The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 863: Pure heart, a heaven

A dream of a group of old hoes is like a bucket, brain and melon pain, Qin 珞 有 有 有 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 珞 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚Big dream pure land.

At the same time, a group of old monsters have produced various associations, and they are keenly aware that Chu Feng and Wu Lunhui are suspected to have inexplicable links, which is chilling.

"Green is a big devil, this pot is too thick, too thick and too green, it is simply unbearable weight, it is a pot of horror!"

In the dream of pure land, a group of old guys are sucking in air-conditioning, one by one looks dignified, and at the same time gnashing their teeth, who is the father of the child, too confusing!

They really want to know which child's father is a git, they want to die directly!

"I didn't know the truth, tears flowed down..." Recently, the two geniuses who had the best of the dreams were waiting here. After hearing some truths, the hearts were bleeding and tears flowed out.

"Who is the child, he is a villain, the devil, I want to kill!"

Both young people are black in front of their eyes. They are the direct bloodlines that reflect the strengths of the heavenly elites. They lived here with the dream of pure land and now suffer in the heart.

"Forget it, in fact, the most distressing thing is Chu Feng Devil, this bad thing still let him silently go back."

In the end, a young man opened his mouth and comforted his companions.

"Also, it hurts the wind and the devil is three seconds!"

Then, there is a conclusion here, all kinds of things are arranged, to help Qin Qinyin conceal the truth of pregnancy, and quickly solve the child's problems.

Chu Feng was asked to temporarily avoid the suspicion, leave the dream of pure land, go anywhere, but as long as you don't be on this planet.

Chu Feng pondered for a long time, did not want to understand what the situation is.

Did the person who had dreamed of pure land choose him, or did he want to make a moth? It feels a bit strange.

Because, when some old guys looked at him, they both recognized and sympathized, and even someone patted his shoulder and said: "You are a good boy."

Chu Feng looked suspicious, he was not polite when he started to make a big dream. In the end, they actually had this attitude and they were too friendly.

In particular, with the most keen instinct, he found that there are old monsters who seem to sympathize with him. What do you mean?

This is natural. There are old monsters who look at Chu Feng. They have already regarded him as a back pot man, and they have become a potter. I feel that such a strong Chu Da devil is actually miserable. When one day he knows the truth, will he feel it? Very sad?

"I am a trafficker, wrong, I am a big devil, and I am wrong. My generation of gods, why do you need your sympathy? What a special thing!" Chu Feng secretly from the abdomen, actually sees pity, compassion, etc. in the depths of individual eyes. Too much makes him speechless.

"It seems that I am really too honest. I have to consider my own means in the future. People are too kind and not good, worthy of reflection!"

He actually began to reflect, seriously reflect, if a group of old monsters who have a good dream of pure dreams know his thoughts, absolutely will not reveal that kind of eyes, now the Chu Devil is enough to be ferocious, let him reflect on it, and then simply Unthinkable, it must be troublesome to be overwhelmed.

A group of people sent Chu Feng, I can't wait to let him leave immediately.

Chu Feng has not said anything, but he is dissatisfied with the invincible. He said: "This is the way of hospitality. My brother Chu is very good and kind, and I don't want to care, but I can't stand it. Is there a forced drop? ”

At this time, I went to the mountain gate. The people outside can already broadcast the situation here. This picture, this scene, after the words are transmitted to the stars, a group of people want to curse, today is a hell, the fierce Chu devil actually Have become the benchmark for honesty and goodness, and what is more outrageous than this?

"I understand the dream of pure land. If I have to send him away quickly, such a comet will stay in the pure land, which will affect the peace and tranquility there. The temperament of both sides must be sent away!"

"There is such a great demon not to be sent away, to keep the New Year, and what is special, this is simply destroying the words. Since then, whoever said that he is ferocious and magical, he said that he is very good!"

In the stars, a group of people spit out, feeling the heart, this world is too crazy, the traffickers can emit sacred glory, some heart.

Then, everyone saw that Chu Feng and the old monsters of the Pure Dreams were honed, and that was really reluctant, and they were reluctant to leave.

A group of people are speechless, what is the situation?

"Erase, Chu Dade's face is really thick, and it is a toll with the dream of pure dreams. He said that he is penniless. If he wants to go to the universe, he can't open the wormhole."

"Before leaving, is this blackmail? Well, the big devil of Chu! Oh, my heart hurts. In this case, the dream of pure dreams is also considered to choose him as a son-in-law? Heaven, ah, what? Unfair!"

In the universe, the expression on some people's faces is almost like constipation. They want to marry the mother and want to curse.

Soon after, people even saw that the dream of pure land really gave Chu Feng a fee, let him smile, no need to think, absolutely rich road!

A group of people want to curse again!

Then, people saw that Chu Fengyu helped some people and brought some injured people out of the big dreams. It was very enthusiastic.

People are suspicious, what is going on? This devil turned, and it was so helpful, compared to before, the world is different.

"Chu Xianzhen is really a man of heart and heart, pure heart, and he will take care of a group of fellow people before he goes." An old monster in the dream of pure dreams has a feeling, so praise.

It’s not that they want to compliment, but that Chu Feng’s current flash is not enough. If the dream is to cleanse him, then he must seize every opportunity.

"Should, my generation of monks should be mutually supportive." Chu Feng said righteously.

Everyone else is awe-inspiring, and when he looks at him, his attitude is completely different.

Only Ouyang Feng stood by and watched the doorway. Didn't those people who had helped Chu Feng challenge him and then be defeated by him?

