Cutting through the starry sky with a sword, extremely domineering

It can split nebulae and kill the world.

"Could it be the legendary One Qi Changqiu Dao Galaxy?"

Ye Yang groaned slightly.

At this time, the sky changed again, after the head of the human-faced corpse dragon was chopped off.

It fell to the ground and made a big hole.

And above the sky, there is a huge golden flying boat, like a huge castle, as stable as Mount Tai and indestructible.

Passing through the surging dark clouds, it gradually disappeared into the horizon.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering who the visitor was.

After a while, a voice came out.

"The Crown Prince of the Universiade Dynasty is passing by."

"The Taifu has an order: Evil things are harming the people and massacring the people. They deserve to be killed. Cut the sky with one sword. I will give you a death!"

The sound was so loud that golden lotuses grew everywhere.

The rumble was endless, resounding throughout the world.

When everyone heard this voice, they looked at each other.

I never expected that it would be someone from the Universiade Dynasty.

Except for the sword light like a blue dragon.

There was another person on the huge spaceship, wearing a bright yellow robe with golden dragon embroidery on it.

He was tall and straight, with a knife in his hand.

Can't see the exact face clearly.

"The great fortune dynasty's capture immortal, Si Tianzihao, is the leader of Yiqi Changqiu Dao Xinghe. I have met all of you seniors."

"Dao Xinghe?"

"He also joined the Universiade Dynasty?"

The sudden appearance of this voice caused a sound of surprise.

No one thought of this Dao Xinghe.

Like Die Wuhou, he was introduced into the Universiade Dynasty and entered the Immortal Catching Division.

Although Wang Taiwei is a real master, in the eyes of many people.

The reputation of Qi Changqiu Dao Xinghe is even more resounding.

After all, this legendary experience is really too terrifying.

As a casual cultivator, he defeated countless Taoists and surpassed Qiuyi students in Tianyan.

Finally, he ranked sixth on the Yalongling Hidden Dragon List.

Such dazzling achievements are rare in thousands of years.

At this moment, Dao Xinghe in the sky did not speak.

But Ye Yang couldn't help but frowned as he looked at his leaving figure.

At this moment, he was filled with fighting spirit.

"The evil of Yin and Yang is still in his hands."

Want to seize the Yin and Yang Niluansha from the opponent's hands.

But he knew better.

This is not the time to take action.

After Wang Taiwei killed the corpse dragon with a sword light.

A group of people took the big boat again and drifted away.

They seemed to be just traveling.

Didn't stop.

He also has no connection with the Feitian Sect.

I don’t know if I’m ignoring it or if I have other considerations.

Just as the giant ship left.

Gu Xuan has already flown down in the sky.

He stood on the heads of three sky-swallowing pythons, and the three sky-swallowing pythons slowly descended.

There are also many scars on the body.

It lay quietly on the ground, stretched out the tip of its forked tongue, and was carefully licking the wounds on its body.

The body was covered in blood, with large holes poked out in many places, and the bones were visible.

Seeing this, Ye Yang hurriedly activated the Sun Flying Turtle and flew to Gu Xuan's side.

At the same time, he took out the elixir, kneaded it into powder, and sprinkled it in the air.

He also called for the sun-chasing flying turtle to spit out moistening water.

The medicinal powder and water light combined with each other to form a rich medicinal liquid that covered the entire body of the three sky-swallowing pythons.

After a while, those wounds slowly scabbed over.

Seeing Gu Qingshu's body slowly recovering, Gu Xuan was quite satisfied with what Ye Yang had done.

My worried heart was relieved.

Ye Yang said.

"Master, I don't know what happened."

"In the underground tomb of Lord Tianyi Chunqiu, we found this corpse dragon. It was hiding in the Yellow River underground and wanted to devour us."

"I was waiting for a battle with Yi, but I never thought that Master Xuehe and this corpse dragon were strangely combined, and he actually wanted to open the gate of the underworld and fight against the three of us."

Everything he said would be unimaginable to others.

"What should we do?"

Gu Xuan said.

"Zhenren Aoki and Old Man Splitting Sword are still reinforcing their formations underground, preparing to seal the Gate of Underworld."

"But the appearance of people from the Universiade Dynasty at this time is a bit unexpected."

The two of them looked at the disappearing black spot on the horizon.

Never thought that I would meet someone from the Universiade Dynasty.

"They must have other ideas when they come here suddenly."

After a long time.

Gu Xuancai said.

"Although this corpse dragon looks shriveled and old, its body is like fine steel, which is extremely rare."

"In the tomb of God's Lord of Spring and Autumn, we obtained the hub of all things and ships on the four seas."

"The damaged nine-aperture puppet heart."

"Just use this dragon's skin and bones to refine a ship that can reach the sky."

Ye Yang looked up and saw that the corpse dragon's body was still majestic and majestic even though its skin and bones were cracked.

