The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 864: First forbidden land in the underworld

In the icy universe, silence, silence, and even the starry sky, the stars are filled with dead air, making people feel desperate, cold, gray.

In front, it is a special place, known as the oldest forbidden land in the Underworld, and the most dangerous and terrifying abyss.

There is no sound there, I can't feel the passage of time, the black monks, a cosmic abyss across the front, as if to cut off the universe and cut off yin and yang.

Here, the name is Da Yuan.

Darkness and silence are the eternal themes. In the past, I don’t know how many Xeons are going to explore, and they are gone, **** and dark.

According to legend, the ancestor of the dragon family, which was a master of the universe hundreds of millions of years ago, was decayed by the great abyss and finally settled.

Of course, before he died, he saw a future, and he noticed where the yang of the pursuit of life was, and gave a message to the next generation, pointing to Kunlun.

However, at that time, no one knew where the so-called Kunlun was, nor where the yang was planted.

Tens of millions of years ago, the ancestors were equally powerful. They claimed to be the first strongest in the universe. They also entered the abyss without dying, but eventually lost and eventually died.

Twenty million years ago, there was a **** in the universe of the underworld. However, after coming to the depths of the Great Deep, the blood of the gods splashed, and during the day, the gods collapsed!

Da Yuan, became the first forbidden place in the universe!

It’s too mysterious here. No one knows what is inside this abyss of the universe, but everyone who comes here is dead, even the first master of the universe!

In ancient times, the demon's grandfather used to pass by here, and accidentally got stolen breathing in the vicinity!

Although he did not enter the Great Plains, but the end is also very bad, and finally crazy, lost his nature, still awkward, but also missed the ancient Earth war.

No one dares to approach, even if they reflect the chills of the heavens, if they really want to go deeper, they think that it is difficult to survive, and they will die.

Even some people speculate that in the depths of this great depth, there is a heavenly sacred seat, a lord of the Taoist dying, the corpse is bloody, and the weakest are the gods!

Of course, this is just the delusion of individual people.

The abyss of countless years of silence, there are some abnormalities today, there is still no sound, but there is a little white light, cold and chaste.

Look closely, it was a woman, very embarrassed, dressed in a white dress, actually emerged from the Great Plains, but unfortunately there was too dark, even the time fragments are twisted and deformed.

Finally, the woman gradually got rid of the great abyss, emerged from the first forbidden place in the underworld, silent, like the ghost that broke out from the swamp.

She is very beautiful, her body is slender, like a Shenling stand, she is very beautiful, she hasn't seen her face yet, and her body and the quiet charm are so extraordinary that if the female fairy comes to the world.

Daddy, she turned and greeted the direction of the starlight, the face was exposed, perfect, pure as jade, but a pair of scorpions are empty, but there are occasional inexplicable sacred eyes in the depths of the eyes.

If Chu Feng is here, I must be shocked and scared, because this woman is too similar to a person.

Too much like a demon!

The blue silk is like a waterfall, the body is beautiful, the face is innocent, and there is nothing in her body.

At this time, her body is shining, crystal clear, more delicate than the sheep fat jade, out of a kind of instinct to run a very mysterious and profound breathing method, a moment of all kinds of cosmic energy are flying.

Including starlight, such as countless waterfalls gathered from all directions, into her body.

Look closely, her snow-white dress is stained with scarlet blood. Although it has already dried up, it still looks very beautiful today, and there are palm prints on this skirt, and some places are broken.

If there is an old strongman who will be very surprised here, this white dress used to be the first coat of the universe, once worn on the most beautiful woman.

After quietly running the breathing method, her eyes were empty, and then, as if the free fall was slow, she slowly immersed herself in the great abyss, turned into white light, turned into a white spot, and finally disappeared, completely disappeared.

From beginning to end, it was very dead, there was no sound, and the darkness and hollowness of the Great Plains made people feel worried.

At the same time, on the earth, Kunlun Mountain, the demon enchanting eyes are opening their eyes, the eyes of the sky are smashing, the singularity of the singer, and her breath suddenly rises, forming an energy vortex, sweeping the sky.

For a time, the law resonates, the chain of order is whispered, intertwined in the void, and deducted. In addition, her body is filled with the scent of the gods and the strong yang.

However, the demon is shocked at this time, the spirit is cold, just like the flesh, I feel the feeling of a cold hair.

Her heart is heavy and she feels extremely depressed. When was this experience last time? It was the ancient earth era!

Soon after, the earth broke out, and the various ethnic groups joined forces to attack. The blood flowed into the river, the bones became mountains, the holy people on the earth were almost killed, and the pure blood group died. There were no more.

She called for girls, oxen, **** bulls, daddy and others.

