The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2476: Really so strong?

Chapter 2476 is really so strong?

"I didn't get it wrong, Xu Feng actually let the opposite two and a half step through the spirit of the strong, together?"

An old man's face is wrong. He looks at the warrior around him. He thinks that he is old and has an illusion.

The middle-aged man around him nodded in a mistake and swallowed: "Is this too arrogant?"

"The spiritual emperor's peak is repaired, let the other two and a half of the people who pass through the peak of the spirit, together?"

Many people are stunned at the moment, they really do not understand.

Where did Xu Feng come from, the courage to dare to say such words.

Even Chu Xin and Lu Yu are also full of mistakes.

They reacted after they blasphemed.

"Ha ha ha..."

Chu Xin laughed directly at the arrogant, and his eyes stared at Xu Feng on the opposite side. The look was cold and cold.

He did not expect that he came to Wangbeicheng. From the very beginning, he wanted to come here with a strong posture.

Now, the first day is being despised by people.

Moreover, this person who despised him was actually only the peak of the spiritual emperor.

Chu Xin’s eyes are all killing. He looks at the opposite Xu Feng and said in a word: “It’s good, I’m going to have a look, where do you come from the arrogant capital?”

Chu Xin said that the spiritual power of his body has already stirred up.

In the eyes of everyone.

His feet moved on the ground, and in an instant, the palms of his hands were filled with spiritual power, and they rushed toward Xu Feng’s chest and smashed.

Many people suddenly quit.

They felt the whistling of the wind.

Especially the strong fluctuations of the air and waves, it is enough to explain that Chu Xin is the strongest of the peak of the spiritual level.

This palm attack is indeed fierce.

Xu Feng’s face also became dignified, but there was no fear, and some were war.

"Good to come!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng is like a tidal wave, and it is filled with madness.

The golden light of his body broke out.

It turned out that Xu Feng's cultivation was upgraded to the peak of Shi Pinling Emperor, and he refining 15 drops of spiritual essence.

He now has only eight spiritual essences left.

His cultivation was promoted from the mid-term of the Ten Spirits Emperor to the peak of the Shipinling Emperor.

He felt very clear that his strength was greatly enhanced after he was promoted to the peak of the Shipinling Emperor.

"The genius."

Seeing that the palm of his hand suddenly attacked, he did not hesitate, and the area of ​​killing on his body instantly floated.

Then, the third form of killing the box was displayed as if it were a blood-red fist.

The fists slammed out like this, and the blood-red light shrouded the entire earth in an instant.


When the fist and the palm of the hand collide, the gust of wind spreads out in all directions.

Spiritually madness flows between the bodies of two people, and the boundless winds are constantly blowing.

Many people think that Xu Feng wants to suffer big losses.

However, it was discovered that Xu Feng and Chu Xin were both withdrawing at the same time.

Not far from the history of the bear, the face is blank, and the inner secret: "Damn, the strength of this kid, how can it become so strong in just a few days?"

The people who were worried about Yulingmen’s eyes looked at the scene with excitement and admiration.

"It seems that you are not so good?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, saying: “Half-step through the spiritual environment, I don’t know if you are the island owner of the shadowless island?”

I heard Xu Feng’s words.

Chu Xin felt that this was the biggest ridicule for him. His face was awkward and his eyes were cold and cold.

"Kid, it’s really that I underestimated your strength, but do you really think that I have only such strength?"

Chu Xin’s words rang.

The three spiritual veins of his body suddenly emerged. He is the strongest of the peak of the spiritual level, and he has gathered three spiritual veins.

As the three veins came out, the spirits were suspended above the head of Chu Xin.

What broke out was a strong momentum, as if it was a terrible wind, and it was blowing fiercely.

The pressure of the three spiritual veins permeated, and Chu Xin’s eyes were all killing, and the void around the body was violently fluctuating.

"Give me to die."

Obviously, Chu Xin is not a person from the shadowless island.

What he showed was the Holy Spirit, and the mighty power was above his palm, as if a gust of wind was surging.

Then, I saw his palm, and suddenly opened up, forming a huge virtual shadow.

It seems that his palms are covered directly, and the palms of the sun are so violent.

"It’s like swallowing a fist."

Xu Feng did not hesitate, and he also displayed his first-order sacred spirit, which is like a swallowing fist.

A fist punched out, as if it was like a roar, the violent wind is blowing wildly.

Like the huge figure, it condenses on Xu Feng’s fist, as if it is a loud roar.


It’s like a swallowing of the sky, and every punch is like shaking the whole earth.

With the battle between Chu Xin and Xu Feng, they were evenly matched.


Chu Xin is angry inside.


With Xu Feng's body, the seventh-day killing field broke out completely, and the blood-red fist was even more fierce.

A boxing bombardment was on Chu’s chest, and the whole person continually quits and swells.

Chu Xin’s face has become ugly.

“Really so strong?”

At this moment, many people are shocked in their hearts. They really can't think of it. Xu Feng's strength is so strong.

Xu Feng looked at the opposite of Chu Xin and Lu Yu, faintly said: "You two, still go together."

"Otherwise, if you are one by one, you really have no chance, and you will die."

"Then we will fulfill you."

Lu Yu also knows that it is not the time to support the face.

The most urgent task now is to kill this kid who is not known for his height.

The spiritual flow of Lu Yu is also a strong man who is half-step through the spiritual world. It is also three spiritual veins.

As Xu Feng broke through to the peak of Shi Pinling, he found sixteen veins in his body.

Although it can't be shown, it has caused a huge improvement in his strength, which is even greater than the previous improvement.

"Don't the spirits that I condense out can be used, can I hide in the body?"

Xu Feng’s heart could not help but be a little surprised.

However, he can't manage so much, as long as the strength becomes stronger, everything will be fine.

Both of them are killing on their faces, they have never really seen such a perverted youth.

They are more aware that such a young man, if he goes to the nine wilderness areas, will have more future prospects.

Xu Feng’s eyes were calm, and he didn’t have much worry from beginning to end. Some of them were calm and self-sufficient.

(End of this chapter)

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