The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2048: 龙家龙昊

Chapter 2048 Long Jialong

"Master Long Yao, you gather us all together, is there anything?" An old man, he is a six-character emperor, he looked to the opposite youth, some curious asked.

He looked at the two people around him, and they were all gathered by the dragon.

Long Yan looked at the three people in front of him and said: "Three elders, I need your help, as long as you are willing to help me, I will definitely remember your great virtues in the future."

"Dragon 昊 young master, what are you talking about? We are all family members. Moreover, when you leave, your father is jealous of us, try to take care of you, what is the matter, but you can say no." A middle-aged man Said.

Long Hao yelled at three people and said: "Three elders, I recently got the news, that is, there is a news of heaven and earth."

"What? Heaven and Earth?"

All three were shocked. It is necessary to know that the fires in the heavens and the earth are really inevitable. In the vast territory of China, only a few forces have it.

If Long Yao really can get a kind of heaven and earth, then his strength is a huge improvement.

Moreover, the most important thing is that his position in the Dragon family is very likely to sit on the same level as Long Ao Tian Ping. After all, he is not in the position of Long Ao Tian Gao.

"Not bad!"

Long Yu said immediately: "I got the news. I have a cloak mysterious man who follows the oriental Qiankun. The Sanpinling Emperor is able to use the heavens and the earth to kill the Aurora."

"Killing the Aurora?"

The faces of the three people became a little dignified. They all knew that the aurora was so powerful that it was natural to know that they wanted to capture each other's worldly fires. It was very difficult.

Long Hao smiled and said: "The three elders don't have to worry, only because the polar lighter himself will die, he will be killed."

"It is said that the polar lighter does not know the mysterious man of this cloak, and he has the heaven and earth fire, and he will be included in his spiritual treasure banner."

"Which know, this cloak man has a fire in heaven and earth, and suddenly the flag smashes and burns his body."

After hearing the dragons say this, the three of them have let go of their hearts. After all, they are not the extremes, letting the other side’s heaven and earth burn with fire.

"Dragon 昊 young master, that side of the oriental Qiankun, can be with the strong of the Eastern family?" Another old man opened the door.

Long Hao shook his head and said: "It is precisely the strong man who has not followed the Eastern family, that is, he and the cloak, now it is said to be in the field of perception."

"That's not too late, let's go, it's necessary to get the fire of the day." Another old man, his cultivation is the peak of the Six Spirits.

Long Yu’s eyes were full of joy, and he felt that the four of them were dispatched to capture the strange fire of the day.

"The young master of the dragon, the cloak of the lord, the trilogy of the three spirits, can kill the Aurora, although it is said that the Aurora is a light enemy, I am afraid it is not simple."

The old man of the Six Pinling Emperor Peak, he looked at Long Hao and asked: "Can you know the identity of the other party, even mixed with the Oriental Qiankun."

In the eyes of Long Yin, there are also some doubts. The three spirits can fight against the six spirits, which is definitely the existence of genius.

However, he really can't think of it. The whole land of China, what genius is there, can do this.

He raised his brow slightly and said: "The most important thing is that this person has a cloak. It is obvious that he does not want others to know his true identity."

"Oriental Qiankun knows the true identity of the other party?" The old man of the Sixth Emperor Emperor Peak, he looked at Long Yao and asked.

Long Hao shook his head and said: "I don't know this, but it is said that the oriental Qiang Kun seems to have a good relationship with the cloak."

"That is really strange!" The old man of the Six Pinling Emperor Peak, his old eyes slightly picked up, some curious.

"Let's go, when you go to see it, don't you know who the other party is?" Long Hao opened his way and went to the front.


The great and perfect space of Xu Feng’s body is all merged, and finally it becomes a virtual void.

The constant rotation of the void seems to be completely integrated with the space, forming a violent storm.

At the moment when the space field in his body was condensed, the blood of his space was completely integrated with his body.

Nangong family!

The land of the blood, the blood is constantly rolling, and the riots continue to emanate.

Nan Gongyuan appeared in the land of his blood. His eyes were suddenly contracted, and the old face could not stand shaking.

Beside him, the old man appeared next to him. He stared at the land of his blood, and his old face seemed to have some smiles.

"Haha... It’s not easy. It’s been a long time before it has gathered the space of success.” The old man said with a smile.

In the face of Nangongyuan’s old face, there was a cold and savage killing, saying: “Where is this talent in the end?”

"Is his talent for space perception even more horrible than his mother Nangong Snow?"

The old man said directly: "It is more terrible than his mother. The entire Nangong family has never been able to make such a riot in the blood of the motherland in the past thousands of years. It is incredible."

"No, he is condensing the space of the great perfect space." Nan Gongyuan's old eyes are deep, and there is also a stun.

He only remembered that Xu Feng was the strongest way, that is to say, he really took the road to the strongest.

"What, the strongest way?"

This time, the old man’s face disappeared and he was shocked. He looked at Nangongyuan and said: “I’m not urging you, maybe I should find a chance to talk to the kid, if I can convince him to join the Nangong family. , then we..."

Nan Gongyuan heard the words and directly interrupted the old man's words, saying: "Impossible... Hey, how can a wild species join the Nangong family."

"But also, the swordsman of the Dark Temple is not a simple family. Once our Nangong family accommodates that Xu Feng, it will inevitably end with the Dark Temple."

The old man shook his head, he did not continue to speak, but there was a disappointment in the depths of his eyes.

"Dark Hall? Dark Hall... I am a family of four in the Southern Palace. Why have you become so timid, so afraid of the tiger before the wolf, are we really afraid to fight the Dark Hall?"

The voice of the old man suddenly became very heavy.

Nan Gongyuan really did not expect that the old man actually found such a voice, his old eyes were deep, but they were all persistent.

"Hey, a genius that I can't control in the Nangong family, can't let him grow." Nan Gongyuan snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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