"The situation is not right, you all retreat, quietly travel, sheltered with the demon ancestor, and temporarily leave the earth, do not forget the parents who brought Chu Feng."

This is the reminder and warning of the demon, from an instinctive instinct, she thinks that something big is going to happen!

After saying these words, she alone climbed the Tianteng of Kunlun Mountain, quietly retreating, and one person experienced the universe in the quietest state, asking the self, and the soul subconsciously resonated.

In the end, the demon took out a crystal long-lived gold. Since ancient times, her sorrow has been inhabited in it, giving birth to an undead air.

To this day, her soul light has recovered and is strong.

However, some of the knots, she can not let go, the last generation of the last war in the ancient war, no one dared to look up, let the talents of the universe all over the world join hands, have been swept by her, the number of people is not a problem at all, she is proud of everyone.

But after all, she was shot and killed by the heavenly figures. Finally, she escaping from her obsession, her body?

Even if the flesh and blood burst, the body will collapse, and some things should be left behind, because his father left her a treasure, and can be seen as a few kills of the heavenly powerhouse.

However, she did not find anything after all.

"A slogan, as well as a longevity gold, about my own secrets, I want to uncover, I feel the tremor of the soul light, is ringing, what happened today?" The demon is asking himself.

Then, she held the longevity gold, closed her throat, and carefully sensed and asked.

The next moment, the brand of the past, the call of this life, let her body shake, she saw a dark and boundless place, it is a cosmic abyss, a little white light ups and downs, a fatal attraction to her.

"In ancient times, my memory stopped here!" Then, the demon got up, her soul is still moving, I don't know why today, I always feel uneasy.

"The longevity gold guides me on the road!" The demon whispered, asked again.

Then, she holds the longevity gold, so she leaves the earth and breaks into the universe directly. She does not hesitate to open the wormhole many times, and with a feeling, goes to a certain ancient land!

At the same time, outside the underworld, the broken universe in chaos, the most adjacent to the area between the sun, the chaos of the chaos, the small world space is dense, like an island drifting in chaos.

On this day, the deepest part of the chaos, the sound of horror, a road that sealed hundreds of millions of years, was cleaned up, forcibly penetrated, and turned into a small path again.


It can be seen that in the vicinity of that path, the chaos is raging, and the various thunders are constantly degrading, and the monks are extremely extreme. Because the power is too big, it is the shadow of the heavenly powers who are being smashed into the ashes. All are destroyed.

It is a chaotic god, that is, the **** is hit, and it will die, leaving only black ashes.

Even the stronger evolutionists are taking this path and standing in the thunder, they will also be killed by the thunder in the chaos, no suspense.

Look closely, there are some grass around the path, which is amazing, but in the chaos, actually see the plants, this is a terrible alien.

Imagine how terrible the evolutionist who can clean this ancient path is.

Finally, when they are near, they are about to get out of chaos completely. They have to step out of that path and will soon be in the broken universe along one island after another.

"Tianzun, we are really successful!" Some people are surprised to call, excited.

"The heavenly mana has no boundaries, it is too embarrassing, and it really runs through chaos. From the sun, it opens up a path to the universe of the underworld, and it is invincible!"

There are a few young people who are open. They are very powerful. There are flashes of order signs in the vagueness of the outside world. They are densely covered on the body surface. These strengths are extremely extraordinary and extremely powerful!

"I can only send you here, returning to the sun at the prescribed time. This path will be closed and cannot be kept for a long time."

A skinny old man opened his mouth, but the dry old skin was golden, very weird, and terrifying. When he spoke, chaos exploded, and various laws and order were wiped out. His place was pure land. It’s not bad, it’s forever, it’s too embarrassing.

"Tianzun, don't you go to the underworld with us?" Some young people asked in surprise, always thinking that this Tianzun had to cross the Chaos Sea and descend into the underworld.

"There is a weirdness in the underworld. It is not suitable for me to stay for a long time. You must be careful. You can't care about it. You can go back quickly." The old road solemnly reminded.

"Ah, I heard that there is a great power to lead the disciples to come over, to stay here, to find the seeds of the ancient legend, how come you are coming?"

In their view, this heavenly mana is endless, and the place where he stands is the kingdom of heaven. As a mighty power, he can do everything, still care about this cold universe?

"There are several universes here, all belong to the underworld or the underworld. Some areas are very strange. Some people have seen some celestial bodies in a dark cosmic canyon. It is quite fierce, so don't be underestimated!" .

Then, as soon as he turned around, he took a step, the chaos of the gods and the big bang, the law of emptiness annihilated, and the order runes collapsed. He disappeared in such a way. It was very taboo, and returned to the sun at the fastest speed.

"The hell, we are here, shudder!" Among the remaining few, some people spoke, the voice was indifferent, no longer as cautious as facing Tian Zun, but very self, but I am alone!

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