Although Bai Chen's singing voice was low, every note seemed to be imprinted on everyone's hearts.

Program live broadcast room.

Sophie's eyes were already red. When she saw Bai Chen's eyes full of stories, her heart trembled.

At this time, the assistant beside her hurriedly handed her a piece of paper

"what? I didn't cry~~"Sophie didn't cry as she spoke, but she honestly took the tissue with her hand.


Bai Chen's song almost made everyone cry.

When Bai Chen finished singing, after a moment of silence, gentle sobs could be heard...

Suddenly, several young female staff members ran out of the room wiping their tears.

Several uncles had red eyes and tried hard to raise their heads, but it was no use and tears still flowed out unsatisfactorily.

This scene is really a scene where men and women cry silently...

Especially Teacher He, the best person to cry with is no joke. Holding Huang Lei in his arms, he cried so sadly that Bai Chen almost couldn't hold it back.

At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room has reached the highest peak of the day!!

It broke 30 million!

The barrage cannot be rotated at all.

"Ma De, make me cry!!"

"MMP, I cried while watching a variety show for the first time"

"Brothers, stop posting barrages, just cry, that's it!"

"Bai Chen, this B, it’s okay, I’m a fan of you today!!"

"I am completely convinced that such a talented person can sing such a song!"

"Please tell me what the name of this song is!"

"I’ve never heard this song before! Is it a song composed by Bai Chen himself? I pray for the same!!"

"By the way, don't forget, the one with the ID name 'Wuwukai'! Come out and live stream the carvings and shit eating!"


After almost ten minutes, the emotions of the on-site staff were finally under control. After all, the live broadcast was still going on.

"What did I just say, let you prepare the paper?"

Bai Chen said while looking at the staff.


"By the way, who was the first to cry just now, and it was captured by the photographer!"

After Teacher He finished speaking, everyone looked at the fat director with a smile.

The fat director's eyes were still red at this time.

"Xiaochen’s songs are really good……"The fat director said sincerely

"Our directors are people with stories to tell at first glance."

"Director, do you still need to show your hands to vote this time?

Huang Lei asked with a victorious look on his face.

"need! Come on, everyone, raise your hands if you are in favor of passing it!"

With a flash, all the staff raised their hands, and many girls even raised their hands!

And He Jiong and Huang Lei, who were next to Bai Chen, also raised their hands.

"Bai Chen, unanimously approved! You can have a room each!"The fat director announced loudly


He Jiong and Huang Lei both high-fived Bai Chen.

"Xiaochen is awesome! Thumbs up!"

"One like is not enough, I want 108 likes!"

Now, Bai Chen has truly been recognized by He Jiong and Huang Lei.

"By the way, someone called just now, but because Xiaochen was singing, the call rang once and I hung up."At this time, He Jiong walked to the phone and said

"ah? Yeah? I didn't even hear it. It must be a guest. But why did this guest call while Xiaochen was singing? Huang

Lei said with a frown.

When Huang Lei said this, He Jiong couldn't help but frown.

He understood the meaning of Huang Lei's words. Normally guests would only call after being notified by the program team. But just now, Bai Chen had a hard time creating an atmosphere when he sang. If he answered the phone, the atmosphere would definitely be interrupted. At that time, it would be impossible for the program team to notify the guests to call.

This guest called me with bad intentions!

At this time, He Jiong, who had always been good-tempered, already had an extremely bad impression of this guest who hadn't shown up yet.

He originally wanted to call back. It was impossible to call back this call, or even answer the call.

He Jiong turned around and returned to Bai Chen's side.

"Xiaochen, let’s go pack our luggage and share rooms."

"OK."As soon as Bai Chen heard about the room assignment, he felt much more relaxed.

He had just heard the conversation between He Jiong and Huang Lei and probably knew what happened.

However, he was not in the mood to pay attention to this guest who had not yet appeared.

Now Bai Chen Chen, I just want to go back to my room and lie down alone to 'recuperate' my health.

"Hey, you guys……"

Huang Lei watched helplessly as the two of them escaped first.

At this time, the phone just rang

"Oops, director, why don't you answer the phone? I have a stomachache and need to go to the toilet!"

Huang Lei, an old fox, was extremely unhappy with this guest. He found an excuse and ran away right away.

"Hey hey hey, Teacher Huang……"

The fat director couldn't help but shook his head. He also knew why the three of them left.

He turned to look at the phone that kept ringing and frowned.

Then he said in the headset:"The camera will immediately turn to Bai Chen and Teacher He!!"

"The director won't accept it? It's Wang Zitao……"the assistant director asked

"Is Wang Zitao amazing? You pick it up! ?"The fat director's eyes widened and he became full of energy.


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