The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2475: you two! Go together!

Chapter 2475, both of you! Go together!


Everyone in the entire yard, everyone is sucking a cold breath.

Gan Ping looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu brother, what you said just now, is it true?"

Xu Feng’s face is a smile.

He said: "Do you want to continue to let Qinghua help for a while?"

"No, no... Of course not. I can’t help but rush out of Qinghua." Gan Ping’s face was strange.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "Everyone has to go back to the United States and the United States to sleep, I will not make fun of my life."

Xu Feng himself is also very clear, he is the time to leave the city of Wangbei.

Tomorrow, he only needs to destroy the Qinghua gang.

He can take the Lingzhou from the port of Wangbeicheng, and the nine ruins are his real site.

After that, Xu Feng has turned and left.

Everyone looked at Gan Ping, and their faces were hesitant.

Gan Ping is also a bit strange, heart: "Is Xu Feng's strength really improved so much?"

He also knows now that everything will be seen tomorrow.

He spoke to the crowd: "Don't continue to waste time here, listen to the deputy, and go back to the beautiful sleep."

"Is it alive tomorrow? Everything is really clear."

I heard Gan Ping’s words.

Everyone also left the yard outside.

However, this night, the entire Yulingmen crowd, obviously can not really fall asleep.

It is really Xu Feng’s words that are too shocking. If the Qinghua Gang is so good, how can the entire Wangbei City be controlled by Qinghua for so many years?

Moreover, the Qinghua gang now has the messenger of the Shadowless Island, and it is even more difficult to destroy the Qinghua gang.


early morning.

The entire Wangbei City seems to be completely boiling.

Countless figures are moving above the streets of Wangbeicheng.

"Recently, we hope that the North City is really lively. Today, the Qinghua Gang will destroy the Yuling Gate. It will be even more difficult to look at the North City."

Someone looked at the site of the Qinghua gang in the distance, and they all knew that once the Yuling Gate was destroyed.

The Qinghua gang will inevitably become more and more effective against the people. When it is time, it will really be the shun of me.

After all, many people now dare not provoke the Qinghua gang, but they can go to the Yulingmen site to live without the pressure of the Qinghua gang.

Now, the Qinghua gang has the messenger of the Shadowless Island, and its strength is greatly increased. It is not difficult to destroy the Yuling Gate.

"Oh... no way, who will make the Qinghua gang have a shadow island as a backing? If Yulingmen also has a backing, how can you be afraid of Qinghua?"

One person said with helpless sigh.

"The daughter of Shi Xiong is a disciple of Wuying Island. Of course, the Shadowless Island has to help Shi Xiong. This is beyond doubt."

"Do you say that Yulingmen dare not go to Qinghua to help the fish die, or directly surrender?"

"I think Gan Ping and Xu Feng are definitely the fate of death. As for many other people, they may choose to join the Qinghua gang after the death of the two."

The entire city of Wangbei is full of arguments.


Qinghua help.

Both Chu Xin and Lu Yu are full of red light. They were so beautiful last night.

They all looked at Shi Xiong and said: "Histor, you are really good. If there is anything in the future, we will definitely help you."

Shi Xiong heard the words of the two men, and a faint smile appeared on his face. "Thank you for the two messengers. Your satisfaction is my happiest thing."

"We are going to destroy the so-called Yulingmen today, and we are looking for a way to do it once and for all."

Lu Yu's eyes are calm and incomparable, and his face is disdainful.

For him, what kind of power can there be in such a place?

Not worth mentioning at all.

"The two messengers, the people of our Qinghua gang, I have already called, and wait for the two messengers to give orders."

The old face of Shi Xiong Cang is full of smiles.

Lu Yu and Chu Xin are really satisfied.

They are in the shadowless island. To put it bluntly, it is to give people errands and their status is very low.

Now, after coming to Wangbei City, they actually found themselves, as if they had become a person, it is really exciting.

Moreover, Shi Xiong’s old fritters help them arrange a lot of things.

Let them feel that in Qinghua, it is like their own territory.

Now, Shi Xiong actually asked them to give orders.

"Since the history of the lord is so polite, the two of us are naturally respectful and desperate." Lu Yu said on the side.

"Two messengers, please here."

Shi Xiong’s face is a charming smile.

Not long after, I saw the square above the Qinghua Bang, everyone has stood neatly, obviously waiting for the two to give orders.

Chu Xin nodded and said: "Come, today we will help you and destroy Yulingmen."

"In the future, there will be no power in this North City. I dare to do it with your Qinghua."

"Ah, ah..."

The screams of screams came out from the mouths of the people. They were full of excitement and their eyes almost became blood red.

"set off!"

With the new order of Chu Xin.

The people of Qinghua Gang, under the leadership of Shi Xiong, Chu Xin and Lu Yu, went to Yulingmen.



Xu Feng and Gan Ping stood at the forefront, and they were all behind Yulingmen.

Just standing outside Yulingmen, it is obviously waiting for the arrival of the Qinghua gang.

About half an hour past.

The people in front of the Qinghua gang came from the mighty.

Shi Xiong’s face changed slightly. He did not expect that everyone in Yulingmen would not choose to escape.

"Gan Ping, Xu Feng, from now on, there is no longer the word Yulingmen in Wangbei City." Shi Xiong looked at Xu Feng and Gan Ping, and his eyes were cold and cold.

Both Lu Yu and Chu Xin looked at Xu Feng, a faint saying: "Boy, you are the peak Emperor, you can counter the existence of half-step through the spirit."

"It seems that you don't have three heads and six arms. How do I look at you, isn't it?"

Lu Yu’s words rang.

Xu Feng stared at Lu Yu and Chu Xin and said: "If I guess well, your position on the Shadowless Island is very low."

"In this case, you two! Together!"

After Xu Feng finished, the spiritual power of his body has begun to flow.

He felt that he didn't need to talk nonsense with the two, just do it.

His current cultivation has already broken through to the peak of the Ten Spirits Emperor.

It was because of the great improvement of Xu Feng's strength that he dared to say such words last night.

Of course, if the other side is a psychic, he really does not dare to say this. After all, it is still very difficult to kill the psychic.


All the people around them are all open and unanimous, and their faces are shocking.

One by one feels that they have misunderstood and found that the people around them are just like their own eyes. They suddenly understand.

This is not an illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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