The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2049: One enemy three

Chapter 2049 is an enemy three

Of course, Xu Feng did not know that when he gathered up the space field, the land of the blood of the Nangong family was actually inductive.

Among his eyes, there was a strong smile, and this time it was really a huge harvest, and it succeeded in condensing the space.

"I don't know, I am showing the power of heaven and earth, the square space, how powerful is it?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, and his face was full of smiles. It was really a good mood.

If it weren't for the help of the world of heaven and earth, he wanted to break into the space field and it was easy.

The space field of Xu Feng is diffused.

His body suddenly disappeared into place, and for a moment he felt that he and the void were incomparable.

"This is the space field of the first perfect day of great perfection, and it is very powerful." Xu Feng's eyes are all satisfied.

He is very clear that if he uses the space field to escape, I am afraid that only those seven spirits will be able to catch up.


The kitten stood outside, and he looked at the crowds around him. His eyes burst into fierce light and roared: "Whoever dares to approach, I will kill him."

The tyranny of the king's body appeared, and his eyes sparkled with fierce light, staring at the people around him.

You know, ten days have passed, and these people have become so eager to wait, waiting for it is really tormenting.

They also want to enter these vortexes to understand the realm of heaven and earth, so that they can enhance their own strength.

"Don't be afraid, let's take a shot together. Is it not afraid that this kitten will not be made?" Someone voiced and said.

"Yes, together!"

Suddenly, twenty or thirty people rushed straight toward the kitten.

The kitten screamed, the body suddenly became bigger, the fierce body was incomparably, and it became very burly, his eyes exudes fierce light.

"Get out!"

The kitten screamed, although he was very powerful, but so many people shot him, and he suddenly had some Zhao family.

The huge body was directly shocked by a person. He suddenly wanted to go out into the whirlpool and wanted to remind Xu Feng.

Who knows, suddenly a palm, I saw a young man, descending from the sky, the palm of his hand, containing the power of majestic, violently attacked toward his back.

"The beast, it’s going to be mad."

Yes, this sudden emergence of the young man is the dragon's dragon, and the cultivation of the four-character emperor on his body is extremely powerful.

When the kitten was attacked by him, he only felt the squeaky voice on his back, and a blood spurted out, and his eyes became dim.

The huge body suddenly turned back into a small body, heavily squatting on the ground, and his mouth was full of blood.

"Dragon 昊 young master, this cat seems to be a different kind of monster." Seeing the dragon scorpion to kill the kitten, the old man of the six-character emperor around him reminded.

Long Yin understands the meaning of the other party, and the strong breath of the present is erupting: "Reading that you are a different kind of monster, if you are willing to follow me, I can not kill you."

"Long Jia Long Yao is a dragon."

"It’s the dragon family, they came."

"It seems that they are coming to the heavens and the earth, I am afraid that the cloak must be in danger of life."

"There is a good show here. You said that the oriental Qiankun, will you fight for the cloak and the dragon family?"

"You must know that the Dragon Family is the first of the four ancient families, the first big family, and the foundation is extremely powerful, and the power is even stronger."

The people around them, watching the dragons and other people appear, are all exclaiming, and their eyes are full of excitement.

They can't wait for Xu Feng and other two people to fight with the dragon family. It is best to lose both sides. In the end, they can take advantage of the fishermen.

"Oh... the despicable and shameless villain, sneaked from behind Benedict, you also accompany me to follow you!" The kitten sipped a slobber directly at the dragon.

"you wanna die!"

Long Yao suddenly turned to the cat on the ground, and immediately shot it out. Looking at the palm, the kitten was directly crushed into meat.


At this time, a majestic voice, which contained a majestic killing, made many people feel that the pores were erected.


The golden fist, the squatting and the dragon's palm, collided together, suddenly collapsed, and dozens of cracks appeared in the earth.

Long Hao quits after rushing to death, his eyes with a sensational killing, staring at the cloak who suddenly appeared.

Xu Feng did not pay attention to the dragon, but quickly picked up the kitten on the ground, the back of the spine, and wiped the blood from the corner of the kitten.

"Kit, you're fine..." Xu Feng's voice was anxious. He quickly pulled out a lot of medicinal herbs and fed them into the kitten's mouth.

The kitten's eyes looked extremely heavy. He squatted on Xu Feng's shoulder: "Brother, my sleep is good, I want to sleep..."

"Kitten kitten... you must not have anything... Kitten..." Xu Feng held the kitten, and the spirit of his body rushed toward the kitten body.

However, he found that in the body of the kitten, the blood is flowing, although the breath is very weak, but there is no danger to life.

He held the kitten in his arms and placed it in the place where the kitten stayed at his waist. His eyes became **** and his murder was silent.

Long Hao did not pay attention to the killing of Xu Feng. He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Hand over the heavens and the earth, I will spare you not to die."

Xu Feng heard the words and shouted directly: "I am going to paralyze you... Today, I will not kill you, I will not be a man!"

Xu Feng suddenly rushed to the sky, the body of the three spirits of the emperor burst out, the eyes are full of heroic killing.

The golden light rises to the sky, and the killing field of the second heavenly peak is accompanied by the gravity field of the first heaven, and it is stirring at the same time.

"The genius."

A fist, Xu Feng did not have any hesitation, directly smashed out to the dragon, his fourteen spirits, double angry sea are suddenly fluctuating.

Blood-red fists, crazy to go out to the dragon.

"The young master of the dragon squatted back, and the three of us came to deal with him."

The old man of the Six Pinling Emperor's peak, he stepped out step by step, his body faintly revealed the golden shadow.

Grabbing toward Xu Feng's fist, it is a golden claw, as if it is a dragon claw hand, can tear everything in the void.


With that, the golden dragon claws and Xu Feng's fists, together with the collision, the two figures at the same time quit.

"Give me death, old man." Xu Feng is killing the heart at the moment, God blocks the killing of God, the Buddha blocks the Buddha, he does not care who the other party is.

The kitten stayed with him for so long, this time it was to protect him, and he was interrupted directly by the dragon, which is simply to kill the kitten.

How is he not angry?


Xu Feng did not hesitate, and even if his body was not stable, he attacked the old six-character emperor.

The old man of the Six Pinling Emperor Fengfeng condensed his eyes and said: "With one shot, you can kill this one."

(End of this chapter)

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