The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 865: Patrol the universe

The chaos is surging, the gods are exploding, and the sky is falling apart. The ancient path of this shack in the chaos is slightly shaken and will collapse at any time.

A few people stopped talking and finally came to the underworld, and they could cross the underworld. Looking down on this cold and somewhat legendary decline, they were excited inside.

Because they can get huge benefits in the underworld, pure yang also needs some kind of material in the underworld to make up, can make them even more horrible!

"Hay, huh, greet us!" They stepped, some people look cold, some people laugh, others are indifferent, some people are glaring, and the breath is terrible.

This is a path that has been developed in chaos. There are dry blood on the ground. Even if it is already dim, there are still inexhaustible laws and symbols that are looming.

These people did not dare to touch, and they carefully and carefully bypassed them as if they were avoiding certain taboos.

In fact, when there is a place of blood, when the gods thunder blow up nearby, they will be quickly wiped out, and the thunder that can blaspheme the gods are melting.

Finally, they came to the end of the trail and entered a broken universe. However, at this time, when they walked through this area, they suddenly changed their faces. There was a non-corrupted body on the ground, not one or two people. But a piece, even if it is dry, the energy disappears, but they are still not bad.

Even the hair of their hair is lustrous, it always exists, the years can not be disintegrated, and the symbols on the flesh are all the power of order.

This should be their predecessor, they are terrible, but they are dead here.

"This man has a green birthmark, like a green day, like the legendary genius Luyang Taoist five million years ago, actually died here, too horrible, the underworld is not simple, we have to pay attention!"

These people moved, the first time they changed color, and thought it was underestimated.

The genius of millions of years ago, and still able to leave a name, is not simple, but he died here.

The genius in the Yang Dynasty is definitely a very powerful person. In other universes, it is the strongest of the same generation!

They didn't dare to move these bodies, because they were too strange. These people were surrounded by a cloud of fog, which made people feel awkward. These people are very powerful and they are all taboo and feel cold.

"Nothing, death from accidents, it should be a special substance that rushed out of chaos, eroding them, and luck is not good enough. The real vaginal life is nothing, and the powerful disciples of our world can kill this universe." Although I don’t want to say something ugly, the evolutionary of this universe is not even better than a chicken and a dog!"

These people are self-satisfied, but they are also factual. In terms of the evolutionary civilization of the Yang Dynasty, they are much higher than the sacred earth, far above the yin, and they can really look down and stand tall.

If it is equal, it is not normal!

In this way, they are on the road, passing through the chaotic gas gradually thinning zone, seeing another piece of small world space, like an island again and again.

They don't stop, they go straight to the broken universe that is adjacent to chaos!

The universe of the underworld, the starry sky where the wind is located.

On this day, Chu Feng continued to smash the Tianshoudong company as a vampire, and the toll was too black. Every time the wormhole was opened, the price of the universe was collected.

"When my field reaches the level of the sage, I will grab business with you, build wormholes everywhere, and connect with the whole sea. I see what you exploit!"

The people of Tongtian Wodong Company are speechless and would like to say that these tolls are not for you, so what is the action? If you don't see that you are a super VIP, business is close, I really want to throw your big devil head in the middle of the road.

In fact, at the side of Chu Feng, those who are injured, that is, the young genius who was protected by Chu Feng and vowed to be sent to the door of the house are all in the heart, the heart is bleeding, the opening of the super wormhole is their The family is responsible for paying the bill.

During the day, Chu Feng has traveled to the nine planets, all of which are well-known stars. They are all inhabited by some strong people. Otherwise, how can their core children be eligible to enter the dreamland to compete and become a Taoist singer? Natural strength is extremely outstanding.

However, today, for these ethnic groups, it is quite annoyed. Chu Feng’s devil heads actually visit the door. If it is not an opponent, he really wants to kill him.

Because, Chu Feng escorts the children to the door, to collect the protection fee, not on the bright side, but all kinds of hints are enough, this is... ransom!

Invincible, Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan, Ying Xiaoxiao and others followed the whole process. They saw that Chu Feng accepted all kinds of big drugs, massive cosmic coins, etc., and they were all speechless. This is simply robbery, and the income is too fast.

"The medicinal herbs in the Yasheng field, the tiger bones smelt wine, this is a good thing." Ying invincible opening, can not help but swallow.

The so-called tiger bone is naturally holy, and the wine pulp is also a rare sacred brew. Otherwise, it is impossible to produce such a medicinal agent in the sub-sacred field.

"No problem, I will invite you to drink!" Chu Feng patted his shoulder.

"Unfortunately, if you don't enter the Asian holy field, you will not be blessed."

"Get rich, too extravagant, all good things!" Ouyang Feng eyebrows open smile, happy and excited.

Along the way, Chu Feng was responsible for protecting people and sending them to the door of the house. Some of the tasks of collecting money were given to him.