Especially on the back, even though it is old and wrinkled, dry and hard, it has many dragon scales growing on it, like gold and iron, extremely hard.

It is indeed as Gu Xuan said, extraordinary.

The thing in front of you is more than three hundred feet long. If you remove the skin and bones, you can use it as a body and combine it with the damaged Nine-Aperture Puppet Heart to build a giant ship that can truly reach the rivers and seas.

Ye Yang raised his hand and touched it, and found that there was a hard horny substance on top of the corpse dragon, which was extremely rough.

But the key parts showed a dry gray jade color, shiny and faintly reflective, like agar jade.

This body can be said to be the best material for forging a giant ship.

But the body is too large, and it takes a lot of effort to transport and dismantle it.

Ye Yang ordered a transfer.

Three days later, the big sun star beast that had been transporting ore in Qingming Island was transferred.

A group of people took out a chain as thick as a bowl and put it on the corpse dragon, and the big sun star beast flew into the sky.

Along with the big sun star beast.

There was also a 45-zhang long young manta ray.

This was the young flying manta ray that Feitianmen had purchased from Jiutian Chamber of Commerce before.

Now it has grown a lot.

Flying manta ray has always been difficult to grow and difficult to cultivate, and it is extremely rare.

This manta ray is still in its juvenile state, and it is actually 45-zhang long at this moment.

At this moment, the two beasts worked together, dragging the huge body of the corpse dragon with difficulty, and pulled it into the back mountain of Feitianmen.

After all this was prepared.

Gu Xuan brought the three-headed swallowing python transformed by Gu Qingshu again to the underground tomb of Tianyi Chunqiu Lord.

Before, he didn't want the three-headed swallowing python transformed by Gu Qingshu to fall into danger.

But now things are happening frequently in the tomb, and I don't know how many weird things there are.

He had to find another helper.

At the same time.

This three-headed swallowing python had a fierce battle with the corpse dragon before, and its ferocity had been aroused.

If he was not there, once this strange python went crazy.

The entire Feitianmen would be unable to resist.


In Tao'an Market.

Many casual cultivators gathered together, excitedly discussing a battle some time ago.

In the middle, there was an old Taoist priest, wrapped in a mixed green soft turban with feet, a bright yellow ribbon, and saliva flying.

At this moment, he touched his chin and spoke with a hint of boasting.

"You didn't see the cruelty of the war."

"The human-faced corpse dragon carried infinite power and was extremely ferocious in the sky above Feitianmen."

"At this moment, a sword light fell from the sky, and the three-headed swallowing python, the guardian spirit beast of Feitianmen, flew into the sky and tightly entangled the corpse dragon's body."

"A great battle killed the sky and the sea of ​​blood..."

This battle just happened not long ago, so many people were very interested, and soon a large group of people gathered.

Someone below also spoke up.

"Old Taoist, although what you said is good, why do you need to enhance others' prestige and destroy your own ambition."

"Although the human-faced corpse dragon is powerful, it is just a beast in the end."

"Feitianmen has two real person realm masters, who are powerful and suppress the world. Why should we be afraid of him."

The old Taoist nodded and said.

"Yes, fortunately, Feitianmen is now strong. We have not encountered any major problems under the protection of Feitianmen."

"Living under Feitianmen, there are spiritual methods and treasures to exchange. If you choose to go on a mission, there is also a stable guarantee of spiritual stones, and you are not afraid of attacks by monsters. It's still very good."

"I heard that many sects are expelling independent cultivators now."

"This time, Feitianmen and several sects worked together to explore the underground treasure cave of the ancient real person, and it seems that something extraordinary was discovered."

Suddenly someone released a message.

"What? It really happened."

A group of people were shocked. After all, this kind of cave house of the predecessors is something that every independent cultivator pays great attention to.

Cultivation is naturally important, but sometimes opportunities can help people rise to prominence.

The man deliberately kept it a secret.

"You will know when the time comes."

"I heard that Dayun Dynasty seems to have discovered the situation here and wants to take over?"

A group of people exclaimed.

"How is it connected to the Dayun Dynasty? I heard that the Dayun Dynasty is now a complete desert for cultivators."

"Yes, under their rule, cultivators must register in advance to practice."

"They also have to serve as corvée labor for the government, and they also have to teach the common people to practice for free?"

"Is this true or false? Don't talk nonsense."

Most of the cultivators here don't have a good impression of the Dayun Dynasty.

This news is not good.

The old Taoist said.

"Otherwise, how could there be the thousand-mile dragon of Wang Taiwei, and the head of the corpse dragon cut off with a single sword? Could they be here for fun?"

A group of people talked a lot, with inexplicable expressions.

Obviously, they didn't expect that there were many reasons.

After a while.

They suddenly saw two figures appear at the entrance of Feitao Temple.

The two rode a dark red fire centipede horse, wearing green clothes, which was unusually heroic.

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