After He Jiong and Huang Lei finished laughing, they started talking about business.

"Although there will be a lot of people tomorrow, the dishes we have to cook are not many, and they are simple!"

"This is all thanks to our Xiaochen!"

"One egg fried rice and one green pepper, haha~~"

"This green pepper is really interesting."

He Jiong and Huang Lei couldn't help laughing as they chatted.

At this time, Bai Chen looked at the executive director on the scene and asked,"Can we take a rest now?"

"By the way, it's getting late."Teacher He looked at the time and said.

The fat middle-aged director:"Not yet, but I want to tell you in advance that this time the three of you need to live in the same room to rest."

"What? ?"

"Three people in one room?"

He Jiong and Huang Lei both looked at the director in surprise.

After all, everyone has their own personal affairs. Besides, it is really inconvenient for three people to live in a room.

And Bai Chen doesn't want to be with anyone else. The person who lives with him, after all, every move during the day is in front of the camera, so he can finally rest. Of course, Bai Chen hopes to have his own private space and do something he likes.……

"Can I have a room alone?"He Jiong asked in a consulting tone.

"no!"The fat director replied firmly.

"Is it really not possible?"Huang Lei has to take off his shoes again.

"Really can not."The fat director said as he left early.

At this moment, Bai Chen couldn't help but frown slightly.

He looked at the staff standing in the row in front, searching for Sophie.

At this moment, during the live broadcast Sophie, the room supervisor, saw Bai Chen's frown and eyes.

Her heart skipped a beat and said to the delicate-looking female assistant beside her:"An Ran, tell An Ran at the scene immediately and promise that they can share a room with each other. But……"

Bai Chen at the scene did not find Sophie in the room when he was about to stand up.

The fat director immediately said:"Ahem...what? One person per room, no problem."


Why did things suddenly turn around?

The director who had been decisive just now suddenly reversed course...

He Jiong and Huang Lei were a little confused, but this was a good thing after all.

However, the director immediately added

"But you have to give us something in exchange"

"exchange? There are only three of us now, what can we exchange with you?"He Jiong said with a puzzled expression.

"Should I exchange this for this?"

After Huang Lei finished speaking, he picked up the shoes on the ground again. He Jiong also picked up the shoes on the ground.

The staff nearby couldn't help but laugh.

The fat director hid while saying hurriedly:"I haven't finished speaking yet. The exchange I'm talking about doesn't mean material things. You don't have any, so just exchange them for spiritual things!"

"what? What?"

"Something spiritual?"

He Jiong and Huang Lei looked confused.

"They want us to perform our talents. Bai Chen said calmly

"Haha, my enemy!"The fat director smiled with a look on his face and continued:"You can perform together or alone. As long as you can get more than half of the votes from our on-site staff, then you can have a room each!"

"More than half the votes? How many staff are there?"

"Probably thirty or forty……"

"After all is said and done, the final decision is still in your hands!"

After Huang Lei finished speaking, he directly picked up his shoes and threw them at the fat director!

"Alas, a gentleman speaks with words but never with hands!"

The fat director said, leaning away and hiding. This guy looks fat, but he moves very flexibly. It seems that he was trained by Huang Lei.

"Let's discuss it."Huang Lei glared at the fat director, then looked at He Jiong and Bai Chen

"Are we alone or together?"

"Sing a chorus together?"He Jiong suggested

"no. Bai Chen shook his head and said:"Together we only have one chance, and three people alone have three chances.""


"I almost fell into that guy's trap, but you are still smart, Xiaochen."

He Jiong praised

"Then I'll do it first."Huang Lei took the lead in saying

"I need the director's cooperation"

"Me, me?"The fat director looked at Huang Lei warily.

"Yes, that's you."Huang Lei looked at the fat director with a sincere face.

"Come on, give our director a round of applause!"He Jiong was the first to applaud.

The on-site staff all looked like they were watching a good show and applauded enthusiastically!

The fat director stood in front of the camera anxiously

"Turn around."Huang Lei commanded.

The uneasy feeling in the fat director's heart became stronger and stronger.

The moment he turned his back to Huang Lei, he saw Huang Lei picking up the shoe from the ground and throwing it over!

The fat director was not stupid. When I turned around, I had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. Before my shoe hit me, I ran out of the door...

Looking at the director who was running away, there was a burst of cheerful laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

After a while, the fat director slipped back again

"Director, you left your post without authorization. I will report you to Director Su later! Huang Lei said with a smile.

The fat director shook his head with a sad look on his face.

"Forget it, I won’t complain to you, just move on to the next step. He Jiong said.

The fat director regained his composure, glanced around the staff, and said,"Huang Lei, everyone has seen this round of performances. Do you know what's going on?" Those in favor of passing, please raise your hands!"

Three seconds later

"good! Huang Lei’s final vote: 0 votes!"

"Haha... Teacher Huang, 0 votes."He Jiong said with a smile.

"0 votes Are you going too far? Huang Lei also said with a smile. This result was within everyone's expectations.

The fat director also learned the lesson this time and did not answer Huang Lei's words. He looked at He Jiong and Bai Chen and said

"Who's next?"

"I come!"

He Jiong said with a confident face.

The reason why He Jiong is confident is that he has always been very popular in the industry, and he is going to sing his famous song next!

"A song"Jasmine Blooms" for everyone."

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, isn't the gardenia blooming? These parallel worlds are really parallel... not intersecting...

He Jiong's voice is deep, but it doesn't have many characteristics. Generally speaking, it can only be said to be average.

After finishing the song, the staff at the scene applauded very proudly!

"Teacher He, if you agree with this round of performance, please raise your hands!"

"1,2,3...ahem, He Jiong finally got 3 votes. 35 people in total"

"……"He Jiong looked dark

"Hahaha! Teacher He, 3 votes, you might as well just learn from me and throw your shoes away! Huang Lei said with a smile from the side.

"The last one."

With the director's voice, everyone's eyes turned to Bai Chen

"Xiaochen, come on!"

"You are now the hope of our whole village!"

He Jiong and Huang Lei both looked at Bai Chen expectantly.

Bai Chen let out a long breath and decided to take action himself...

At this time, the barrage became lively, and the original blasting team seemed to be alive again. come over

"You don’t need to read it, I’m just putting my words here, this Bai Chen definitely can’t do it!!"

"Bai Chen, this pretty boy, only got on this show because of his looks. He has said it himself before, he can't do anything!"

"Bai Chen got more than 3 votes! I eat shit live! Remember my ID!"

"There’s pinkeye upstairs! Jealous of my husband’s face!"

"My husband still wants to perform? Just stand there and vote unanimously, okay?!"

"Brother Bai Chen, come on!! love you forever~~"

"Husband, stop performing. Come back and make little people with me.……"


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