The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 426: As expected of the person I like, unexpected events

He has practiced Zhenhai Linggong.

His current strength is not weak.

Although he is far inferior to Yu Qingshan and other direct descendants of Feitianmen who have been trained since childhood.

But he is far beyond the reach of ordinary casual cultivators.

At this moment, Chu Hao pointed with one hand, and water light surged.

He stood steadily on the ring.

His opponent was Liu Fei of Taiyi Qingmen.

Liu Fei was also not weak.

He came from Taiyi Qingmen and was a good player among the disciples of this generation of Taiyi Qingmen.

Before the destruction of Taiyi Qingmen, he and another disciple Shi Ming were called "Shi Liu".

Although he was not good at facing the enemy head-on.

But whether it was the foundation of practice or swordsmanship, it was far beyond the average casual cultivator.

Facing Liu Fei's pressure at this moment.

A drop of cold sweat appeared on Chu Hao's forehead.

He knew his weakness, so he took the lead and jumped up. A water-shaped sword light came directly towards Liu Fei.

Liu Fei frowned slightly.

With a wave of his hand, a green wood-colored energy turned into a big hand and grabbed Chu Hao.

The two collided with each other.


The green hand grasped the sword energy that Chu Hao had shot out.

But Chu Hao's water-light sword energy was also extraordinary, and it actually moved the green giant handprint to the side.

At this moment, Liu Fei looked at the figure in front of him and frowned slightly.

"This sword is quite good. I practiced the green wood handprint by accident, and it is quite powerful."

"Ordinarily, ordinary cultivators, especially casual cultivators, do not have such profound mana."

This made him more serious.

At this moment, Liu Fei's eyes burst with brilliance.

Rushing forward at a rapid speed.

He held a cold sword in his fingers.

With a buzzing sound!

A magnificent sword energy shot out from the cold sword, as green as wood and as thick as a pillar.

The green pillar was huge and came directly towards Chu Hao.

Seeing this burst of sword light coming.

Chu Hao slashed down with a sword, and the sword wind whistled, knocking down the Green Pillar Sword.

The next moment, the two swords faced each other and swung quickly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After several collisions.

Chu Hao saw that he could not win, and a beast with patterns on its body appeared behind him, like a dragon and a tiger.

The beast was made of water light, and the waves were surging. At this moment, it whistled.

It directly hit Liu Fei.

"It's the Tiger Dragon Technique that comes with Zhenhai Linggong."

Although the Tiger Dragon Technique is a built-in spell, it is not easy to practice.

Especially for ordinary ventilation cultivators.

If you want to condense the charm of the tiger dragon, it is not easy. You need to work hard and need a little understanding.

Seeing the water-shaped tiger dragon suddenly appear in the field.

Ye Yang was quite satisfied.

When he first met Chu Hao, he was still on the Bihuze River.

He was just paying attention to this young man at the time, and he just felt that he was naturally close to water magic.

He didn't take it to heart at the time.

After all, there are too many people with the talent for cultivation in the world.

Sometimes, opportunities are more important than talent.

You must know that there are often good horses, but there are not often good horse trainers, and noble people are hard to find.

But later, this young man was upright and righteous, which was quite rare. He dared to offend the second lady of the Huo family with his humble status.

He also wanted to save the little wild man who fled from the Ten Thousand Mountains.

This righteous act touched Ye Yang's heart.

After all, there are very few such people nowadays.


The reason why he gave him the practice formula of the Biluo Sanqing Secret Scroll was that Ye Yang saw that he was a promising talent.

He wanted to give him a chance.

Cultivate a loyal and righteous water alchemist for Feitianmen.

Now he looked at it and he was not disappointed.

The battle between the two people in the field had reached a white-hot stage at this time.

Liu Fei wiped the sword with one hand.

The light surged.

A sword light came directly to Chu Hao.

Chu Hao quickly controlled the tiger dragon to bite.

The sword light and the tiger dragon were killed in an instant.

At this moment.

Liu Fei smiled slightly, as if he had already won.

"Void Dragon Sword Art!"

A transparent sword wave suddenly appeared beside Chu Hao.

As an outstanding disciple of Taiyi Qingmen, he naturally knew this sword art.

The sudden sword wave was unexpected to everyone, especially Chu Hao.

The sword wave tore his sleeves and went straight to his chest.

Critical moment!

At the critical moment!

Chu Hao hurriedly waved his hand.

A yellow talisman paper appeared in the air.

It turned into an unbreakable golden light, blocking the sword wave.

Many people were surprised when they saw the sword light.

"It's actually the Golden Light Talisman!"

The Golden Light Talisman is a second-level talisman unique to Feitianmen.

It was passed down by Master Xiao Fu who came from Wangyue Mountain many years ago.

It takes a lot of contribution points from Feitianmen to redeem it.

It has been very rare.

