The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1996: I am willing

Chapter 1996 I am willing


The spiritual power of the stars has continued to flee away from the distance.


The people in the dark temples, watching the stars escape, suddenly went to the stars to chase and kill, completely not killing the stars, swearing not to give up.

"Yu Xingzi, don't continue running, you have no way to run?"

Behind him, the people in the dark hall are chasing faster and faster.

Xing Xingzi, there is only one thought at the moment, that is to escape and survive.


In other words, Xu Feng left the 72 peak area after he handled the matter in the 72 peak area.

"I don't know what the level of the refining division of the Xing Xingzi is now?" Xu Feng knows very well that since he wants to go to the vast land of China, he will naturally bring a star.

When he was in the wild in the north, he met with Xing Xingzi. He felt that Xing Xingzi should be able to guess his identity.

When he came to the north, he didn't know the specific location of the Dan League. He found a person and asked: "This big brother, may I ask, where is the specific position of the Dan League?"

The man looked at Xu Feng and immediately said quietly: "I said this little brother, I advise you not to go to the Dan League?"

"What is going on, is it hard to be a master of the Dan League?" Xu Feng looked at the man, some nervously asked.

The man said: "The dominant Dan League does not know how to provoke the dark hall, and has now been completely destroyed by the people of the dark hall."

"The people who dominate the Dan League are even more dead and wounded. It is said that their ally, Xing Xingzi, is still being chased by the people of the Dark Hall."


Xu Feng’s eyes sparkled with cold chills. He looked at the man and said, “This big brother, you know where the people in the Dark Hall are chasing the stars, and if you know, I will thank you. ”

Said, Xu Feng also took out nearly a hundred drops of the supreme liquid.

A hundred drops of the supreme liquid, but it is a huge resource in the north.

You must know that most of these people are masters of the Emperor.

"Day, is this the legendary supreme liquid?"

The man looked at the supreme liquid in Xu Feng’s hand and was shocked by his face.

"Yes, this is the supreme liquid. As long as you know the news of the Xing Xingzi, I will give you all these supreme liquids."

Xu Feng looked at the man and said.

The man nodded and said: "Little brother, I may not know the specific location of the star, but some people must know, I will take you there."

As the man took Xu Feng to find an old man, he was seriously injured and he was dying.

"Where do you dominate the Dan League's lord, tell me quickly." Xu Feng took out a medicinal herb and stuffed it into the mouth of the old man.

The old man coughed a few times. He looked at Xu Feng and said intermittently: "The dark temple...the man chased him...go to the west..."

His voice just fell, Xu Feng threw the one hundred drops of the supreme liquid to the man, and he disappeared in place.

The man looked at the back of Xu Feng's departure and said: "This person's breath is so strong and powerful, I don't know what identity?"

Xu Feng's speed is very fast. He even used the spatial heart directly, and constantly chased it out to the west.

"Brother... There is a fighting atmosphere in front."

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and he pointed to the front.

Xu Feng also felt the fluctuations of the air waves coming from there.

"Yu Xingzi, this time you are escaping."

I saw that the eyes of the star were red, and there was a violent wound on the body. The face was pale, and he was surrounded by people in the dark temple.

"Hey, you are a running dog in this dark temple, and I don’t want to stare at the stars." Stars stared at the people around them, their faces.

" way, who will let you dominate the dark temple of the year? In this world, anyone who sins our dark temple must die."

The voices of the Dark Temple are incomprehensible, and they hide in the cheeks under the black robes, which are extremely embarrassing.

"That may not be."

However, Xu Feng appeared there, when his voice sounded, staring at the opposite person wearing a black robe.

When he looked at the star, he nodded at the star.

When Xing Xingzi looked at Xu Feng, his face was shocked.

He had a relationship with Xu Feng before. He was very clear at the time. In the end, who Xu Feng was, he had a lot of doubts in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng actually appeared here. The most important thing is that even he can't feel how strong Xu Feng's cultivation is.

"Did he have broken through to the spiritual emperor?" Xing Xingzi's heart secretly guessed that he could not feel the other's cultivation, but only this possibility.

"Where is the hairy boy, dare to take care of our dark temple, are you eager to eat the leopard?"

The people in the dark temple looked at Xu Feng and yelled directly.

"I did eat the ambition of the leopard, and the people in your dark temple, in my eyes, are a lot of dogs! Oh."

"Why, do you want to do it with me? Even if you come over, if anyone can resist me, I will let him go."

Xu Feng looked at the people in the dark hall opposite, disdainful.


Said, Xu Feng stepped out directly, the golden light of his body filled, suddenly the golden fist, constantly bombarded.

A person in the dark hall opposite, rushing out toward Xu Feng, his face screaming, said: "The big boy who is not talking is really looking for death."


However, just as his attack touched Xu Feng’s fist, the whole person suddenly exploded and there was no bone in his fist.


The atmosphere at the scene instantly became dignified. The people in the dark halls all had fear in their eyes. They stared at Xu Feng and said, "The Emperor is strong!"

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and said: “The dark hall of the wild, there is really no need to continue to exist. Then let me die.”

Xu Feng’s current strength, stifling these people in front of him, is simply as simple as squeezing an ant.

His fists were bombarded one after another, one by one, one explosion, all of which were smouldering and killed, all killed by Xu Feng.

When Xing Xingzi stood there, he looked at the scene and was shocked. He did not expect that the person who had a relationship with him would become so powerful in just a few years.

Xu Feng walked to the front of Xing Xingzi and took out a medicinal herb and handed it to Xing Xingzi. He said, "Hurry up and take the remedy, first recover your injury."

When Xing Xingzi took the drug, his eyes stared at Xu Feng in front of him. He was shocked and said: "Are you really my master?"

Xu Feng heard that his body was shocked. He had confusion in his eyes and said: "Maybe, maybe not, you are willing to follow me."

"I am willing!"

I did not even think about it, and I promised it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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