stronger than one, and it cannot be provoked.

I can only kneel and stand there and not speak.

Whoever dares to speak now, Tan Zijie’s character must be beaten and said.

Tan Zijie stood opposite Xu Feng, and he looked at Xu Feng.

Nodded, it seems to be in the general commentary, said: "Yes, very good, really qualified for me to shoot."


Some people are taking a breath.

This Xu Feng can really get into trouble, which solves Lai Shuangcheng’s troubles and has trouble finding the door.

The strength of Tan Zijie is harder than Lai Shuangcheng.

"I heard that you are the first in the external assessment?"

Tan Zijie sent an inquiry.

Xu Feng stood there, did not speak, chose to ignore each other.

Tan Zijie's face became a bit ugly. He stared at Xu Feng and said, "Are you a blind man? Didn't hear my question?"

"Are you talking to me?"

Xu Feng extended his finger to Tan Zijie and asked some strange questions.

"I am not talking to you, is there anyone else here?" Tan Zijie asked directly.

"I thought you were a neuropathy, talking to the air?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly.


"This guy is really courageous, and he dares to slap on it."

"I'm sure that Tan Zijie will definitely make him miserable."

Not far from Lai Shuangcheng’s ridiculous sneer and sneer, he said: “Dare to ridicule Tan Zijie, this kid will be very miserable, and he will die very badly.”

Lai Shuangcheng knows that he is not an opponent of Xu Feng.

At this moment, watching Xu Feng provoke Tan Zijie, the heart is excited.

Tan Zijie's face was full of anger, and his eyes were filled with anger.

"Oh, it seems that you are really annoying."

Tan Zijie’s voice became cold and said: “If you are so arrogant, you may take my challenge, dare?”

Xu Feng heard the words, the heart said: "Sure enough, it is not good!"

"Dare to ask you what to do?"

Xu Feng looked at Tan Zijie and asked directly.

"Tong Ling Jing has a peak." Tan Zijie said, "You can rest assured that I will not fight you now, you can set a time, when we fight fairly."

(End of this chapter)

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