The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2037: Ling Zunshi spurting blood

Chapter 2037, Ling Zunshi spurting blood

"What kind of medicine is this? There is spirituality. Why have I never seen it?" Xu Feng stared at the bouncing, like a carrot.

The general presence of the carrot seems to be the feeling of Xu Feng, which turned to the distance and wanted to escape.

On Xu Feng's body, the spiritual force suddenly flowed out, suddenly on the body, the space and the heart emerged, and he chased it up.

"Give me a stop!"

However, the moment he grabbed the carrot, he slipped away, and from his palm, he smashed it again.

"Brother... I will help you catch him..."

The kitten stood not far away, and he immediately called out, and suddenly he slammed out.

Xu Feng looked at the kitten and said: "Kitten, don't eat it."

"Brother, I know!"

Xu Feng continued to collect other medicinal materials, and almost all the medicinal materials were collected. He looked at the vast medicinal garden.

I also sighed with my heart, and said: "If I am a **** of the universe, I also have a medicinal garden I cultivated. Then why can't he dominate the land of China in the future?"

Xu Feng is very clear that so many precious herbs are also costly to cultivate.

This time, I really made a big profit. He is almost next to the eight-piece Zundan who wants to refine.

"Brother... Look, this little thing is finally honest." The kitten's claws, clutching the carrot.

However, the sharp claws of the kitten could not grasp the carrot, but only left traces of the road.

Xu Feng looked at the little carrot and his eyes narrowed.

"Hey... bully... stinky cat..."

A crisp voice came out, Xu Feng stayed like a chicken, this carrot is obviously a precious medicinal material, and it can actually spit out people's words.

The kitten is also wide-eyed, and he swallows his mouth and said: "Brother, this carrot turned out to be fine."


The carrot-like thing, it suddenly snorted coldly and said: "As long as you don't eat me, I can bring you great benefits."

"What benefits?"

Xu Feng looked at the carrot and said.

Carrot said: "I can find any medicinal herbs that exist, and I can find the location of all the medicinal herbs."

"Oh, 80% of the herbs in this medicinal garden are all I have found with the people who made the sect."

Xu Feng heard that he almost did not stun his chin and said: "What you mean is that you existed in the sect of the sect, how many years have you lived?"

Xu Feng's eyes braved the light, he could feel that if he swallowed the carrot, his cultivation would be greatly improved.

"Oh... don't swallow me... don't swallow me..." The carrot made a cry for help, and it could actually feel the killing of Xu Feng.

The kitten looked at Xu Feng and said: "Brother, what are you going to do with this carrot? I am giving it to you. It is really uncomfortable to hold it."

Xu Feng took the carrot and said, "You don't want to run away, I can't swallow you, but you have to be honest, you know?"

"Uh-huh... I will be very obedient..."

The carrots made a crisp sound and seemed to nod.

Xu Feng looked at the kitten and said: "Kit, you put it, if it dares to run away, you will swallow it directly."

"Ben's favorite to swallow it, haha!" The kitten looked at the carrot, cast a sly expression on his face, and looked extremely eager.

The carrot was scared and suddenly jumped onto Xu Feng's shoulder. Xu Feng was very close, only to find out that the center of the carrot was like a delicate little face.

Xu Feng looked at the carrot and asked: "What kind of medicine do you have, why don't I know that there is such a medicine between heaven and earth?"

Carrot heard the words of Xu Feng, the little face turned out to be proud of the color, said: "I am Da Yan Xian Lu, I am the Tiandi Dibao cultivated by Da Yan Xianjun, I am not a medicinal material. But it can continuously absorb the power of the heavens and the earth."

"Accurately, I am a plant spirit..."

Xu Feng heard the words, his face was awkward, and he immediately asked with curiosity: "What is the character of Da Yan Xianjun?"

The big Yan Xianliu heard the words and blinked his eyes: "I don't know... but I can feel that he only needs one thought and you will die..."

"Well, how come you are here?" Xu Feng continued to ask.

Da Yan Xian Liu's eyes sparkled with some helplessness: "When Da Yan Xian Jun sat down, I slipped out myself."

"You mean, that Da Yan Xianjun is dead?" Xu Feng looked at the Da Yan Xian Lu, according to the other party's description, how strong the other party, how can it die?


Da Yan Xian Liu, inside the eyes, seems to be a little sad and flashing.

Xu Feng said: "The big Yan Xianjun you said, such a strong presence, how can he die?"

"You have a lot of problems..." Da Yan Xian Lu turned his eyes and said: "Between the heavens and the earth, unless the spirit is not dead, it will die..."

"Then why don't you die?"

Xu Feng continued to ask.



Da Yan Xian Liu constantly answered Xu Feng's question, Xu Feng successively asked, making Xu Feng seem to have a better understanding of this spiritual **** mainland.

"This Da Yan Xian Liu knows a lot of things, it is ok to leave it around, anyway, I may not have much benefit in swallowing it."

Xu Feng secretly decided to leave Da Yan Xian Lu.

"Kit, let's go, someone came in."

Xu Feng snorted at the kitten, and he felt the breath close to the medicinal garden. The channel that was coming to the front was directly taken out.

His speed is very fast, with the kitten and the big fairy, just follow the passage and rush out to the outside.

"Ling Zun Shi, have you come out so soon?" The dark temple warriors of the guards, they looked at Xu Feng who came over and said with a smile.

Xu Feng nodded to a few people and was in a hurry.


"Ling Zun Shi, this..."

As he walked into the medicinal garden with Ling Zun, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he saw a figure and went out to another channel.

"Who, stop me!"

When the inch was built, he screamed, and his eyes were filled with crazy killings. He looked at the medicine garden in front of him, and almost no blood spouted out.


However, the Ling Zun teacher at his side, but a bit of old blood, directly sprayed out, both eyes are crazy, are killing.

"Kill...kill... I must grab him at all costs and intercept all the herbs, otherwise... you will all die..."

"This incident, I have already informed the sword and the master of the squad..." Ling Zunshi was facing the 臧 inch, and his eyes were full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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