"The fruit of the year is Zhuguo, and the ragweed. Just now my swan family is really rich in foundation. I am too embarrassed. I am embarrassed to ask for a big medicine." Ouyang Feng said.

Behind them, there are more than a dozen people waiting for the genius who was escorted to the door of the house. They have been following along the way, witnessing how the traffickers and the hegemonic body are blackmailing. Now I hear the words of his assistant hegemonic body. His face is blue.

In the face of this family, this black swan is killing. If it is to enter their family, they don’t have to think about it.

"Chu brother, why do you need to use this?" asked the invincible whisper, because, seeing Chu Feng on the road to collect accounts, always feel unnatural, because he is also an accomplice, followed by escorting a group of people.

Chu Feng sighed and said: "You don't know my suffering. I need resources for my own evolution. There are only a lot of brothers behind me who have poor pants. In this era of great change in the universe, all we can do is to become stronger. For self-protection, and I am not destined to be like you, there is a huge family behind me, I have no choice but to be self-reliant."

He made a small meal and said: "I want to be stronger. Although I look at the flowers now, it is like a celestial day, but it is all illusory and superficial. It will be shattered at any time. Since these people are hostile to me and have targeted me, then I also You are welcome, and you have to collect some resources from them. In order to rise, for the descendants of my life planet, I don’t have to be reluctant to resist like me, and I am worried about the evolutionary resources. People go to comment, happy to be a personal trafficker."

Invincible and heard, awe-inspiring, said: "My brother has an atmosphere, your rise, is related to the fate of many people, even if you bear the eternal name, I still feel uncomfortable, I feel very impressed!"

He has a fever and feels that his evolution has been too smooth. He has never lacked resources. He is a good way for the family to help him. He feels that this may be the reason why he has no strong Chu wind.

At the same time, his heart was also slightly moved, and he had an admiration for Chu Feng.

This may be the so-called look of a person pleasing to the eye, seeing that all his actions are pleasing to the eye, will be excessive interpretation, the current invincible is this state.

Her sister Ying Xiaoxiao kept turning her eyes over there. With her understanding of Chu Feng, she looked at him so arrogantly, it was completely... 瞎!

Ouyang Feng is also very speechless, able to say that the blackmail, the seller said so tall, there is connotation, it is only Chu Feng, no one.

Yuan Shicheng and Yuan Yuan are also exposed to the eyes. It feels like being invincible. This is brainwashed. It is really unsuccessful.

It is also a planet. The Xiangxiang people are responsible for opening a super wormhole to Tongtiandongdong Company and reaching the Xiangxiangxing.

This family is very powerful, the so-called fragrant elephant crossing the river, that is to describe their super-existence, can cross the Galaxy.

Unlike ordinary elephants, they are known for their lightning speed.

This planet is very large, grand and ancient, and slowly rotates in the sky, but when Chu Feng boarded them, he was at first glance.

Every time he went to a family, he quietly used the field to detect.

“The Xiangxiang people have old sages sitting in the town, very powerful!”

Chu Feng detected that there is a huge soul light energy group in the deepest mountain range of the family, crouching in the mountainside, but wherever the earth is, Chu wind can sense it.

He grabbed the fragrant elephant goddess, as a hostage, whispered: "Let's go!"

This time, he paid to open the super wormhole and turned and ran. This is the so-called often walking on the river where there are non-wet shoes.

If he is not sensitive, it is not a ship today!

Although he is a field master, he is confident that he can suppress Yasheng, but if you are true to the saint, it is hard to say, and you may suffer big losses.

Chu Feng is very decisive and directly withdraws.

In the depths of the Xiangxiang family, a golden old elephant plate sits on the ground, and all of them are symbols. It sighs and says: "I am cautious, but it disappears instantly. If you forget it, you can force him to force him. Resentment, I really have to wait for him to grow up, that is the catastrophe."

Then, he told people to take out a jade box and let people bring it into the starry sky to give Chu Feng. There is a big medicine inside, which is considered to be a friendship.

Soon after, Chu Feng naturally politely let go of the fragrant elephant goddess.

After experiencing this incident, Chu Feng became more cautious. He did not go to the various ethnic groups again, but prepaid the protection fee in advance, and began to release people.

Then, Chu Feng began to use the income, traveled the universe, and strolled on one of the famous life planets in the sky to find friends.

There was a lot of people flying in the whole sky, and there were so many people who had been sold by Chu Feng. Now he really came, it is simply making them feel ashamed to see people.

At the beginning, Chu Feng said on the earth that he would come to visit the stars in the sky one day. At that time, he thought it was a maddening, joke, as long as he dared to go out of the earth and be killed.

Who can think that he really came!

"Hey, you are the son of the flying scorpion, haha, it’s a fate. I came to the flying comet today and I can't think of you on the first day!"

The son of the Feizu people felt that it was really suffocating. He had heard the wind and wanted to take refuge, avoiding the wind, and he expected that he would come so fast!

Then, he accompanied Chu Feng to visit the flying comet.

