The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1998: Hey, you don't love people.

Chapter 1998, you don’t love people.

Eight years old Linghuang.

"Ah? Originally, we Tianhua domain, the eight-year-old emperor who has been raging recently, is she?" The young man reacted and was shocked.

His brother stood beside him and nodded his head in a dignified manner. He said: "It is really a human being than a popular person. Don't watch her play like this. She is very hard to cultivate."

"You see that she is only eight years old. I used to watch her personally carry a piece of it. The huge stones are dragging behind the body and running constantly."

"And, she is in a place full of killings behind our three guards, she can stick to half an hour."

"I remember once again, she insisted on an hour, or the elders went to personally report her, otherwise she would probably last longer."

The young man was shocked: "Brother, you said that she is a young age, why is it so powerful? Is there still perseverance?"

"I remember when I was seven or eight years old, I was still playing with the children in the same village, playing mud and playing with my family."

When the young man said this, he asked the brother of the brother: "Brother, do you know who she is, how enchanting?"

The brother heard and shook his head. He said: "According to the rumors of our three precepts, she is the daughter of Xu Feng."

"However, we don't know if it's true or not. Anyway, this is what they guessed, and it seems that this little girl has also said that her father is Xu Feng."

"Xu Feng! That is my idol!"

The worship of the youthful face, you must know that Xu Feng is a legendary existence throughout the Tianhua domain.

With one's own strength, destroy the great forces such as Wannianzong, rebuild the Three Rings, and destroy the Thunder Mountain Villa and destroy the Dark Temple.

Throughout the Tianhua domain, countless young people, their object of worship is Xu Feng, how many women regard Xu Feng as a dream lover.



The little girl she was originally sitting with Wu Yun, she looked at the sunset in the distance, her eyes are worship and expectation.

She really wants to meet her father. She knows that her father is a man of heaven. The people of Tianhua domain regard him as the object of worship.


The little girl suddenly stood up, she felt her blood flowing, and she found that her mind was unnaturally unappearing.

That figure has appeared countless times in her mind, that is her father.

She knew that it was her father.

"Little girl, what are you doing?"

Wu Yun looked at the little girl who suddenly flew out, some worried.

He chased directly toward the little girl.

"Great elder, I feel my father, he is back."

"He is back!"

"He is back!"

The little girl was full of excitement, her face was red, her eyes were ruddy, and her tears continued to flow from her eyes.

"Ah... really?"

Wu Yun was a little surprised. He was very clear. This little girl is Xu Feng’s daughter. If it is really sensed, that is to say, this little girl and father are sensing.

"Well... I sensed my father's position, we went to him." The little girl nodded to Wuyun and immediately chased out in the distance.

"Don't Xu Feng's kid really come back?" Wu Yun's eyes are dubious. He also knows that Xu Feng and Xiaotoutou are fathers and daughters. They may have **** sensors, but this sensor is too strong.


"Hey, what's going on, how do I feel uneasy, and there seems to be something that is calling me?"

Xu Feng just came to the sky in Tianhua domain. He sat on the top of the spirit boat and felt uneasy, and his face was panicked.

Most importantly, he seems to feel that there is some kind of power that is constantly calling him, as if from that direction.

"Hey, isn't that the direction of Sanjiezhuang? Is it difficult to say that Sanjiezhuang?" Xu Feng's face suddenly became difficult to look at.

"Xing Xingzi, we are going to Sanjiezhuang now."

Xu Feng said to the Xing Xingzi, they originally planned to go to the tyrannical mountain of the tyrants. Now it seems that they must go to the Three Gates.

Xu Feng is very convinced of his instincts. If Sanjiezhuang really has a crisis, he knows that there are no strong people in Sanjiezhuang, and he can't stop it.

"Okay, Master!"

Xing Xingzi said to Xu Feng.

Suddenly, Lingzhou quickly shuttled in the direction of Sanjiezhuang.

"Oh, look at it, what is that flying on that day?" As Xu Feng flew in the sky in the spirit boat, it covered the sky and suddenly attracted many people.

In Tianhua domain, there is no such luxury and spectacular Ling Zhou, and the speed of flying is so fast, it is very powerful.

"Wow, the big Ling Zhou, I have seen such a big Ling Zhou for the first time in my life, and it is still flying so high."

"Look at you, the young man above the Ling Zhou is so handsome."

"Hey, why do I look at the young man, so familiar?" An old man, looking at Xu Feng, he said slowly.

"Ha ha ha ..." people laughed and said: "I said the old man, you see what the strong are familiar, really laughed... you know this way, we all understand."

Xu Feng is riding a spirit boat, and the people in Tianhua domain are sensational.

"Isn't that the great elder of Wuyun?"

Xu Feng looked at the place not far away, an old figure was flying towards him.

Wu Yun also saw Xu Feng.

"It is really Xu Feng's return."

Wu Yun's face is full of excitement.

The little girl next to Wu Yun, her tears in her face, wowed loudly and appeared on the opposite side of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at the long beautiful face, and the girl who looked a bit similar to her, his face changed slightly.

Wow wow...

The little girl looked at Xu Feng staring at herself, crying more sad, and both eyes seemed to cry red.

"Great elder, this little girl is?" Xu Feng's voice was a little trembling, he looked at the little girl, and there was a figure in his mind.

In particular, the two eyes are really too similar.

"Xu Feng, she is your daughter."

Wu Yun said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's face was full of excitement. He was the first time to be a father. He swallowed and swallowed his body and appeared in front of the little girl.

He reached out and his arm trembled, gently stroking the little girl's cheek, and he felt the blood flowing through his body.

It is a feeling of flesh and blood.

"You are really my daughter!"

Xu Feng’s voice is shaking. He is not so excited to face the Seven Spirits. At this moment, there are some fears in his heart.

"Oh... hey, you don't love people... oh..." The little girl's pears are crying with rain, two big eyes, and the water is really I see you.

(End of this chapter)

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