The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2038: Come to kill one

Chapter 2038 comes to kill one


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Even, it will be held accountable, and it is very likely that there will be no place to die.

"Ling Zun Shi, this area is the people of our dark temple, I forgive him to break the wings can not escape."

Those who were in the passage, they thought Xu Feng was a teacher.

I know, it’s just a moment.

The figure built by 臧 出现 appeared in front of them.

The eyes of the 臧 inch built are cold and killing, saying: "You idiots, the person who was just not our dark temple."


The few people heard the words and suddenly opened their mouths. They said: "Well, elders, is it wrong, is he a teacher?"

"You have a few wastes, and don't hurry to kill this person. Ling Zunshi is now in the medicine garden, and all the medicines inside have been removed by the other party."

臧 建 建 建 的 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 臧 建

"If you let him know, we have lost all the herbs, and when it comes to you, even if it is me, there will be no place to die."

"Hurry and chase me."

"After catching up, kill directly, then bring back all the storage rings and corpses of his body."


The people in the dark halls all changed their faces. They did not expect that the Ling Zun teacher had just faked it. This is really a big responsibility.

A few people are very clear, once they are held accountable, then the end can be described as terrible, one by one is crazy to chase.

The 建 inch built a direct roar, his voice spread far and wide, said: "All the dark temple warriors obey."

"When you meet someone who is not a dark temple, no matter who you are, you can kill all the bodies and storage rings."

The words of the inch-inch construction sounded, and the other three channels of the warriors directly came out, and they came to the front of the building.

"Hey elders, what happened?" They looked at the inch, and they were full of doubts and doubts in their eyes.

臧 建 建 建 : : : : : : 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建

"Ling Zunshi spurted blood on the spot, and the sword and the master also knew about the medicine garden. If it is impossible to recover those medicines, I am afraid we will all die."

"Damn, who is so courageous, even dare to eat, he must arrest him, kill it!"

The warriors of the dark temples all chased out in the distance, and the atmosphere of the darkness of their bodies permeated them.

"Brother, those in the dark hall, catch up." The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and said with some concern.

Xu Feng felt the breath of the chasing after him. His face changed slightly and said: "Hey, just kill the people in the dark temple."

"You don't think that the fragments of the dark field are of great benefit to your ascension? Then, let's kill one."

The spiritual flow of Xu Feng's body, but his footsteps did not stop, but began to quickly avoid, he must completely separate the people in the dark halls.

Kill and kill!


Not far away, a dark temple of the Five Spirits Emperor, the dark field of his body filled out, I saw him roar, said: "There are people here, he is not our dark temple."


His snoring sounded, and suddenly the strong atmosphere in all directions, rushing straight toward this side, their speed is very fast.

However, Xu Feng did not have any hesitation, and the punching out of the box was the third type of killing boxing.

Wei Li is very incomparable, directly smashing the existence of the five-character emperor, and smashing it out.


Xu Feng’s body fled to the side. He knew that if he was surrounded by the people of the Dark Hall, he would really be unable to escape.

"Hurry up, there!" Seeing Xu Feng fleeing, those people did not pay attention to the person who was killed, but chased after Xu Feng.

"Kid, this time I have to look at it, where are you going?" After Xu Feng just fled, he was intercepted by two opposite figures.

"Hey, the waste of the two five-character emperors, and dare to intercept my way, do you want to die?"

Xu Feng stared at the two opposites, the second killing field of the peak of the sky, when the blood was filled, the blood red light shrouded.

"Kill the box!"

His fists are insane, without any mercy, and every attack is going to kill each other.

The men of the two five-character emperors, they did not expect that Xu Feng’s strength was so terrible that both of them were killed.


In this way, Xu Feng continued to hide from the Western food, as long as he met alone or two dark temple warriors, they were instantly killed.

For a time, he killed more than a dozen dark temple warriors, resulting in a sudden drop in the number of warriors in the dark temple.

In this way, the people in the Dark Hall want to chase down Xu Feng, and even more Xu Feng scattered, only to find Xu Feng.

"Sure enough, you dare to deceive us!" At this time, a dark temple warrior of the Six Spirits Emperor, he blocked Xu Feng's way.

Xu Feng looked at each other, with a sense of killing in his eyes, saying: "Hey, look at the part that you put me into the medicine garden, I will not let you die, let's go."

"District, Sanpinling Emperor, dare to be so arrogant, you are looking for death." The six spirits of the Dark Temple, the emperor, the dark field of his body.

Xu Feng’s body, the second heavenly peak, kills the field, accompanied by the gravity field of the first heaven, and surging at the same time.

The dark temple warrior of the Six-Principal Emperor, with his constant battle with Xu Feng, suddenly over his face, was shocked.

He directly pointed at the whole void and immediately yelled: "Come on, the person who steals the medicine, here."

His voice spread far and wide, and Xu Feng’s mouth appeared to be cold and killing: "I still want to play with you. Since you don't want to play, then I will send you to die."

"Soul storm."

The soul power of the eighty-fifth order directly impacted, and suddenly the six-character emperor spurted out a blood, and Xu Feng followed a shot to the outside of the heart.

With a bang, his heart was directly shattered and shattered, and his eyes were unwilling, saying: "Who are you?"

Xu Feng looked at each other and smiled faintly: "I am the one who killed your dark temple..."

(End of this chapter)

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