The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 1789: Never liked you

Chapter 1789 has never liked you.

"Ha ha ha ... small beast, I was really right, I know that many of us are waiting for you, want to tear the space to escape."

Nangong just stood there, his face with a proud color.

Not far from the old face of the old man, it became extremely ugly.

His mouth was slightly shaking.

He knows that Xu Feng is afraid that he can't escape.


Tianji old man sighed helplessly, he was able to help Xu Feng also helped, this time can not get rid of the bad luck.

Then, I can only see his own life and see his creation.

"Nang Gonggang, you are really mean."

The eyes of Oriental Zircon have sarcasm in their eyes. "There is really a killing of a future generation, you really are not qualified to be the future owner of the Oriental family."

"If the old thing of Nangongyuan makes you a master, then you may not be out of the four major ancient tribes for three decades."

Nangong just heard the ridicule of the oriental zirconium. His eyes are cold and killing. He said: "The eastern zirconium, you are too wide."

"The things of our Nangong family do not need your Eastern family to intervene. Today, Xu Feng, a small beast, must die."

Xu Feng has heard the sound coming from outside. He bit his teeth and bite his teeth, facing the seven spirits in the body, saying: "Seven killing seniors, this time it seems really dangerous."

"If there is no way at the time, you can control my body and hope that we can survive smoothly?"

"Kid, you have to think clearly, my cultivation is too strong, I control your body, and the damage done to you is huge."

The Seven Killing Emperor is very clear that he controls Xu Feng's body, although he can greatly increase his strength.

However, such overload control.

It will cause huge damage to Xu Feng's body.

"Seven killing seniors, we have no other choices now, and living is the only choice." Xu Feng's voice is very firm.

As long as you can live, there is still hope.

He does not think that his luck can be repeated three times and five times, this time he can be reborn once.

"it is good!"

The killing atmosphere of the Seven Killing Emperor also permeated. He was already calm and ready to take control of Xu Feng's body.

"Small beast, can't you still come out?"

Nangong just stared at the place where the ancient battlefield was transmitting. His face was cold and murderous. He did not continue to entangle with the eastern zirconium.

"Dark temple?"

There are crazy killings in the eyes of Tu Jingang. Yao Jiuzhou, who is around him, pulls Tu Jingang and says: "Master, we are not the opponents of the Dark Temple. Now it is exposed to the stone."

Tu Jingang heard the words, and suddenly the breath of his body converges.

"But, the second division, do we have to watch Xu Feng be killed by them?" Tu Jingang's face is still not reconciled.

"Master, don't forget, the purpose of our living is to give the Master their revenge and hate. Now we are impulsive for us. But, Master, their hatred, who will report it in the future?"

Yao Kyushu bit his teeth. He looked at the sword in his hand and said: "Master, as long as we both survive, one day, one day, not only can we avenge Master, but we can also avenge the Xufeng brothers."

Tu Jingang can only bite his teeth, he wants to shoot.

However, the strongest of the Nangong family, the lowest repair is the existence of the four spirits, and they can't resist even the other people's tricks.

"Oh, I said that I listened so badly. It turned out to be a dog, and it was constantly snarling outside." A voice came from the transmission array.

Xu Feng’s figure came out from the inside.

His words made Nangong's face look gloomy. His status in the Nangong family was extremely high. Xu Feng dared to be so many people and insulted him as a dog.

"Small beast, dead to the end, you and your father, the mouth is so stinky." Nangong just opened his mouth and looked at Xu Feng opposite.

I have to say that when many people look at Xu Feng, they are like looking at Xu Pang when they were young. Two people are worthy of being fathers and sons.

Indeed, the face has a similarity of three points, and the most important thing is that the look on the face is more like the same.

"What fear is there?" Xu Feng with a sneer in his eyes. "I Xu Feng is never afraid of death, just hate, I will die in the hands of a group of dogs."

"As a person of the Nangong family, he has the inheritance of the ancient seal of the Emperor, and the space spirit of the 10,000 years ago. Even the killing spirits are amazed, but now?"

"The Nangong family, but fallen into the running dog of the dark temple. The dark temple let you go east, you dare not go west. I guess, if the space spirit is really dead, sooner or later, by your group of dogs, give a direct Turn over and live."

Many people heard Xu Feng’s words, and the heart was dark and shocked. This Xu Feng’s mouth was really sinister.

This is simply the face of the Nangong family.

"Xu Feng, you say so much, don't you want to survive? Today, I will kill you personally." Nangong Gang, a strong breath broke out.

A figure suddenly appeared in the side of Xu Feng, it is the Oriental Lingyue, her eyes stared at Nangonggang with anger, said: "Nan Gonggang, you dare?"

"Ling Yue Shijie?"

Xu Feng looked at the shadow in front of him. His eyes were full of excitement. They were all excited. He didn't expect to meet Dongfang Lingyue here.

"Hey, you have another fiancee. Do you still remember my sister?" The voice of Dongfang Lingyue had some resentment.

Xu Feng touched his nose with a faint smile. He knew that Dongling Lingyue would have seen him and Xianhong Xue together.

"No, I can't let Lingyue World take risks for me."

"Xu Feng, you can't be so selfish, Lingyue sister can give you life for you."

"Now, if you show your feelings for her, she will definitely not give up."

"Here, not only the strongmen of the Nangong family, but also the strong ones of the dark temple not far away, you can't get into the danger of Lingyue's sister."

The smile on Xu Feng’s face, in the stunned countless people, suddenly turned into ridicule and sneer, he looked at the shadow of the Oriental Lingyue in front of him.

"Oriental Lingyue, are you looking at yourself too high, I have several fiancee, what are you doing?"

"To tell you the truth, I am not just Cher, a fiancee, I have many fiancee in other places, and their status in my heart is one hundred times higher than you."

"Do you really think that you are a family of the East, I want to like you?" When Xu Feng said this, his heart was tearing.

He knows that his feelings for Oriental Lingyue and Lin Xiaoxiang are really profound.

That is the best feeling he has come out of Ling Bingrong's emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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