The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 427 The Green Snake in the Sleeve is Courageous and Kills the Dragon Where There is a Dragon

The one who could fight so fiercely with Gu Xuan must be a demon beast in the realm of alchemy.

Ye Yang's mind was spinning.

The next moment, he screamed secretly.

"not good!"

Only then did he discover a large dark demonic cloud rumbling in the sky.

It actually came towards the boundary of Feitianmen.

Ye Yang didn't know what Gu Xuan and others encountered in the tomb of Lord Tianyi Chunqiu.

But he knows.

Fights in the realm of real people can easily break mountains and rivers, and easily affect innocent people.

This huge corpse dragon looks like several corpses, with its mane flying.

The huge body is ferocious and ferocious, and you can tell at a glance that it is definitely not a good person.

Now approaching the Feitian Gate, there is no real person in the gate.

Once it breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous.

Not only Ye Yang.

Everyone in Feitian Clan felt the terror of the demonic cloud.

Everyone looked worried, as if the sky was falling.

Even though they are practitioners.

But facing the sky, there were demonic clouds and huge corpse dragons covering countless sky domes.

It is difficult for anyone to have the confidence to cope with it.

at this time.

A fierce voice came from the corpse dragon.

"Gu Xuan, please keep your body and enshrine it to me."

"It turned out to be the voice of Master Xuehai."

Ye Yang's heart trembled.

At this moment, it is in the sky above Feitianmen.

Thick dark clouds, accompanied by a sea of ​​blood.

The surging sound of rushing waves.

The gloomy and rolling sea of ​​clouds was cut open by people like a huge force.

A huge body shrouded in blood and dark clouds was revealed.

The corpse dragon vomited a river of blood and roared out a sound.

"When the bloody calamity begins at the end of the world, my religion will prosper!"

"I only wish that immortality can be achieved, and I don't want human beings to be poor. He will be at ease in the morning, and his tragic songs will be heard in the sky."

"When the corpse dragons of the underworld move northward and hundreds of ghosts walk at night, this is the day when my Blood and Bone Holy Sect will grow stronger."

Gu Xuan's voice came from the sea of ​​clouds.

"Do you know that this is playing with fire and burning yourself? How is it different from committing suicide? The netherworld feeds on humans, including pigs and dogs."

"Even if you are in the realm of a real person, as long as you enter the underworld, you will not be eaten like a pig or a dog in the end."

"The netherworld is underworld, corpse dragons are moving northward, and hundreds of ghosts are walking at night."

These words are frightening.

Ye Yang frowned.

"The Blood and Bone Cult itself reveals an evil energy and is related to the Blood and Bone Evil God. Maybe it has been preparing for this matter for a long time."

At this time, he looked at the corpse dragon.

Ye Yang thought of the river of underworld in the giant ship.

This dragon's body.

It seems alive but not alive, it seems dead but not dead.

Could it be possible that the achievement is hidden in the river of underworld?

And those snake-faced human babies that were cultivated are quite similar to the human-faced dragon body of this thing.

Could it be that it breeds and catalyzes the failure?

There are countless types of dragons in the world.

There are dragons with human faces, dragons with snake faces, and corpse dragons.

And this is the human-faced corpse dragon among them.

Any monster that has cultivated to a certain level.

They can all absorb moonlight or absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to gain promotion.

But the corpse dragon is a rather special one.

They are born with impure blood and possess dragon blood, but they are not pure living creatures. They are in a state of half life and half death, between neither yin nor yang.

Slowly, some began to learn from humans in order to gain greater power.

Practice the art of rigor mortis, summon ghosts, and perform sacrificial rituals.

This corpse dragon has lived underground in the Yellow River for who knows how many years.

Obviously, it is the practice of rigor mortis, a method of avoiding death.

At this time, Master Xuehe didn't know why, but he was strangely connected with the corpse dragon.

A battle broke out with Gu Xuan.

The two exchanged blows quickly, but neither could do anything about the other.

Arriving at the sky above Feitian Gate.

Gu Xuan used the Demonic Hammer to hit the corpse dragon, which caused great pain.

The red flame flying crow gourd and the thunder and lightning gourd release countless thunder and fire lights.

The next moment, the evil dragon's arms were raised high, like thunder, spreading outward for dozens of miles.

"How can I allow you to be so arrogant when you reach the realm of my Feitian Sect!"

Gu Xuan roared angrily.

There was a roar and a whistle was blown.

I saw the three sky-swallowing pythons that had been guarding the Feitian Gate, roaring and flying into the sky.

The body is like a copper wall and an iron wall, shaking its head and looking extremely fierce.

The three sky-swallowing pythons opened their mouths and spit out countless poisonous winds, flames and hailstones.

The freeze cracked everything.

