The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2036: Goose plucking

Chapter 2036 geese plucking hair

In this way, Xu Feng entered this passage of the medicinal medicinal garden.

He found that there were no more people in this passage.

His face was smiling and his heart said: "It seems that the people in the Dark Hall are really confident. Only those people are guarding the entrance to the passage."

However, Xu Feng thinks that it is normal. For the Dark Temple, there are so many people at the entrance to the passage. Who can enter it?

Xu Feng continued to penetrate into the passage. He found that the passage was really some length. He found that there were many hidden compartments around the passage.

He is very clear in his heart. It seems that those secrets are the ambushes that the sects once set up. It is a bit interesting.

Finally, Xu Feng saw a trace of light, his eyes with a surprise color, just because he had already smelled the medicine.

He came out directly from the passage, and there was a large piece of medicinal material in his eyes. His face was full of excitement.

"This time it is really making a big profit." Xu Feng looked at the large medicinal herbs in front of them. The years of these herbs were thousands of years old.

"Ha ha ha, I can't think of the dark hall. This defense is so strict, it seems to be a wedding dress for my Xu Feng."

Xu Feng’s face is full of smiles. His heart is very clear. This time it’s really good luck, or the Dark Temple and the Medicine Garden have no connection.

Meow meow……

The kitten looked at the herbs in front of him, and knew that there were a lot of spirits in it. He suddenly became very excited and jumped out to those spirits.

Xu Feng looked at the kitten and said: "Kitten, don't destroy these herbs, I have to put them all together."

“Is this gold and silver nine money grass?”

Xu Feng’s face was full of excitement. He looked at the front of him. There are at least dozens of gold, silver and nine money grasses. This kind of medicine is a must-have medicine for refining a lot of eight kinds of medicinal herbs.

At the moment, he began to pick up these herbs, and he even found a storage ring alone, and deposited these herbs in the storage ring.

With the receipt of those gold, silver and nine money grass, he continued to start the next medicinal material, all the medicinal materials, in any case, he was included in the storage ring.

He charged very quickly. After all, he used to be a master of eight products. Now he is already a master of eight products. His understanding of medicinal materials has long exceeded many people.

"This is... the seabed flower, is there even planted here?" Xu Feng's eyes stared at the place not far away, there are several colorful flowers.

Don't underestimate this flower, this is the refining of the eight-piece Zundan, this kind of medicine, you can refine the kind of immortal that Xu Feng now knows.

The kind of medicinal medicine can enhance the temperament of the Sanpinling Emperor, and break through the chances of the four-character emperor, greatly increasing the effect of the promotion.

It can be said that the seabed ginseng of these plants, their value, even surpassing those of the previous medicinal herbs, he quickly put it all together.

Next, Xu Feng saw that all the herbs were collected, and he was plucking the geese for these herbs.

He almost all picked it. Of course, some seedlings, and immature herbs, didn't have much effect, and he didn't pick them.

"Brother, you eat this kind of fruit, it tastes really good, I am still eating such a delicious fruit for the first time?"

The kitten grabbed a few blood-red spirits and jumped to the front of Xu Feng, which contained a strong spiritual power.

When Xu Feng looked at this kind of fruit, he almost didn't vomit blood. If the eight masters knew that some people actually used this yuling mango as a fruit, and would eat it with a big mouth, I would probably vomit blood.

You should know that this Yuling Mango is a medicinal material that can refine the quality of the medicinal herbs. This kind of fruit is on the outside, and it is almost priceless.

"Kitten, quickly put all the fruits together, we have to move faster, there are so many herbs, when the people in the dark hall, it is not good to inspect."

Xu Feng’s face was smiling with a smile: “Better, we are God’s unconscious and continue to leave, so as not to have so much trouble.”

Xu Feng is very clear that this area is guarded by the dark hall of the drug garden, but not a few, if they are besieged.

He may not be able to escape safely. It is best to escape first. Even if it is found in the Dark Temple, he can only chase him.

He is now in the medicinal garden, and he can only act as the target of those people. It is only hard and hard, and there is no possibility of escape.

"Okay, brother!"

The kitten heard Xu Feng let him collect those spirits, of course, is extremely excited, he crazyly put those spirits into the storage ring.


"Ling Zun Shi, I have been waiting for you for a long time, and finally I have been looking forward to you." 臧 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建 建

He is very clear that the value of the medicinal gardens of the sects is terrible. These people are not refiners and do not know the attributes of medicinal herbs.

If you arbitrarily collect the medicinal materials, it will probably bring great losses. He will send a message to Ling Zun, and let the other party collect the medicinal materials.

There are so many herbs in it, so horrible, when you return to the Dark Hall, this is definitely a great achievement.

"Hey elders, you really made great contributions this time. If I guessed well, there are a lot of medicines in this medicinal garden. Even if it is a nine-class emperor, it will be heart-warming."

Ling Zun Shi looked at the inch, and his words also looked forward to it.

You must know that it is the medicinal garden of the sect.

In those days, the sect of the sect was so powerful, largely because of the merits of the medicinal garden. The medicinal herbs can be continuously refined.


Xu Feng collects the medicinal materials, and sees that the medicinal materials of this piece are about to be collected. The kittens not far away have already collected the fruits.

"this is……"

At this time, Xu Feng’s eyes looked far away, only to see there was a green grass, and the grass seemed to be normal.

However, Xu Feng's eyes are deep, but they are shocked. He won the inheritance of the nine masters of the Emperor Wu of the Lingwu Emperor. He only knows this kind of grass, otherwise he will really ignore it.

"Xingchen Mingcao is a precious medicinal material for refining nine products." Inside Xu Feng’s mind, there are several kinds of nine medicinal herbs passed down by Emperor Lingwu.

"This time, it is really making a big profit."

Xu Feng is now, carefully dig out the stars and grasses slowly, and then use the supreme liquid to wrap the stars and grass.

He is very clear that the stars and grasses need the supreme liquid to be preserved, otherwise they will directly wither in just a few days.

This star life grass is almost invaluable. If you let those nine masters know, they will inevitably have great heart.

However, after winning the stars and grass, Xu Feng’s eyes fell not far away, and I saw that there was something like a carrot that was actually jumping.

(End of this chapter)

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