"Hey, the black snake saint, you are really more and more **** and enchanting, I really shouldn't let you go, so the curve is exquisite, how good it is to stay on the earth, the red sleeves are fragrant, accompanied by each other." One day later, Chu The wind saw the saint of the Black Snake on another planet, and said so.

This made the woman secretly grind silver teeth, but did not dare to attack, can only admit that she was unlucky, and did not take a good look at him to visit the Black Snake Giant City.

Because, Chu Fengxing has no fixed place, the use of Tongtian wormhole company can instantly open the super wormhole, and immediately rushed to a certain piece of Xinghai, it is impossible to prevent.

"Hey, the priest, the priest, I haven't seen it for a long time, I miss it!"

"Hell, how are you coming from the big devil?"


"Tianma Shengzi, I heard that now you can travel 100,000 miles a day, really fake, I can't think of us meeting so soon, you are very hasty in the last auction, some embarrassed."


Then, on another planet, Chu Feng met some sons and goddesses.

"Sophie Goddess, how come you are getting more and more beautiful, I regret to put you back, or let's start again!"

"Start again, what do you want to do, want to sell me again?"

"Oh, what you said, you are so slim, and the wind is moving. I see the pity, which makes me uneasy, and I can’t open my eyes with your bright eyes."

In the next 20 days, the Chu Feng universe tour, let a group of once powerful sons and saints simply faceless.

Because, in the early days, they could avoid, leave in advance, and avoid sightings, but later Chu Feng directly shouted, going to the planet where they were, saying that they would not leave without seeing people, threatening to claim to tell them The story of three days and two nights in the earth.

Three days and two nights to the special, many people cursed, is not detained, Chu Feng big devil does not ship, do not let them go home for three days and two nights?

The male evolutionary person is okay to say that the female evolutionary person is simply a black face. Is it really necessary to let Chu Feng talk about it, isn’t it ruining their reputation?

Therefore, these days Chu Chufeng are visiting friends every day, and they are very fulfilling.

"Hey, you haven't grown up yet, and after another hundred years, I will come again, you should be the mainstay of a family. And after another five hundred years, I will come again, you should be the patriarch of a family, then I will I feel very honored, surely received the courtesy, received by high standards, Imagine that the most powerful people in the universe are sold by me, and I have been with many gods and saints for three days and two nights."

The feeling of Chu Feng, suddenly caused a great uproar in the Xinghai, many people really want to sew his mouth, don't swear, this is simply unbearable.

Soon after, Chu Feng entered a sea of ​​stars and came to a very important place - the mixed Yuan Palace.

This is one of the most powerful evolutionary schools in the universe. Behind the strongest people, the sons, goddesses, and princes of all ethnic groups are sent to this place, and they have evolved and practiced the famous universe.

After Chu Feng came here, I saw an old man, Zi Yan, who saw him yelling first and then turned and ran.

However, she was stunned by Chu Feng and told her to come over. As a result, Zi Yan came back with a weak wife and was very obedient.

When I saw this scene, his brother couldn’t do anything, feeling that his teeth were hurting and shouting: "You are the Chu Feng Devil, I want to fight with you!"

Then... there is no more, and the purple scorpion is shot by the slap of the Chu wind. Even if this person is very strong, the strength is ranked in the younger generation, but it is still not the opponent of Chu Feng.

In fact, this is not the first time that Chu Feng has seen him. He has been in the temple of the Pure Dreams and has entered the foreign world. This person is very strong enough to be among the top 20 in the universe.

Unfortunately, it is still not an opponent of Chu Feng.

Next, Zi Yan followed the Chu Feng on the road, as if he was on earth, he wanted to resist, but in the end he was very obedient, and he became a maid.

This makes Ying Xiaoxiao and Yuan Yuan couldn't help but roll their eyes. This big-eyed Dai girl is simply not saved, the typical Stockholm syndrome.

Subsequently, Yuan Mo, the big witch Zhao Qing also returned to the position, was found by Chu Feng, followed by the road.

A month's time will soon pass, and the news came from the dream of pure dreams. Choosing Chu Feng as a Taoist to Qin Qinyin, officially announced, shaking the universe!

Moreover, they contacted Chu Feng privately and asked him to rush to the Pure Land as soon as possible, and not to delay time.

"Okay, I will go to kiss immediately!" Chu Feng responded.

Silver hair Lolita was unhappy. She observed for a month, and she was sure that Chu Feng was the man. She couldn’t help but shouted: "Brother, you have to go to the dream, what should my sister do?"

At this moment, the invincible ears were very good. He heard it and almost bite his tongue. He dug his own ear and made sure that he did not hear the mistake. He asked Ying Xiaoxiao and said, "What do you call him?"

"Call out his brother-in-law!"

"Wait a minute, I... the brain is a bit messy, you say slowly, say it again!"

The update is getting late, so what should I do if I go out and be photographed? In the second chapter, don't wait, adjust to the day, try to practice the big dream breathing method, go to sleep.

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