The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1889: Killing Buddha

Chapter 1889 killing the Buddha

With two people sitting down.

The business of this restaurant is really good.

Many people have come to the restaurant to sit down.

As someone started drinking and eating.

Xu Feng has quietly arrived at the restaurant.

He found a place to sit down and ordered some side dishes.

He swept the restaurant without his eyes.

His eyes fell not far away, where there were two people sitting near the window.

"It seems that these two people must be two of the seven tokens."

Xu Feng shifted his gaze, the area of ​​the restaurant was large, and he did not find other people.

He also sat there, waiting patiently.

Time passes by one minute.

Xu Feng found the old man opposite, and the middle-aged man with the Chinese character face, they have begun to look for it in the restaurant.

"This little brother, don't know where you are from?"

The old man quietly sat opposite Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looks at the old man and calms his mind: "Predecessors, from the night city, don't know if you are going to spend the night in the city?"

"Night City?" The old man's eyes are bright, laughing: "That is a very good city, it is said that there are countless beautiful women there."

"But the old man doesn't like the female color, so he hasn't enjoyed it. If there is a chance in the future, go to the night city and tell the old brother."

"Haha... the seniors would really tell jokes."

Xu Feng said with a smile.

The old man got up from the opposite side, Xu Feng did not know what the other side thought.

Anyway, he found that the old man was almost a table and a table to sit.

This old man is also very powerful, he then directly find out three people.

That is, the seven tokens, five people have been found.

"You are still two people."

The old man had doubts in his eyes. He asked himself that he was careful enough, but he still did not find the two remaining.

"It seems that they haven't arrived yet?"

The man with the face of the country said.

The old man slowly shook his head and said: "They have arrived long ago, but we did not find them. I am sure that the two are in the restaurant, but I don't know who?"

"Oh, this weather is really hot."

The old man suddenly stood up and his eyes swept over the surrounding table.

Finally, his eyes stopped not far away.

There was a woman sitting there, the woman was about forty or fifty years old, but it seemed to have a charm, very beautiful.

The woman also stood up, and she walked over to the old man and sat down at the table.

A few people were surprised. I didn't expect that there would be a woman in the seven tokens.

Xu Feng found that there was an acquaintance among the six people opposite.

And that acquaintance is the old man who was gambling in the gambling yesterday and wants to fight with him.

He really didn't think that the old man turned out to be the winner of the token.

From time to time, the old man’s eyes fell on Xu Feng’s body. His eyes were dodging, apparently some taboo Xu Feng.

"The last person is still worse."

The old man of the five-character emperor, his voice is somewhat helpless.

As his words rang, the middle-aged woman, her eyes fell on Xu Feng.

"The last person came very early."

The words of middle-aged women ringed, and others looked in the direction of Xu Feng.

They are all shocked. Is it true that the owner of the seventh token is so young, and it is no wonder that the other party is so cautious.

"Oh, I don't think it's just a kind of spiritual emperor, it seems to be dragging my legs." A middle-aged man, his face of scum, it is Messer.

His cultivation is the four spirits.

Hearing the words of Messer, Xiong Wenqiang did not trace the sneer: "This group of young people, this young man, must have a big loss at that time."

Xu Feng did not expect that he was actually seen by a woman.

It is said that the sixth sense of a woman is very strong, it seems that it is.

He stood up and did not continue to hide.

He came to the front of the table and sat down.

The old man looked at Xu Feng with some surprises. He always felt that this young man was not easy.

In the face of these middle-class spirits, they can still be so calm.

"Hey, this predecessor, we met again!"

Xu Feng looked at the old man around him and smiled.

The old man’s face was stunned and said: “Little brother, don’t you call my predecessor, I’m listening very embarrassed. If you don’t mind, then call me a brother?”

Xu Feng smiled and said: "That's good."

The old man of the five-character emperor, he looked at the six people around him and said: "I will introduce myself first. Everyone calls me the old man of the dead wood. You can also call me the old man of the dead wood."

"You are the old man of decay wood!"

Suddenly, one of them looked at the old man with a shocked look.

In the depths of the old man's eyes, there was a smug color.

He smiled slowly: "I don't think anyone knows the old man, dare to ask you?"

"In the Tanghai."

The middle-aged man who knows the old man of the dead wood, his skin is white, and a deep dipping in his eyes.

"I am called Yang Jianuo."

"I am called Messer."

"I am Nieting."

"I am called Xiong Wenqiang."

"My name is Xu Feng."

As seven people introduced their names.

The old man nodded and said: "You, I think we should not waste time, hurry to find a place, take out the token, and then find the place where the treasure is."

"I agree!"

Subsequently, seven people dispersed from the heart of the restaurant, they came outside the city, it is a relatively secret place.

The old man was the first to take out his golden token, and then Yang Jianuo took it out, taking out the golden token one by one.

Finally, when Xu Feng’s golden token was taken out, the seven golden tokens turned out to be directly merged.


The golden light of the bursts came out, and the sound of the wind continued to blow, and the sound of the leaves of the dragonfly came out.

I saw that the golden token was actually a monk-like person, and this person seemed very fierce.

"It turned out to be the Buddha of the Buddha!"

The old man of the dead wood has a wide range of knowledge. When he looks at the illusion in the golden token, his heart is shocked.

Several other people heard that the person who killed the Buddha Emperor had a slight change.

Xu Feng has never heard of killing Buddha Lingdi.

Thinking of it should be a strong existence.

"That is the map!"

Then, the golden token was transformed into a map.


The old man was the first to read the map and screamed. He quickly smashed out to the place pointed by the map.

Later, Yang Jianuo was not to be outdone, and his speed was very fast.

Xu Feng and Xiong Wenqiang are at the end.

Xu Feng looked at Xiong Wenqiang and asked: "Bear brother, is that killing Buddha spirit is very powerful?"

"You don't even know the killing of the Buddha's spirit?"

Xiong Wenyan was a little surprised, and immediately he said: "It seems that this Xu Feng is not necessarily a person in the Western District, otherwise it is impossible to not know **** the Buddha."

(End of this chapter)

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