The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2478: Qinghua help to perish

Chapter 2478, Qinghua Gang's demise

Seeing that Xu Feng actually killed two and a half steps through the peak of the spiritual realm, the entire Wangbei City people are completely boiling.

No one expected that such a situation would be an incredible existence.

You must know that Xu Feng is only the cultivation of Emperor Fengfeng.

In particular, Qinghua is helping everyone, and they are all stunned.

At the same time, their hearts began to show fear.

Xu Feng’s killing half-step is so simple.

Next, I am afraid it is the death of Shi Xiong.

Gan Ping constantly fights with Shih.


Gan Ping was violently smothered by Shi Xiong, and his old eyes were deep and his fears appeared.

He also gave birth to the idea at the moment, that is, to quickly escape, the hero does not eat the loss before the eyes, he can go to the nine wild seas for help.

"How, history lord, you have been in the North City for so many years, actually want to escape?"

Just when he had not escaped, a figure has appeared again in the same place, just Xu Feng who just chased Lu Yu.

When I heard Xu Feng’s voice, Shi Xiong’s old cheeks shook slightly.

He looked at the opposite Xu Feng and said directly: "Xu Feng, you killed my son, I can never be jealous."

"In the future, the interests of this North City, I will give you a big head, our grievances, this is a write-off, how?"

Shi Xiong himself is very clear that Xu Feng can kill Lu Yu and Chu Xin so quickly, and can easily kill him.

What he should do now is to save his life and everything will have a chance to start all over again.

After all, Shi Xiong’s own daughter is still in the shadowless island, and is still an insider of the Shadowless Island.

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly laughed and said: "Histor, you really are when I am an idiot?"

"I would like to ask you, if the person who was killed here is me, will you let me go alive?"

Xu Feng’s words are very clear.

That is a very simple truth.

Shi Xiong can't make him alive, and he can't let Shi Xiong survive.

Shi Xiong did not expect Xu Feng to be so determined. He said slowly: "Xu Feng, with your talent, you can't take risks."

"You see how this is, I am giving you a lot of Lingjing now, enough for you to cultivate into the spiritual world."

"The most important thing is that I can send you to the nine seas, you can participate in the selection of the three forces."

Shi Xiong is very clear inside. He is trying his best to survive. As long as he can survive, even if he pays a big price, he can bear it.

"I am sorry, I really don't need you to send me. As long as you kill you, the port of Wangbeicheng will be completely open."

"At the time, not just you, the entire city of Wangbei, all those who want to go to the nine seas, can go."

Xu Feng’s words rang and many people in the crowd became boiling.

Be aware that for many people.

It’s not a simple matter to earn a hundred crystals.

Now, the meaning of Xu Feng is very obvious. In the future, the port of Wangbei City will no longer be exploited and oppressed.

Xu Feng stood there like this. He stared calmly at Shi Xiong and said: "Shi Xiong, what other words do you have, you can say it now."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

The anger of Shi Xiong's face, said: "Xu Feng, I have saved a lot of Ling Jing in these years. If you kill me, you can't get it."

"And, my daughter is an insider of the Shadowless Island. Her talent is very good. You kill me without any benefit to you."

The only way for Shi Xiong now is to use his daughter to threaten Xu Feng.

Xu Feng slowly said: "Since you have no last words, let me see, you can now resist me a few punches."

Xu Feng obviously does not want to talk nonsense with Shi Xiong.

The spiritual power in him is a crazy flow.

The meridians of the whole body are violently fluctuating.

Immediately after the next moment, Xu Feng’s imagery was swallowed by the sky, accompanied by the pressure of three fields, and the bombardment of the smashing.


The power of the swallowing of heaven is terrible, the incomparable breath is filled, and the whole world seems to be shaking.

Shi Xiong constantly dealt with Xu Feng’s fist, and his heart was unwilling. He could easily defeat Xu Feng.

In just a few days, he was not Xu Feng’s opponent, completely suppressed by Xu Feng, and there was no chance at all.

"Shi Xiong, it seems that you are really older, the more you can't. If I were you, I would have committed suicide."

"You still have a face in the North City to oppress others, don't you understand that your suppression, the military who led to Wangbei City going out, really will be rare?"

Xu Feng’s eyes are mocking.


Shi Xiong spurted out a blood, and the whole person fell directly on the ground. His meridians were shattered by Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at the crowds. He slowly said: "You and the bears have hatred. Now you can have revenge for hatred. You have a slap in the face. He is now a waste. Hua Bang."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

The whole crowd is turbulent.

At the beginning, many people did not dare to go up.

An old man rushed out toward Shi Xiong, and he roared: "Shi Xiong, you are really damn, your son will torture my granddaughter, and then hang her body outside the city of Wangbei. You teach Such a son, you damn..."

As someone first rushed out.

Immediately afterwards, more people rushed out toward Shi Xiong and wished to drink the blood of Shi Xiong.

Xu Feng stood there, his face was very strange, did not expect to look north, there are so many people who hate Shi Xiong.

"The core members of the Qinghua gang, one will not let go, all kill."

Xu Feng is very clear that these people are also the source of Qinghua's help.

These people are not bullying.

Under the command of Xu Feng, the people of Yulingmen, all the elders who went to Qinghua, all rushed out.

There is Ganping, a half-step strong spiritual helper, how can everyone in Qinghua help be the opponent of Yulingmen.

Blood completely dyed the entire street.

The people in the North City, their eyes, are all excited.

"Since then, we will not be oppressed if we look north."

"Qinghua has been really deceiving these years. This is really retribution."

"Whoever knows that Yulingmen will become a hegemon, will it exploit us?"

Some people think that Yulingmen was very good before, because it was to deal with Qinghua.

Now, Yulingmen is a big one, will they specifically bully them?

Xu Feng looked at the North City with his eyes.

He looked into the sky in the distance, and he was expecting inside. He knew that it was time for him to leave the city of Wangbei.

"It's time to inform me of the cheap old man and tell him to come to the North City to pick me up." When Xu Feng came to look at the North City, he wanted to inform Xu Pang.

However, he provoked the Qinghua gang.

He doesn't want Xu Pang to solve this problem and wants to solve it on his own.

This is his pride.

(End of this chapter)

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