Chapter 1790, let's go!

"Oriental Lingyue, I always like Lin Xiaoxiang, don't you know?"

"That's why, when I became a relationship with her unmarried couple."

"And you, in my eyes, don't matter at all."

The voice of Xu Feng came out. The original excitement and smile of the Oriental Lingyue, she had countless words, and Xu Xu said.

In the past few years, she has been arranging people to look for Xu Feng. She has not found any news. She wants to tell Xu Feng.

She is the Oriental Lingyue. Although there are countless young talents who like her in the vast land of Shenzhou, there is only one person in her heart.

From the beginning to the end, only Xu Feng!

However, at the moment when Xu Feng’s successive passages were spoken, Dongfang Lingyue only felt that his body was shaking.

Her heart is endless bitterness, her heart even feels the pain of tearing, her body is constantly shaking.

Many people look at Xu Feng, and they are full of incomprehensible and strange faces.

"Is this Xu Feng crazy?"

"At this time, he is still so angry with the Oriental Lingyue, isn't that even the Eastern family, and regardless of his life and death?"

"This Xu Feng really doesn't know how good it is. What kind of genius is the Oriental Lingyue, how could he be able to climb high."

"Now, he is so humiliating to the East Lingyue in public, this is not only humiliating the Oriental Lingyue, but also humiliating the Eastern family."

Many people are constantly talking about it. Their eyes are staring at Xu Feng, and they are all angry.

"Kid, you are looking for death!"

Beside the Zirconium of the East, an old man from the Eastern family, he looked at the pain of the Oriental Lingyue, and his powerful momentum suddenly broke out.

The eastern zirconium directly reaches out and blocks the old man. He said: "The old man, can't you see it, the kid is good at heart?"

"What do you mean?"

The old face is very strange.

The eastern zirconium slowly shook his head and said: "Then I ask you, even today we are helping him, how likely is he to survive?"

"Small, we are holding up a few people in the Nangong family, the people in the dark hall, our people are not enough." The old man said here, his old eyes, suddenly understand.

Dare to love, Xu Feng is deliberately angering the East Lingyue.

He does not want Oriental Lingyue to take risks for him.

Today, if he died here, then he also broke the thoughts of Oriental Lingyue.

Otherwise, with the character of Dongfang Lingyue, even if it is dead here today, I am afraid that I will not see Xu Feng being killed.

At that time, the Oriental Lingyue will become even more dangerous. The Dark Temple and the Nangong family will not dare to kill Lingyue.

However, secretly doing things.

After all, they are also afraid that Dongling Lingyue will grow up and madly find revenge.

"Oh, this kid..."

The old man couldn’t help but sigh. He didn’t expect Xu Feng’s feelings for Dongfang Lingyue to be so deep. He would rather give up his life and wish the Oriental Lingyue to survive.

"Ha ha ha... Miss Lingyue, you see no, your heart is for others, people don't appreciate it at all." Jian Li's face with a mocking smile, he added oil and vinegar: "Miss Lingyue, my sword is fierce You are infatuated, why are you indifferent?"

"If you are willing, I will help you to arrest him today, and then let him bear the taste of life, how is it?"


The momentum of Dongfang Lingyue constantly floated out. Her eyes stared at the opposite sword sharply. "You waste, do you want to pursue me?"

Her voice was extremely chilly. She didn't pay attention to the sharp eyes of the sword, but the body was trembling, as if turning around became extremely difficult.

When she turned around, her eyes stared at Xu Feng, and she stared at the eyes.

At that time, at the time of Tianhua domain.

Before she left Tianhua, Xu Feng once said that he would come to find himself one day.

Is this all false?

"Xu Feng, what did you say... are you true?" The voice of Dongfang Lingyue became extremely trembling. She resisted the tears in her eyes.

Xu Feng bit his teeth in his heart, he tried not to let himself reveal a slight emotion, the sound is calm.

"Oriental Lingyue, if I had made you misunderstand me before, then I can only say sorry to you here."

"In that year, I only liked Lin Xiaoxiang. I didn't have any feelings for you or me. You don't need to be in love with me."

" are lying to must be lying to said that you want to come to obviously like me more, your marriage contract with Lin Shijie is obviously forced. ..." The emotions in the heart of the Oriental Lingyue broke out completely.


Oriental Lingyue suddenly rushed to the front of Xu Feng's body. She waved a small fist in madness and beat her in the chest of Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng, tell me soon... You are lying to me... You are lying to me..." The voice of Dongfang Lingyue was exhausted.

Xu Feng suddenly shocked, and the body of Dongfang Lingyue was shaken out. His eyes were angry and said: "Oriental Lingyue, is it enough?"

"From now on, you disappear in front of me, I don't want to see you!"

"go away!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are extremely firm.


When the Oriental Lingyue suddenly spewed out a blood, her hair was suddenly scattered, and her eyes were sad.

"why why……?"

Xu Feng is bleeding in his heart, but he knows that if he is not worried at the moment.

It is very difficult for him to escape this disaster today, why bother hurting one more person to worry about for himself?

"No... I don't believe..."

The voice of Dongfang Lingyue became very weak, and her body actually fell down slowly, and she passed out directly, and her face was white.

"Miss, miss..."

The old man appeared in front of Dongfang Lingyue. When he was holding the Oriental Lingyue, he walked in front of Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, thank you!"


Not far from the fairy red snow screamed, her tears continued to flow, she was crazy to rush to find Xu Feng.

"Father, you let me go with Xu Feng. He is very painful inside. The words he just said are deceptive. He likes Oriental Lingyue very much."

"He wants, Dongling Lingyue should not worry about him, he feels that he may not be able to survive." Xianhong Xue's face with a mole.

"Snow, my father can't let you go!"

Xian Yi took a deep breath, and there were tears in his eyes.

He remembered the catastrophe of the fairy family.

His wife, in the end, did not die for him?

Now, Xu Feng obviously wants to die on his own, and he is not willing to go into crisis for him.

Such a sensible young genius, how does he not like it?

(End of this chapter)

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