The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2541: Goodbye Lu Xuantian

Chapter 2541, Goodbye Lu Xuantian

"The seventh heavenly gravity field."

Xu Feng’s face is full of excitement.

A seven-star Tianbao Dan can achieve such an effect, he is already very satisfied.

He did not continue to take the next seven-star Tianbao Dan.

He himself is very clear that the effect of the second seven-star Tianbao Dan will be greatly reduced, and it will not play much role.

His current field of bottlenecks requires more accumulation.

The field can continue to break through.


He took a deep breath and stood up.

His current field of killing has broken through to the eighth day. He believes that with his own strength, the general half-step spirituality is not his own opponent.

"Oh, I don't know when I can break through to the half-step spirit." Xu Feng sighed helplessly.

He is now repaired as a pin on the peak of the Shipinling Emperor, and he is unable to break through to the spiritual realm.

His sixteen threads are simply unusable.


Xu Feng pushed the door of the room and walked toward the outside.


I saw a place not far away, a burst of noisy voice, he frowned slightly.

He originally wanted to find a clean war and asked the other party whether he had already asked all the poisons taken by Lian Yun.

"It's very interesting to see what happened there, it would be so lively."

Xu Feng took a step forward and walked toward a place not far away.

When some people look at Xu Feng, their faces are warlike.

In particular, there are quite a few half-steps of the existence of the spiritual environment.

They think that Xu Feng’s living in such a good yard is a waste.

It’s not seven days yet.

I am afraid that many people can't wait to find Xu Feng's troubles.

Xu Feng looked at the center.

It turned out that two people fought.

"Well? Is it him?"

Xu Feng looked at the man who fell to the ground, all of them were blood, and it was extremely miserable.

This person turned out to be Xu Xuantian who had seen Xu Feng in the Abyss Palace before Xu Feng.

Xu Feng did not expect that this person also came to Baiyang Island.

However, it is clear that his situation at the moment is not very optimistic.

Lu Xuantian bit his teeth, his eyes are full of stern color, and his body is half-step through the spirit of the spirit.

He stood up from the ground and showed a majestic war.

"Come on, I have to see, how powerful are you?"

Lu Xuantian’s voice is extremely firm.

Xu Feng knows the character of Lu Xuantian, this guy is still very strong.

However, he is probably not the opponent who is half-pronged.

"Ha ha ha, it seems that your ability to withstand is good, but unfortunately you are really too weak in my eyes."

Mei Wen’s voice was very cold, his eyes were mocking and said: “I will remember later that some people can’t afford it.”


The spiritual power of Mei Wen’s body is criss-crossed, and two spirits emerge directly. It seems to be an incomparable horror.

However, Lu Xuantian's body is just a thread.

Xu Feng looked at Lu Xuantian, but it was a bit strange.

He didn't expect this guy's repair to break through so quickly, and he was able to break through to the half-step spiritual practice.

Mei Wen’s palm turned into a sharp blade, apparently the power of the first-order sacred spirit, and the wind screamed.

"Hey, Lu Xuantian is really hard. When I first came to Baiyang Island, I didn't take long to get into Meiwen."

"This guy has been beaten by Mei Wen for the third time this month. It is really hard to exist."

"I heard that in the face of many people's insults, Mei Wen, after angering Mei Wen, Mei Wen put down the mad words, see Lu Xuantian once, playing Lu Xuantian once."

"This Lu Xuantian heard that it came from the mainland below. The endurance is very good. Every time I was beaten to death, I was able to live in peace."

People around are talking about it.

Xu Feng stood in the crowd, but it clearly heard the cause and effect of the matter.

He looked at Lu Xuantian and nodded with satisfaction.

He is very clear that only in this way can he become stronger after repeated defeats.

"Oh, if I am like you, and I am born and raised in the nine wilderness areas, you are a fart in my eyes!"

Lu Xuantian bit his teeth, and the palm of his hand smashed out.

The Holy Spirit technique exhibited by Lu Xuantian was the Holy Spirit technique that Xu Feng gave him before in the Abyss Palace.


Lu Xuantian really is not the opponent of Mei Wen, the whole person is constantly regressing, above his arm.

The sharp edge that Mei Wen had just attacked, tearing out a few words, blood flowing out.

Lu Xuantian didn't take a look at it, but stepped out one step at a time.

Mei Wen did not think that Lu Xuantian was so ignorant, and now he said: "Lu Xuantian, since you want to die, I will fulfill you."

"It seems that a few times before, I played you very lightly, then I will let you lie for half a year."

In Mei Wen’s eyes, there is a sense of killing.

The field of his body is filled with momentum, which is the field of the seventh heaven, and the wind is stirring.

A lot of people around, watching Mewen burst out of all strength, have shook their heads and sighed.

They know that Lu Xuantian will probably become miserable.


The palm of Lu Xuantian was directly broken.

The whole person was squatting on the ground and could not move.

The two veins of Mei Wen’s body gathered at the same time on his palm, and the sharp blade slammed toward the back of Lu Xuantian.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed.

Mei Wen is going to give Lu Xuantian a big hit.

"Be a good person and stay in the future."

Xu Feng stepped out step by step. He appeared in Lu Xuantian's not far away and threw a few medicinal herbs to Lu Xuantian.

At the same time, the golden fist, already rushing to the edge of the attack of Mei Wen, smashed out.

"It's him?"

"Is this kid tired?"

"He won't think that in the seven days, others will not dare to shoot him."

"These seven days just can't take his yard. It's okay to teach him a meal."

"I dare predict that this guy wants to be a hero and it will be very miserable."


When Xu Feng rushed out, many people felt that Xu Feng was only the cultivation of Emperor Fengfeng.

One by one is not optimistic about Xu Feng, their faces are pitiful expressions.

As if I felt that the next moment Xu Feng would become very miserable.



The picture they thought of did not appear.

I saw that with the collision of the fist and the sharp blade, the wind swelled toward the surroundings, and the two figures quit at the same time.

Lu Xuantian stood up, and he looked at Xu Feng not far away, all of which were full of mistakes and surprises.

"This guy actually came to Baiyang Island?"

Lu Xuantian really did not expect that Xu Feng’s speed to Baiyang Island was so fast.

The people around them are all open mouths, they thought that Xu Feng would be vulnerable.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng was able to withstand Mei Wen’s attack.

Moreover, Mei Wen has also steadily retreated, apparently not taking any advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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