The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1890: Seven people die alone

Chapter 1890, seven people die alone

Chapter 1888, seven people die alone

"A hundred years ago, the killing of the Buddha was one of the four major forces in the Western District. This person is said to have come from Kyushu Seoul."

"It was a disciple of Xuzhou Buddhism. Later, when he came to the land of Shenzhou, he created the Shadow of the Shadows and became the leader of this sect."

"And his own cultivation is also the strongest of the Seven Spirits. It is said that in his body, there is a Buddha bone relic, which is the real treasure."

"Later, because of this killing of the Emperor of the Buddha to kill the road, it is said that in the high-level Lingdi, he suffered too many punishments for killing and resentment."

"It is said that he was enchanted when he was practicing. With the disappearance and death of the Emperor of the Buddha, the blood-shadow teachings of the past have gradually disappeared."

"Now, one of the four major forces in the Western Region, the part of the people, is from the blood shadow teaching. It can be said that it is based on the foundation of the blood shadow teaching."


Xiong Wenqiang almost finished speaking to Xu Feng without a word. Of course, the two were running wild and discussing.

He knew that Xu Feng didn't even know the killing of the Buddha, and he was even more certain that Xu Feng was definitely a child of the big forces from other parts of the land of Shenzhou.

Otherwise, how could it be that even the six-character emperor of the semi-monthly dynasty did not even start, and the other party was scared to run away.

Since I know that Xu Feng’s identity is not simple, Xiong Wenqiang’s generation of old-fashioned giants will naturally not let go, this opportunity to have a good relationship with Xu Feng.

The old man in front of the wood, Yang Jianuo, their speed is very fast.

However, at this moment everyone is desperately on their way.

Almost all the way, when you meet the mountains, you can climb directly. When you meet the river, you will go straight ahead. You will chase me and not be busy.

Xiong Wenqiang’s heart is very shocking at the moment. He found Xu Feng, who is almost the same as himself, and he was calm.

He Xiong Wenqiang was repaired by the Emperor of the Three Spirits. He paused in this cultivation for decades, and his foundation is extremely handsome.

However, such continuous rushing roads also made him feel tired and scarce.

However, Xu Feng, who was almost on the road with him, turned out to be calm.

Moreover, Xu Feng did not see the consumption.

"What kind of genius is this big power, this horrible talent."

Xiong Wenqiang’s heart is shocked, and the talent that Xu Feng showed is completely frightened.

About a day passed.

The next morning, the dawn of the sky just broke open.

Xu Feng and Xiong Wenqiang saw the distance, it was a quiet valley.

It seems that the birds are fragrant and the environment is particularly beautiful.

"This is the valley."

Xiong Wenqiang’s face is full of surprises.

If you can get the treasure of killing the Buddha, or get the legendary Buddha bone relic, it is a big chance.

Both Xu Feng and Xiong Wenqiang took a glance. They found that the old man, who was very fast before, had not yet entered the valley and seemed to be waiting for something.

"Two, you are finally here."

The old man of the dead wood looked at Xu Feng and Xiong Wenqiang.

If you don't know this old thing is not a good thing.

When he saw the map, he ran the fastest.

Xu Feng secretly said: "It seems that it is not that simple to want to enter the secret."

He does not think that these people are kind, waiting for him and Xiong Wenqiang.

"Predecessors, are you this?"

Xu Feng said respectfully on the surface.

The old man of the dead wood looked at Xu Feng and Xiong Wenqiang and smiled: "The two younger brothers, since we are together, we naturally have to enter together."


Xu Feng couldn't help but be surprised. He looked at the old man of the dead wood and said: "I don't think that the predecessors are so kind, it really surprised me."

"The little brothers really laugh, now that all seven of us have arrived, then go quickly," said the old man of the dead wood to the crowd.

Xu Feng finally saw it. This place to kill the Buddha’s treasure is definitely not simple.

The old man of the dead wood is not kindly waiting for both of them, I am afraid that they want to be two cannons.

"I think the two are the least repaired. It is safer to walk in front. What do you think?"

The old man of the dead wood is really uneasy.

This is completely to let Xu Feng and Xiong Wenqiang as cannon fodder, charge front line.

They are profitable in the back.

Xu Feng did not care, said: "Thank you for the good intentions of the predecessors, walking in front should be the safest, and there are strong people to escort."

Xu Feng walked toward the front.

A few people have disdain in the depths of their eyes, and their heart said: "This **** is really thinking to kill the place where the Buddha's emperor is sitting, so enter it?"

They all know that it is not good to kill the Buddha.

After the death, I left seven tokens. To put it bluntly, I don’t want people to get his treasure.

However, perhaps he was unwilling to feel that he was so dead in silence.

Therefore, it is absolutely dangerous to kill the place where the Buddha's emperor is sitting.

Now, Xu Feng is eager to make a head start, they are of course happy.

Xiong Wenqiang looked at Xu Feng and went to the front.

With his character, he certainly knows the idea of ​​the old man of the dead wood and so on. He bit his teeth and can only follow the front of Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng little brothers, they obviously want us to be cannon fodder, why do you promise so refreshing?" Xiong Wenqiang walked, and asked Xu Feng rumors without a trace.

Xu Feng heard the words, but he said: "Do you think that if we disagree, how many of them will shoot us?"

"With the strength of both of us, if we fight against them, we must die, and then simply follow their thoughts and first enter the place where the Buddha's emperor is seated."

Xiong Wenqiang heard Xu Feng’s rumors, and he could only nod in his heart.

He knows the facts Xu Feng said.

These people are definitely not good at all.

If you really want to shoot them, don't say that you can kill the Buddha's treasures. It is a problem to leave alive.

As they entered the valley, the heavens and the earth seemed to change instantly.

Seven people appeared in a dark passage at the same time.

Subsequently, Xu Feng and Xiong Wenqiang are still at the forefront.

"Be careful, if I don't expect it, there is danger ahead."

Xu Feng reminded him of the sound of Xiong Wenqiang not far away.

Xiong Wenqiang heard Xu Feng’s reminder that he was a little surprised.

With the constant advancement.

Xu Feng’s eyes were condensed, and he yelled at Xiong Wenqiang and said, “Come on!”

It turned out that there were only six stone piers in the corner of the front.

And around the stone pier, it is an invincible abyss, with a faint glow in the darkness.

Xu Feng Ling Li went to the legs and he was ready.

Suddenly, stepping out of the way, has fallen on a stone pier.

Xiong Wenqiang was reminded by Xu Feng before, so it was prepared.

Suddenly, he also fell on one of the stone piers.

"Not good, only six stone piers mean seven people die."

(I recommend you a friend's book, it looks like it is still very good, called "Wanyu Dragon God", now it is free, you can go and see!

At the same time, I wish everyone good health and good luck. This is a good and safe chapter! )

(End of this chapter)

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