The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1791: With you, also with!

Chapter 1791 is with you, too!

"Xu Feng, what qualification do you have to humiliate Miss Oriental?"

"You know, Miss Dong is the top genius of our dragon family, the woman that Long Aotian likes."

"Oriental Lingyue has feelings for you. It is the blessing of your life for a few lifetimes. You dare to say so much now."

"Today, my Longwang represents my big brother Long Aotian, and teaches you this waste. I really don't know the high waste."

Longwang's eyes were filled with icy and bitter killings. He stepped out step by step, and his eyes were full of arrogant disdain.

Seeing Longwang appear in front of Xu Feng.

Nangong just smiled faintly, and he did not immediately kill Xu Feng.

"Get out of the way, I am in a bad mood, don't force me to kill you."

Xu Feng stared at the youth who appeared opposite.

He can't see it, this young man wants to learn from others.

I want to take myself as a stepping stone.

"Ha ha ha... This is really the most ridiculous joke I have ever heard of Longwang. You really thought that you won the first place in the Kyushu hegemony."

"Are you an invincible existence? Don't you know that there are people outside, there are days outside the sky, is this sentence there?"

The breath of the spirit of the Emperor of Longwang floated out, and the violent momentum of his body continued to flow, and both eyes were mocking smiles.

Xu Feng stared at the opposite Longwang and said: "You really want to find death, then I don't mind to fulfill you. Just killing such waste is really a shame for me."

"you wanna die!"

Longwang did not expect that the youth of the dragon family of the four ancient tribes who came to the house would come to the ancient city of Kyushu.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng did not go so far, and dared to insult himself, the spiritual power of his body began to surge.

"Give me to die."

On Longwang's body, like a dragon in the figure of soaring, he suddenly slammed out, and his fists turned into golden light, and he rushed out toward Xu Feng's fist.

"With you, also with!"

Xu Feng screamed, and his inner resentment broke out completely at this moment. The **** red killing atmosphere in his eyes completely broke out.

The spiritual power in his body suddenly flowed, and the body of the Emperor was suddenly displayed. He also punched like a dragon.


This fist, the smashing and the dragon's fist collided together, suddenly the sound of rumbling came out, many people thought that Xu Feng had to suffer.

I know that Xu Feng stood there without any moving bullets, and the opposite Longwang was directly shaken out. He swung in the void and there was a burst of sparks.


Longwang’s face suddenly changed. He felt the huge force from Xu Feng’s fist. He bit his teeth and said: “I can’t lose, otherwise I will lose it.”

"I have to say, I didn't go all out. I really looked at you." Longwang's voice sounded, his body flashed and said: "But then I won't give you any chance to live. You are destined to die in my hands."

"I advise you not to continue to die, otherwise I will die if I go all out. At that time, I am afraid that the forces behind you will come to me."

Xu Feng’s face was mocked. Of course he saw it. This young man is not simple.

The other party should be the dragon family of the heads of the four great ancients.

"You can rest assured that our Dragon family, as the head of the four ancient tribes, will never make a bully. We are the young people of the Dragon family, fighting outside, and it is our life to die." Longwang face belt A firm look.

Many people looked at Longwang and nodded secretly.

Xu Feng looked at Longwang and said: "Since you insist on finding death, if I don't fulfill you, it will inevitably be impossible to say, right?"

When Xu Feng’s body suddenly emerged, the blood-red killing field suddenly became extremely terrifying.

The most important thing is that in the killing field of Xu Feng, under the sentiment of killing the spirit of the Emperor, the field of killing in his first heaven has become even more terrifying.

"People kill."

The first form of killing the boxing was displayed, and the blood-red fist suddenly smashed the void and suddenly went out to the opposite dragon.

"Get out of my way."

On Longwang’s body, the field is also filled out. His hands are turned into palms, like the claws of a dragon, and they are thrown out.


Suddenly, the fist smashed Longwang directly into the air, and he spurted out a stream of blood, and Xu Feng stayed on the moment.

He was also "ground killing" and it was the second type of killing boxing. The fist suddenly became more fierce and more powerful.


Longwang was directly attacked by this punch, and the blood was sprayed from his mouth, and the fragments of the internal organs were also carried.

Longwang’s body fell heavily on the ground, Xu Feng slid up and the color of a pedal fell.

This foot, if it is the moment of falling.

Long Wang is afraid that it will be difficult to die.

It is enough to completely smash the head of Longwang directly.


Longwang was a bit sturdy. He just made a snoring and did not ask for help from the strongmen of the dragon family not far away.

Long Haocheng and others have just said those words in Longwang, they can't shoot at all, otherwise it means that Longwang is telling lies, it is not shameful.

Their Dragon family is the head of the four ancient tribes. If you come to this ancient city of Kyushu, you must be so shameful. The significance of coming here is completely lost.

However, Xu Feng’s feet did not fall.


Xu Feng’s ankle was in the chest of Longwang, and his body flew directly out. He looked at Longwang and said: “You are a man of bones, I will not kill you.”

"Just, if you ask for help from the strong dragon of your dragon family, then you are now a dead person."

Xu Feng looks calm.

Longwang’s eyes looked at Xu Feng in a complicated way and said: “Your strength is very strong.”

"Four elders... I..."

Long Wang was ashamed and his mouth was still bleeding. He walked to Long Haocheng.

Long Haocheng patted him on the shoulder and said: "Yes, victory or defeat is a common occurrence of the military. If you can't afford it even if you fail, you are not worthy of being the dragon of my dragon family."

“It’s the dragon’s home that is the head of the four great ancients. It’s really very strong.” Many of the strong people in Kyushu’s Seoul have nodded secretly.

They feel extremely admired for the behavior of the Dragon family.

You must know that this is in stark contrast to the previous Liu family.

This is the difference between the ancient and the ordinary family.

This is the heritage of the ancients, this is their insistence.

The eastern zirconium mouth with a smile, the heart said: "This dragon Haocheng, the purpose of his coming, reached."

(End of this chapter)

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