Even the rolling magic cloud was covered by the cold light of the ice and snow.

It was frozen into powder and fell one after another.

And the evil dragon's arm in Gu Xuan's hand waved downwards, slowly closing in countless silver ominous lights.

It twisted into a ball and turned into a twisting silver dragon. It stirred hard and punched a hole in Mo Yun.

Cooperating with the three sky-swallowing pythons, one after another, they besieged the corpse dragon.

The corpse dragon immediately felt a huge pressure.

At this time, it wanted to escape, but the huge bodies of the three sky-swallowing pythons, which were a hundred feet tall, had already tightly wrapped around it.

The two huge bodies were rolling in the air, unable to escape.

The next moment, the three heads of the three sky-swallowing pythons fiercely bit into the dragon's body.

The pain was so heartbreaking that it gritted its teeth and trembled all over.

And those weirdos with snake faces and human bodies were shaken out from his mane one by one.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang quickly spoke up.

"Quickly pass on the order, all disciples of Feitian Sect, quickly attack and besiege those snake-faced babies."

Nowadays, Feitian Sect has many disciples and many masters.

Those snake-faced babies are ferocious and cruel, and can easily attack the mountain villages and low-level casual cultivators around Feitianmen.

Hearing what Ye Yang said.

A voice came from Feitian Gate.

"Yes, destroy these monsters quickly and restore peace to our Feitian Sect."

Ye Yang looked back and found that Wang Xijing and Wang Sandao were coming together.

As the two most senior elders in Feitian Sect today.

The two of them took the lead.

Gave Ye Yang endless support.

The next moment, the deacons and guardians in Feitian Sect flew into the air.

Fight with those monsters with human faces and snake bodies in the sky.

Although those snake-faced babies are not very powerful, they have infinite strength.

Even ordinary disciples can kill weak people.

But the powerful ones, even the monks in the martial arts realm, can hardly be hostile to them.

Ye Yang summoned Sun Chasing Flying Turtle and stood in the sky above Feitian Gate.

Under the protection of the formation.

As soon as those snake-faced babies landed on the formation, they were turned into minced flesh.

And Ye Yang waved one hand, and countless red sword threads flew out. Under his control, they entangled with each other and turned into a sword energy sun, quickly clarifying the radius.

And Ye Yang's action also attracted the strong ones among them.

After a while, an old-looking snake-faced baby with four arms reached out to grab Ye Yang.

Countless smoke and dust flew up, turning the scattered sword energy of Ye Yanghong's maple sword into powder.

The sword energy burst out, Ye Yang pointed with one hand.

All the sword energy around them rotated around each other, forming a spiral sword energy dragon.

It went straight through the figure's chest, cutting it into pieces.

But the corpse dragon is too powerful and its body is too big.

At this moment, I don’t know how many snake-faced babies are falling in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang flicked his little finger, and six blood-red figures immediately flew out.

It is the six-winged blood centipede.

Although these centipedes are not weak, they are still underage.

But now it is hidden in the void.

It can eat human bodies and kill people invisibly.

And Ye Yang has long wanted to try out what power this six-winged blood centipede has.

At this moment, six blood lines shuttled through the air.

A rotating vacuum zone formed around Ye Yang, and hundreds of snake-faced babies were quickly killed.

Ye Yang looked up and saw that the disciples of Feitian Sect were already fighting with these snake-faced men.

It's just that the dragon is too huge.

Too many snake-faced babies fell down.

Relying solely on the disciples of the Feitian Sect may not be enough.

Ye Yang quickly ordered.

"Issuing a sect edict to inform all forces under the Feitian Sect that anyone who encounters this snake-faced baby will be killed without mercy."

Ye Yang ordered.

Immediately, one message after another spread from Feitian Sect.

But in the sky, the fighting was still going on.

The strange beasts roared and roared, rolling in the blood-red magic cloud.

Several figures are still fighting.

Just this time.

Suddenly, a green dragon soared into the sky.

There was a loud thunder-like noise.

It was extremely sharp, and then the sound of thunder trembled.

Flashing like lightning, a sword light seemed to be able to split the sky, flying from a distance.

While flying leisurely, it has already arrived on the huge corpse dragon

With a slash in the air, the corpse dragon's head fell to the ground like tofu.

Then a voice roared.

"Wandering north and south in the morning and evening, the sky is green and green, and the green snake in your sleeve is courageous."

"Now that you have mastered the art of swordsmanship, go and slay the dragon wherever there is one."

And it comes with this shocking sword energy.

There is also a sword aura that makes him extremely cool.

It was overwhelming and overbearing, permeating all around.

It seems that it can be slashed out with a single slash and destroy the galaxy.

"Why is this sword energy so familiar?"

"I seem to have heard it somewhere."

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