Ouyang Feng immediately knew that the special heart of the gods is thick, the heart is pure, and the ghosts of my generation are supporting each other. He knows the mind of Chu Feng. This is a principle of not wasting, personally taking away the spoils. This is Go back and sell it!

"Thank you Chu brother!"

Those who were helped, gathered by the Chu wind and brought out the mountain gate, even if they didn’t appreciate the Chu wind, they also took a look at it.

"Yes, don't be polite, let's go together for a while." Chu Feng smiled.

Ouyang Feng is speechless, this typical person will sell people and want to make people thank you, it really is very windy!

Invincible sighs: "My brother is very kind, these people have challenged you earlier, the words are disrespectful, the means are fierce, the Chu brother is really pure and perfect, everyone in the past misunderstood you."

Chu Feng reveals a sad look. In fact, this is not pretending. I am really embarrassed. He just wants to secretly sell people. He pays some tolls with the strong people. The result is so praised. He is so slightly... ...a little bit.

"Chu Feng, I did not misread you, really is the pure heart, a heaven!" On the occasion, a very old monster in the dream of the dream sent a very high evaluation, shaking the Quartet.

Even a lot of people in the stars have amazed.

"Chu brother, let me know!"

"Chu brother, Qingshan does not change the long flowing green water, he meets again in the year!"

A group of people who were helped out to quit with Chu Feng, and their hearts were resentful to him. After being defeated by him, they didn’t look so good. This meant that they lost their qualifications to go with the goddess in their hearts.

However, Chu Feng was very enthusiastic. He walked over and patted their shoulders one by one. He said: "You are all wounded. It is dangerous to go on the road alone. I will send you."

This enthusiasm is overdone? Let a group of people be speechless, where is needed.

"No!" Someone refused immediately.

However, Chu Feng is too enthusiastic, carrying his shoulders and taking them directly on the road.

"Hey, what's the situation?" Even the slowest responders felt that they were not right. They were speechless and invisible. Their faces were different and there was some suspicion.

Chu Fengdao: "I feel that you all have injuries. I want to send you one by one to the doorstep, so that I can rest assured. In addition, I also traveled the universe and took a look at the vastness and beauty of this starry sky. The world is strange and extraordinary. I feel that the universe is wonderful. You, please rest assured, you will be safe to send you home."

What special reassurance, let you follow is not assured, is this going to blackmail? Some quick-thinking people immediately understood his thoughts.

At this time, the people who have dreamed of pure land can't stand it anymore. Some old monsters are reddish and really have a fever.

They just praised it, and they have pure heart and a heaven. This is simply... no one.

In the end, the devil head looks like a hottest, but the old monsters probably guess what he is going to do.

"Sure enough..." An old monster sighed, and wanted to say that Jiangshan was difficult to change his nature, but he finally swallowed it back. After all, he had to help Chu Feng to wash the white, there is no need to dismantle Taiwan.

"Since Chu Feng wants to **** you back, it must be very safe. It is really honest and loyal. Well, you are on the road!" The old dream of the old monster opened, and then quickly ordered people to close the mountain gate, and then did not want to blend, The face is hot.

Some people who have been hijacked by Chu Feng are stunned and want to say that you are not losing your heart. This kind of words are said to be exported!

Of course, this kind of thing is not everyone's first time to see through. At least there are still many people in the starry sky nodding. It is really different to praise Chu Feng. The good guys do the best, they have to send people to the doorstep, and they really have pure heart. .

However, the person who was in the hole was awkward, and the first time cursed, this trafficker was too odious. Before leaving, he had to take his own spoils from the Pure Land, and the flames were so devastating that he was not saved!

"Uncle, goodbye!" Ouyang Feng can't wait to say goodbye, who is the most happy to leave the dream? Nature is Ouyang Feng.

The ancient golden body who was in conflict with the ancient holy sacred man took him, and he broke his head, touched his head, touched his face, and even touched his swan neck and black turtle shell, let Ouyang Feng I really can't stand it if I want to jump and beat people.

"Come, Yingxiong, Yuanxiong, come over and take the handles and help me to **** these Taoist friends on the road!" Chu Feng greeted the invincible, Yuan Shicheng brothers and sisters and others.

Invincible is very happy to help, to see a person pleasing to the eye, it really supports his various actions.

And Chu Feng also saw him pleasing to the eye, this little scorpion is no one, too understand him, very good!

It’s just that Ying Xiaoxiao is grinning, and at the same time, he is more suspicious. He is too kind and familiar with Chu Feng. He wants to call out the two words of his brother-in-law several times, but she resists it, fearing that her brother will be invincible.

Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan, and Zhuque Fairy are all speechless, and they are hard to help with the scalp. They don’t look at the face of Chu Feng, but they also want to see the invincible face.

In the sky, a hot discussion, with boiling water.

However, Chu Feng did not care, looking to the starry sky, said: "The ancient people around the universe, are you ready? I want to cruise the universe, I was sold by me that year, I have an intersection with me. I miss you, I am coming! The sea memory confidant, the end of the world, I am coming to see you!"

God special sea memory confidant, all over the stars, a group of acquaintances want to kill him!

Ouyang Fengqi laughed. He could already think of that kind of picture. No matter where he went, he would meet the familiar genius. When he said hello, it would be wonderful. It’s true that no one in the world knows the king.

The first chapter is updated so late, mainly because the mind is not calm, there are good news and bad news, so I won’t say more words here. I sent a WeChat, and the bookmates who want to know can add Chendong’s WeChat public platform and send me the good and bad words to understand.

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