The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1997: Eight years old

Chapter 1997 Eight-year-old Emperor

"You should be eight masters now?" Xu Feng looked at Xing Xingzi, and his eyes were filled with emotion.

When he was a master of the past, he received a total of five disciples, and the talent of the star of the Xing Xingzi is really good.

Moreover, Xing Xingzi can be said to be Dan Zhe, this guy has a near-fanatic hobby for alchemy, even Xu Feng is helpless.

Xu Feng also clearly remembers that in his previous life, in order to let the Xing Xingzi improve, instead of immersing himself in alchemy all day long, there are many ways to think about it.

Later, Xu Feng thought of a way, that is, the cultivation of the Xing Xingzi for each level of promotion, he taught the Dan Fang of the three immortals of the Xing Xingzi.

Since then, the cultivation of Xing Xingzi has been promoted very quickly.

"Master, I broke through the eight-year-old teacher a year ago."

Xing Xingzi looked at Xu Feng, and his eyes were full of awe.

Xu Feng heard that he looked at Xing Xingzi and said: "You don't have to call me a master. We will meet each other equally. You should not disclose my identity to anyone for the time being. Just when I am Xu Feng, the hero may have already been already died."

"Master, how can this be done? One day is the father of the teacher for the rest of my life. My star is definitely not a person who bullies the ancestors."

Xing Xingzi was scared by Xu Feng's words, and his eyes were all staring at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng shook his head. He looked at the Xing Xingzi and said, "If you don't follow my words, then it is the real bully."

"For the time being, my identity is still not exposed. In the absence of other people, you can call my Master. When someone else is there, you will call me Xu Gongzi, understand?"

When Xing Xingzi indulged for a moment, he looked at Xu Feng and nodded. "I will call you Xu Gongzi, but in my heart, no matter how Master changes, it is my master."

"Your hurry to adjust your injury, we will go back to Tianhua domain to see it." Xu Feng is very clear, he still has a lot of things in Tianhua domain?

Sanjiezhuang does not know how to recover?

Also, Dan Meng of Jiangnan City does not know how it is now.

Later, Xu Wanshan and other Xu family people did not know how to live well.

"Xu Gongzi, okay."

Xing Xingzi called Xu Feng Xu Gongzi, but some did not adapt, but he knew his Master's character and did not continue to say more.

Instead, sitting cross-legged, began to refine the medicinal herbs that had just been swallowed. After his injury recovered to 90%, he stood up.

Xu Feng took out Ling Zhou and said: "There is a distance from Tianhua Field. Let's go back to Tianhua Domain on the Lingzhou."

Xing Xingzi climbed onto Ling Zhou. He looked at Xu Feng and said, "Master, I don't know if you can meet other brothers and sisters?"

Xu Feng heard the words, nodded and said: "Your master now, in the vast territory of Shenzhou, his cultivation is already a strong Emperor."

"Your second brother, you should experience in Jianzhou, Kyushu, Seoul. His swordsmanship is very good, and he should have broken through to the Emperor."

Having said that, he looked at the sky in the distance and said: "Your three brothers and younger sisters, I have no news of them."

Xu Feng's face is a bit ugly, he is very clear, if it is still alive, he should be able to meet him.

However, of course he also holds some hope, after all, the southern continent is so vast and innocent, although he has been to many places.

However, the other party may not know that he is a tyrant, so it is possible to see no slouch.

As for the ghost of the song, the little girl is a heavenly spirit. If it can survive, it should be in any power, and it will shine.

"Master, Master 2, brothers, they know, are you still alive?" The star is very shocking. He really doesn't know how his master survived, and he found that his master's bone age is now young. People, even older, are not as big as him.

Xu Feng shook his head and said: "You will meet them later, and don't tell me the identity. Your brothers and brothers can recognize each other."

"The power of the Dark Temple is beyond our imagination, and I think there are things that may not be as simple as we think."

"Master, one day, one day, we can destroy the dark temple." Xing Xingzi bit his teeth, his eyes are angry.


Tianhua domain, Sanjiezhuang.

A little girl with incomparable exquisiteness, her eyes are black and black, very bright, with two ponytails.

Her eyes look strange and strange, and the entire Sanjiezhuang is now very prosperous, and it is already the biggest force in Tianhua.

Between the disciples and disciples, there was an endless stream of appearances in Sanjiezhuang. Many people looked at the little girl with pity and fear on their faces.

"Old man, you said my father, when will I come back? I have been waiting for him for several years." The little girl snorted and was not happy.

She was in Sanjiezhuang, so quietly cultivated, only because Wu Yun said that his father Xu Feng would return to Sanjiezhuang.

Therefore, the little girl did not go anywhere, so she stayed in Sanjiezhuang, and also got Wu Yun’s personal guidance.

"I said little girl, you only have to patiently practice, your father will definitely come back." Wu Yun looked at the little girl around, his face was full of love.

"I don't care, I will accompany you for a maximum of two years. When my father doesn't come back, I will leave Tianhua domain and go out and find him."

The little girl’s cheeks were a little stubborn, and her eyes were all firm.

Wu Yun looked at the little girl's look, really like Xu Feng.

He remembered that Xu Feng had just joined Sanjie Zhuang, and that kind of stubborn look was almost exactly the same as that of the little girl.

"This brother, do you know who the little girl is? I see that she is outside the Sanjiezhuang every day and stays for an hour or two."

"And, he even called the elders directly, for the old man, to know that even if they are the owner, they are extremely respectful to the elders."

A young disciple who had just joined the Three Precepts, he looked at the little girl, and some curiously asked the brothers around him.

The brother told the young man and warned: "I can tell you that you can provoke anyone in Sanjiezhuang, but don't provoke this grandmother."

"Don't look at her very cute, she is a spiritual emperor. In our three guards, no one but his elders is his opponent."

"What, is the emperor repaired?" The young man opened his mouth and almost spit out his mouth without a tongue.

He couldn't help but swallow his mouth. It was so shocking. He looked at the brothers around him and asked, "Senior, she is afraid that she is only eight or nine years old?"

"Well, she is only eight years old." The brother, it was also shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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