Bai Chen's female fans, as can be seen from the barrage, are obsessed with their looks and can't stop themselves.

It doesn't matter if you have talent or not, as long as we have the face and body | talent, that's enough!

Why bother to perform your talents when you can rely on your face to make a living?

I have to say that the ideas of these female fans perfectly match Bai Chen’s salty fish spirit!

However, Bai Chen is still a shameless salted fish after all.

"Wait me a moment."

After Bai Chen finished speaking, he stood up and walked out towards his luggage, taking out a slightly old guitar.

The moment Bai Chen held the guitar, an inexplicable touch suddenly poured into his heart.

"Xiaochen, sit here."He Jiong has already placed a chair for Bai Chen.

After Bai Chen sat down, he put the guitar on his lap, lightly strummed the strings, and a light and sweet note jumped out...

Bai Chen tried After finishing his voice, Bai Chen raised his head and glanced around the staff. He looked at everyone and said seriously:"Before we start, I would like to remind everyone, please prepare your paper."


"Xiaochen is going to make everyone cry?"He Jiong was the first to prepare the paper.

"Now, Xiaochen has created a problem for himself.……"Huang Lei said worriedly.

The other staff looked at Bai Chen with smiles.

Sing and cry them?

It doesn’t exist, whoever cries is a dog!

Obviously, they don't believe it!

At this time, after hearing Bai Chen's words, the audience who reacted most enthusiastically was of course the audience watching the live broadcast.

"666, is it blowing?"

"Okay, it’s still a good idea to brag about your skills!"

"I put my words here, if he can make a staff member cry, I will chop the sculpture live!! Remember my ID, it’s the one who said he was eating shit live!!"


Bai Chen lowered his head slightly, looked at the strings, and then moved the first string with his long fingers.

A crisp, melodious melody floated out from his fingers, followed by Bai Chen's magnetic, low, sad voice.

"Wandering, on the road. Are you leaving, Via-Via?"

"Fragile and proud. That was also what I looked like"

"boiling, restless……"

When Bai Chen spoke the first sentence, everyone fell silent!

In their minds, a picture couldn't stop appearing. A thin young man, carrying a guitar alone, walking on a road full of loneliness and thorns, but his back was so firm.

"I have crossed mountains and seas, and also crossed mountains and seas of people"

"Everything I once owned was gone in the blink of an eye."

"I was once lost, disappointed and lost all direction……"

When Bai Chen sang this extremely sad section, everyone looked straight at him. The boy in their minds suddenly became themselves.

Thinking of my youth, my dreams, and the girl I liked but never confessed to...

The most painful and happiest memories all came flooding back.

They feel sour in their noses

"I have ruined everything about me! I just want to leave forever!"

"I once fell into boundless darkness! I want to struggle | I am unable to extricate myself!"

"I used to be like you, like him, like the wild grass and wild flowers……"

"Desperate and longing. I cry and laugh in an ordinary way……"

At this time, the audience watching the live broadcast had red eyes and looked at the screen with wide eyes to prevent tears from falling.

However, their screen picture suddenly changed, from Bai Chen's body to a face full of vicissitudes of life, and a tear suddenly fell from the corner of his eye...

This picture, this tear, is like a It was like a fire. In an instant, the audience in front of the screen couldn't hold back, and cried out...

At this moment, the scene was not much better.

Many people turned their backs with red eyes and avoided the filming cameras.

At the same time, in a luxurious room, a girl with an exquisite and perfect face looked at Bai Chen singing a cappella with her head lowered on the screen, and she couldn't help crying.

Her tears streaked across her face, falling like pearls uncontrollably.……


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