The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2047: Space field

Chapter 2047 Space Field

The Oriental Qiankun heard the words and nodded, saying: "Hey, this person has slaughtered a city, and the old and the weak women and women are not let go."

When the Oriental Qiankun spoke, he looked very angry. He stared at the opposite Aurora Taoist and said: "He is now burned by the flame and died. It is also a sin."

Xu Feng nodded. His eyes looked at the opposite Aurora. "You are doing evil, and today is a dead place."

"Remember the next life to remember a sentence, good and evil to the end of the newspaper, not to report the time has not arrived."

The old face of the Aurora has become extremely embarrassing. He looked at Xu Feng with grievances and said: "Hey, what good and evil are reported at the end, but it is the words of deceiving the weak."

"It’s just a failure to become a king. If I am killing you today, I can also say that you are doing evil and you are dead..."

"Ah... I am not willing..."

In the eyes of the Aurora, with grief and indignation, he struggled constantly, but the flames had burned out of his body.

The Aurora people know that they must die, and now they are angry at the crowd: "The man in this cloak has a world of fire."

"Do you know why his strength is so strong? That is the merit of the fire of heaven and earth. He just burned my flag, and it was the fire of heaven and earth that saved him."


As the words of the polar lighter rang, many people around them showed greed in their eyes. The so-called man-made dead birds died.

They looked at Xu Feng's eyes and they all blinked. Many people knew very well that as long as they killed the man in the cloak, they could get the fire of heaven and earth.

You must know that once you get the fire of heaven and earth, the combat power can be described as a straight line of improvement, and it is a treasure that can be met.

Xu Feng’s eyes swept over the people around him, his mouth slightly raised, saying: “Yes, I have a world of fire.”

"Hey, the person who wants to compete, can shoot now, but I promise that his end will not be much better than the Aurora."

Xu Feng did not expect that this aurora, dead to the end, but also to dig a hole for himself, he is afraid to become the eyes of many people.

Moreover, he has the news of heaven and earth, I am afraid that it will be spread throughout the ruins of the ruins in the shortest possible time.

At that time, Xu Feng will inevitably become the object of competition for countless people, and he wants to kill him to capture his heaven and earth.

However, Xu Feng is not afraid of these people. His current strength, unless it is a high-level spirit, or he may not kill each other, but the escape is still very simple.

"Xiandi, you should be careful in the future at the site of the ruins of the ruins." Oriental Qiankun reminded Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard the words, nodded and said: "Big brother can rest assured, we are still rushing into this whirlpool cultivation, and quickly comprehend the field."

Xu Feng looked at the kitten and said: "Kitten, if someone approaches, you will kill directly. As for what you can't beat, let us know and let us know."

"Brother, okay!"

The kitten patted his chest, and his mouth licked his mouth and looked at the people around him.

Oriental Qiankun looked at the kitten and said: "Xiandi, are you sure that you are a pet, can you resist those powerful spirits?"

He looked at Xu Feng with some disbelief and asked.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Big brother, you should never underestimate him, the ordinary five-character emperor, he can easily kill."

"The Six Spirits Emperor, he also has the power of a battle, unless it is the peak of the Six Pinling Emperor, may be able to pose a threat to him."

"Accurately speaking, it is not a threat. The Six Pinling Emperor Peak can't kill him. He is very fast."

Xu Feng said.

"Dare to look down on Ben, let you see and see me." The kitten suddenly slammed out and disappeared.

Then, the Oriental Qiankun only felt that his back was cold, and the original kitten was actually going to attack him.

He stared at him in front of him, proud of the kitten, and gave a thumbs up to Xu Feng, said: "Xiandi, you are really lucky."

"There is a strange fire in the heavens and the earth, and there is such a strange alien. It is really enviable." The voice of the East Qiankun is envious.

"Xiandi, let's go in."

The Oriental Qiankun said to Xu Feng, and the two went toward those vortexes.

"If someone dares to disturb my practice in the East, I will use the power of the entire Eastern family to make him die."

After saying this, he disappeared outside.

Those people who were eager to move were hesitant.


Xu Feng felt that he was in a whirlpool, and he found that there was a mysterious atmosphere around him, which seemed extremely horrible.

However, the whirlpools are constantly rotating, and all of them contain a circle of air waves floating, and he feels the atmosphere of the field.

His eyes are full of excitement, and he said: "Try to understand the space field first and see if you can condense the space field?"

He sat down on his knees, his body full of space, his heart, around his body, constantly wrapped and gathered.

The blood in the space inside his body is also flowing, as if it were a huge whirlpool, his eyes closed.

There was a whirlpool around him, and he gathered toward his body. It turned out to be the power of the field and constantly integrated into his space.

Time passes by one minute.



The kitten stared at a man close to him, his crisp voice sounded, and his eyes were cold and murderous.

"Haha... I am not mistaken, do you want to stop me like this little thing?" The five-character emperor smiled with sarcasm.


However, the kitten did not continue to talk nonsense this time, he did not come to remember to react, and his hands were licking his neck.

Just now, the original kitten had already cut his neck very quickly, and the blood suddenly spewed out. His face was pale.

"How can this be?"

The man died directly, and the kitten swayed and swallowed his field fragments, and many people around him looked at the kitten with jealousy.

"Is this a stranger?" Some people look at the kitten and make a scream. Only the monsters are different, so they can have such a strong strength.


The great and perfect space of Xu Feng’s body began to merge. The vortex around the body, the void, actually dissipated a lot.

If it is, anyone who notices all this will be shocked, only because the whirlpools are swallowed up by his heart.

His body, the horrible and mysterious atmosphere, became extremely horrible, and his body seemed to merge directly with the whole void.

(End of this chapter)

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