The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2477: Death of two people

Chapter 2477, the death of two people

Xu Feng looked at the opposite of Chu Xin and Lu Yu, faintly said: "How good two people are to shoot early, you must feel that you are more powerful."

"In the future, you should learn a truth, that is, to be a low-key person. If someone else lives in the nine wilderness like you, you can really hang you."

"People like you are just waste in the nine seas, and they are dedicated to running errands."

"Now, do you really feel ironic if you want to come here to be arrogant?"

Xu Feng’s words can be described as words and words.

Many people around, but they feel that Xu Feng is very relieved.

First of all.

There are many unique opportunities for Lingshen mainland than other places.

Now, these two people are coming from the nine ruins, and they want to dominate.

It is clearly two wastes, but I feel that I am more powerful.

Isn't this ridicule?

Both Chu Xin and Lu Yu are full of faces, and their killing of Xu Feng has become even stronger.

However, Xu Feng did not finish it. He looked at Shi Xiong, not far away. He said: "You really think that everyone in Beicheng is like an old dog like Shi Xiong. If you waste yourself, you want to go to the knot. Is this waste?"

Shi Xiong almost didn't bleed.

"you wanna die."

Chu Xin and Lu Yu’s face were full of anger, and the two men attacked Xu Feng and attacked at the same time.

When their attack came out.

The three veins above the head are all directly attacked by their attacks.

Shi Xiong also wanted to shoot Xu Feng, but was directly stopped by Gan Ping.

Shi Xiong’s eyes widened. He looked at the Lingmai’s head and said: “Are you condensing the spirit?”

Shi Xiong is very clear that although Gan Ping was half-step through the spirits, his spirit did not condense.

Now, Gan Ping has gathered a spirit, and the battle between two people will obviously become a lot tricky.

Gan Ping’s face is full of smiles. “This is not all thanks to you. The pressure you have given me is too great.”

"Hey, it's a glimpse of a thread, you are still not my opponent." Shi Xiong's face was angry.

However, Gan Ping said slowly, he looked at Xu Feng and Chu Xin, Lu Yu's battle, said: "I just need to hold you down."

"At the time, Xu Feng killed Chu Xin and Lu Yu, it is your death."


Chu Xin’s power of palms is really strong, especially the three crazy attacks, which are swept toward Xu Feng’s.

However, Lu Yu's strength is not simple, he also cultivates the Holy Spirit.

However, the Holy Spirit of both of them is a first-order product.

Xu Feng’s imagery is very high in the realm of swallowing a fist. He is waving a golden fist, as if it is boiling.

"Kid, the strength is really good, but I want to be an enemy two, do you think this is possible?"

Lu Yu’s eyes are all killing, above his hands, and when the three spirits are pervasive, accompanied by powerful spiritual power.

Instead, his hand became a claw, and the golden light suddenly filled, and the red blood claws gave off a sharp light.


His claws are facing Xu Feng's chest and want to tear Xu Feng.

However, Xu Feng's body reaction speed is also very fast, and his fists slammed out, it is quite like swallowing a fist.

It is like opening a **** mouth, facing the opposite Lu Yu, but taking the initiative to violently bombard.


The golden fist, the slamming bombardment on Lu Yu's body.

However, the space field of Xu Feng is accompanied by the field of gravity.

The three fields spread at the same time, and the entire radius of the tens of meters was completely shrouded in the field of Xu Feng.

Lu Yu's face was blank. He stared at Xu Feng with his eyes and felt the strong field. He slowly said: "No wonder your strength is so strong. You have reached the realm of the legendary ten spirits."

"Ten Pin Ling Emperor?"

Many people heard Lu Yu's words. Their looks were doubts. They didn't understand what the ten spirits were.

It is clear that there are only nine spirits, how come out of the ten spirits.

Even Chu Xin is shocked.

Above the nine riddled seas, the Shipinling Emperor is called the ultimate in the innate realm, and there is no one that can be achieved.

In the entire nine ridiculous seas, they know that they can reach the ultimate realm in the innate realm, and they are only three people.

However, these three people have become legends in the nine wild seas, even if they go to the spiritual gods, it is also the ultimate existence.

"It seems that your knowledge is really good, I just reached the ten spirits." Xu Feng looked at the opposite of Chu Xin and Lu Yu.

The spiritual power of the body is thoroughly stirred up. In his eyes, all that emerges are horrible killings.

next moment.

"Great Nirvana Buddha Seal."

The spiritual power of Xu Feng's body was brought together with the golden light. His whole person seemed to be a golden Buddha.

The most important thing is that the momentum of this spiritual skill has become too horrible and shocking.

"How is it possible to use the first-class spirit of the Holy Spirit?"

Chu Xin has big eyes.

He is very clear, even if it is on the shadowless island, the first-order quality of the Holy Spirit is also an absolute treasure.

Those who want to cultivate the first-class spirit of the Holy Spirit are everywhere, but there are very few people who can qualify for cultivation.

Now, Xu Feng, a young man from the mainland below, has actually cultivated two holy spirits.

Moreover, since this holy spiritual skill is a first-order top product, how can they not be shocked?

However, after the shock.

The faces of both of them suddenly became ugly.


The fierce Buddha seal, as if it were an ancient Buddha, was so quiet that it attacked the two.

The power of Buddhism is really terrifying. Wherever it goes, the void is making a squeaky voice.


The two figures flew out at the same time, and the blood spurted out of their mouths, and the meridians on the body were broken.

Xu Feng himself was wrong. He did not expect his cultivation to be promoted to the peak of Shipinling Emperor, and the power of the Great Nirvana Buddha Seal was displayed. It was such a horror.

Chu Xin and Lu Yu, both of them look at each other.

There is only one thought between their looks, and that is to run quickly.

"Want to run?"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, Sen Ran’s killings suddenly emerged, and the stars broke their souls.

This is the Horcrux.

After Xu Feng awakened the Taikoo Dragon Soul, he suddenly discovered that the power of the Horcrux is really reflected.


From the back of Chu Xin, the star-breaking soul dart directly shuttled past, and blood flowed from his chest.

His face was not reconciled, he felt the power of the soul when Xu Feng approached.

He couldn't believe it with his face. "You turned out to be... a soul teacher..."


Xu Feng directly pursued the seriously injured Lu Yu.

Just a little while, Lu Yu was directly killed by Xu Feng.

The people in the entire city of Wangbei were completely stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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