In a five-star hotel arranged by the program team.

Wang Zitao was holding the phone he was making, but no one answered it.

Watching the live broadcast of"Longing for Life", I suddenly became angry and breathless, kicked the wall hard, and then smashed my phone to the ground. boom! a loud bang

"Grass! Against me?!"Zi Tao looked ferocious.

In Wang Zitao's opinion, didn't he just make a call when Bai Chen was singing?

Yes, he made the call at that time on purpose, but is there any problem?

I am now a popular traffic niche. Can't you compare to Bai Chen, who has only been on the show for a day? What makes Zitao most angry is that even if he calls and gets hung up, he deliberately doesn't answer the call again. This makes him have smooth sailing since his debut!

Wang Zitao felt that he had been greatly humiliated!

Bai Chen was now a thorn in his side.


At this time, after the program team on the other side finished filming Bai Chen and the others cleaning up their room, today's live broadcast came to an end.

After Bai Chen cleaned up the room, he went to take a shower. After saying good night to Teacher He and Huang Lei, he climbed into bed.

Then, he silently said in his mind [Xianyu System, show a video of His Highness Luo dancing!】

【I am not a salted fish system! This system is called the King of Entertainment System! You salty fish! 】The system retorted angrily

【Okay, okay, salted fish system, release it quickly】


The Xianyu System gave up correcting Bai Chen for calling his name.


【Warm reminder, playing the video of 'Luotian Yi Pure Land' requires 50 salted fish points! (Salted fish value: The host creates a song or a work in this world, and the system rewards salted fish value according to the difficulty level.)】

After Bai Chen read the explanation of the salted fish value, he probably understood what the salted fish system wanted to do.

He looked at his salted fish balance: 100 points

【Salted fish system, are you going too far? I only have 100 points in total, but you charge me 50 salted fish points for one video!】

【Too expensive? Don't look!】


Bai Chen finally redeemed the video, but when he was about to change to a comfortable posture to appreciate Luo Tianyi's dancing, a message suddenly came to his phone, just two words.

"come out."

Who is this? Why do you look so arrogant?

Bai Chen doesn't like the feeling of being ordered around, no matter who you are.

He turned off the message, turned over, and opened the video of Pure Land of Paradise.

Bai Chen watched it for a while , the phone rang again, this time it was a four-character message

"I'm Sophie."

Bai Chen frowned slightly this time. Today he was a little unhappy with the program group's arrangement of performing a program in a separate room, so he responded with a message of"missing".

At this time, he was sitting in the pavilion outside the yard. Sophie was stunned for a moment when she finally received the reply. As a young lady from an extraordinary background, coupled with her beautiful appearance, Sophie was still It was the first time she experienced the feeling of being rejected by a man.

However, this also aroused her strong desire to conquer, so she sent another message to Bai Chen, who was watching the video this time and vaguely heard it. The phone rang, but his attention was on the video, so he didn't pay much attention to it. Besides, he had already gone back just now, so he didn't take the message to heart and continued to enjoy the new anime from the system..

Time passed little by little.

At this time, there was a tall figure sitting in the pavilion outside the yard.

Bai Chen in the room was slowly getting tired. When he saw the phone, he suddenly remembered what he had just said. It seems that a message came in but I haven’t read it yet.

"If you don’t come, I won’t leave!"

When Bai Chen saw the message, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He thought for a while and then sat up helplessly.

Women are really troublesome!

You still said, 'If you don't come, I won't leave.' I thought I was acting in an idol drama. What?

Bai Chen's room was on the second floor. When he went down the stairs to the first floor, he opened the door and found that there was still someone sitting in the pavilion, but it seemed that

Sophie had already fallen asleep at this time. She was tired. After all, it was the first day of the show's live broadcast, and she was the chief director, so she had to keep an eye on every aspect of the live broadcast.

Today, after listening to Bai Chen's song, she couldn't help but want to talk to him. Because in her opinion, Bai Chen has soaring talent! If he had her help, he would definitely be able to fly even easier and higher!

However, what she didn't expect was that Bai Chen would be so disrespectful! , didn't even give her a chance to meet.

She couldn't stop the fatigue from waiting, and fell asleep on the table.

Bai Chen couldn't help but sigh when he looked at her. He shouted:"Sophie."

There was no response at all, she was sleeping a little deeply.

Bai Chen squatted down and patted her shoulder, but there was still no response.

So, Bai Chen stretched his hand to her beautiful face with a bit of aloofness.

It is said that girls When they are asleep, pinching their faces is the easiest way to wake them up!

However, when Bai Chen's hand is about to touch Sophie's delicate face!……..

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