The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1888: Seven people gather

Chapter 1888 Seven people gather

"Is this young man crazy? How dare he say such a thing!"

"This kid is definitely a long-lost man, and that is the six strong spirits."

"It’s really a generation of people who don’t know how to be honest. It’s really looking for death.”

"It seems that the six spirits will kill him."


No one had thought that a young man who was a good emperor would dare to say such a thing to such a six-character emperor, and he was simply looking for death.

Their faces are not understood. They think that Xu Feng does not look like a self-seeking person. How can he be so impulsive?

"Zhou Lao, kill him, kill me, he ruined my meridians."

I am willing to make a scream.

He just wanted to mobilize the spiritual power, but found that the meridians of the whole body were broken by the punch by two-thirds.

Zhou Lao Cang's old eyes stared at Xu Feng oppositely. He was curious and said: "Why don't you dare to kill you?"

"Haha, since you have already guessed, why bother to ask me?"

Xu Feng stood there, he embraced his hands, not even planning to shoot.

The people around me looked at this scene and didn't understand what kind of ghost Xu Feng was doing.

In fact, Xu Feng knows why he is so confident.

That is because, at the moment he just broke out, it was the space heart.

On the vast territory of the whole of China, there are very few people who can gather space and heart.

What's more, Xu Feng's space is so strong.

"This is a fair gambling, why do you need to slap this water?" Xu Feng looked at the opposite Zhou Lao, said with a smile.

"We are doing what you are doing, killing him!"

I was looking at Xu Feng and Zhou Lao, and I was chatting.

He suddenly screamed and snarled.

Zhou Lao turned his head and glanced at it with a glance. "Your father has given me all the power to control you. If you continue to talk nonsense, don't blame me."

"We are"

I did not expect that Zhou Lao was actually in front of so many people, so he talked to him, and he did not give him face.

Zhou Lao asked Xu Feng why he did not dare to kill him.

Xu Feng did not actually answer.

He knows very well that the more you say, the easier it is to reveal.

He is now betting and betting!

He is very clear that if he is in front of him, he really kills himself.

Then he will kill.

However, he bet that the old man did not dare to do it to him. After all, if Xu Feng’s status in the Nangong family is very high, there can be no strong followers around.

This is really gambling by Xu Feng.

Zhou Lao did not dare to gamble. He did not dare to gamble that Xu Feng did not follow the strongmen of the Nangong family, and even dared not gamble to kill Xu Feng and survive.

The Nangong family of the four ancient tribes, the bottom is very majestic.

On the surface, he is now giving a wish to support and kill Xu Feng.

Retreat 10,000 steps and say that if the Nangong family pursues it, the father he believes will definitely make him a scapegoat.

"The two of you are fair confrontation. If the old man intervenes, it seems that we have no bottom line in the half moon."

"The old man just was just joking with you, and there will be a period later." Zhou Lao said to Xu Feng.

The people around them are wide open, they don't understand, what happened?

Zhou Lao appeared in the side of his mind.

I am willing to complain about the face at the moment.

"Give me the debris of the triple gravity field."

Zhou Lao’s eyes looked at him with sternness and said.

He did not vomit blood, but did not violate it. He handed the fragments of the three gravity fields to the opposite Zhou Lao.

"This little brother, there will be a period later."

As the voice of Zhou Lao came, a piece of triple gravity field flew out to where Xu Feng was.

Xu Feng’s smile on his face, his heart said: “I’m not really sure about the identity of this Nangong family. It’s really helpful.”

Xu Feng’s smile on his face.

At the moment, an old man is quietly leaving the scene around the ring.

It was the old man who wanted to fight with Xu Feng before.

His heart was secretly glad, but fortunately, there is no debris in the gravity field in his hand, otherwise his end will be very miserable.

He is very clear, even if he is the master of the Sanpinling Emperor, but even the half-moon sect of the six spirits did not dare to provoke people.

If he beats the other side, he really can't imagine what kind of situation will happen at that time. It is really cold sweat on the back.

Xu Feng was satisfied with the third-day gravity field debris. He took the kitten and walked outside the crowd.

At this moment, everyone looked at Xu Feng with awe.

At the same time, they are also more curious, in the end, the identity of the young man in front of him, even the six spirits did not dare to provoke him.


"We are old, why don't you kill that young man?"

The grievances of the full face are questioned by Zhou Lao.

Zhou Lao slowly said: "He is so young, the martial arts talent is so powerful, how could there be no background, no backstage."

"When I want to kill him, what he exudes is the breath of space, and the space is full of heart and horror."

"Ah... space is a heart, do you mean that he is a member of the Nangong family?"

In the eyes of the moment, there is a sense of fear.

He is very clear that the Nangong family is a little stronger than their half-monthly sect.


Early the next morning.

Xu Feng has already felt the breath that came out of the golden token.

"You, can you all go to the city?"

The same old voice sounded.

"We are all in the city, do not know where to meet?"

A voice came out and asked.

"We don't want to go to a place that is too arrogant. It's better to find a restaurant."

"I don't want you, I am in a restaurant at the moment. The business of this restaurant is not bad, it is called the restaurant."

"I know the restaurant." Another voice came.

"That's good, all of us are at this heart of the restaurant, I am sitting on the second floor of the restaurant."

The voice of the old man sounded up.

"You, I am here waiting for you to come."

Xu Feng holds the golden token in his hand.

He put the golden token into the storage ring and said, "Look at the other six people first. What are the people?"

Xu Feng wants to get a treasure, but he is very clear, if he does not find out, it is not to get the treasure, but to die.

Heart restaurant.

On the second floor, near the window, there was a white-haired old man sitting with his eyes sweeping from time to time.

Not long after, there was a figure on the opposite side of him. It was a man with a national character face, and his body was not weaker than the old man.


The old man and the man with the national character face did not speak directly, but the two looked at each other and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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