Even ordinary disciples in Feitianmen don’t have many contribution points.

And the man in front of him.

He has used this second-level talisman before he even joined Feitianmen.

It is surprising.

Cui Qinggui, in particular, looked pale. Seeing this talisman, it seemed like he was sure of something.

“It seems that he really caught the eye of the sword master, otherwise how could he have this second-level golden light talisman.”

There are also many people who have the same idea as Cui Qinggui.

After all, he is a casual cultivator who has not yet entered the sect.

But he was able to take out this golden light talisman.


There must be someone behind it.

Chu Hao suddenly took out a second-level talisman and resisted the Void Wandering Dragon Sword Technique, shocking many people.

Originally because he was about to lose, he didn't want something unexpected to happen.

It’s really hard to say whether it’s success or failure.

Chu Hao took a few breaths and stepped forward.

Although his swordsmanship is not as powerful as that of the Taiyi Qingmen disciple.

However, he has been practicing at the bottom for a long time and has experienced real fighting. The majestic atmosphere is mixed with a hint of ferocious danger.

He struck Liu Fei directly on the shoulder with his sword.

This move is dangerous and dangerous, like lightning and white snow. The moment it is stabbed, it has the style of exchanging injury for injury and life for life.

See this.

Liu Fei couldn't help but frowned slightly.

He was not sure whether the other party still had the golden light talisman. After all, the golden light was too strong and could not be broken easily.

And his magic power can no longer support the Void Wandering Dragon Sword Technique again.

This made him feel a little worried.

What's more, he didn't expect that the other party would make a dangerous move and collide with him directly.

"He wanted to trade injury for injury, but I refused to let him do it."

Countless sounds of intensive collisions were heard.

Liu Fei also drew his sword, and then he realized that the sword pierced the opponent's arm directly.

"good chance!"

He didn't expect to injure the opponent so easily and was about to pursue him.

When he looked down, he discovered that there was already a long sword above his throat.

"I lost!"

Liu Fei still couldn't believe it.

In Chu Hao's eyes, there was a hint of excitement and excitement that could not be expressed.

Even if the soldiers make dangerous moves, they deliberately expose their arms to be stabbed by the opponent.

But worth it.

Once the victory is achieved today.

This means that he has become a disciple of Feitian Sect.

And his fate is like a crow turning into a phoenix.

A sea change has taken place.

Liu Fei's face turned pale. Even though he didn't want to admit it, the opponent's sword was clamped on his neck.

He had no choice but to walk off the ring with a gloomy look.

Chu Hao put away his sword and stood up, thinking in his heart.

"Although I was injured, I won anyway. For us casual cultivators, life is not important, only opportunities are important."

He looked at his torn sleeves and bleeding shoulders and didn't take them seriously.

"As long as this life is still there, it's worth it!"

And the other side.

After the battle between the two.

Ye Yang watched a few more games and found that there were not many outstanding players.

The only one worthy of praise is Huo Bingshuang.

But she was too fast, and her attack was just a swing of the long sword, like the moonlight falling.

One of the disciples has been killed.

Others didn't see anything, and the reaction in the field wasn't that violent.

After the top fifty competition.

Ye Yang walked out of the hall. At this moment, he suddenly felt something and couldn't help but frown slightly.

He looked up to the sky.

I saw dark clouds rioting in the sky, and thick black clouds rushed in quickly, quickly covering the sky above the entire Feitian Sect.

"This is?"

Ye Yang's eyes moved and his sword pupil activated.

The golden-red light in his eyes flashed away, and two golden rays shot out through the dark clouds.

The ground beneath his feet seemed unable to withstand the majestic sword energy, and the bluestone was cracked everywhere.

There were heavy clouds in the sky.

It's like hell descending, endless darkness falling.

A voice exhaled and punched out, trying to jump out of the dark clouds.

But he was always bound and unable to move.

The next moment, under the bombardment of that man's fist, the surroundings exploded, revealing a gap.

Inside was a thin and short figure, who turned out to be Gu Xuan.

The arms of the Ancient Mysterious Evil Dragon bloomed with silver light, and in the surge of silver light, they transformed into a ferocious eight-armed evil dragon that could turn over clouds and seas.

Next to Gu Xuansuo was a weird dragon.

It looks like a dragon but not a dragon, looks like a dragon but not a dragon, but there is a woman's head on the dragon's body.

The pupils are black on one side and white on the other.

The whole body is as skinny as skin and bones. The skin of the dragon droops on the bones of the dragon, and the ribs are exposed. It doesn't look like a living thing, but more like a dead corpse.

"What is it? It looks like a dragon but is not a dragon. It looks like a living thing but not like a living thing."

But that ancient and vicissitudes yet very powerful aura cannot be faked.

The ghost dragon in the sky seemed to have a mighty force, and the gray mummy body was equally powerful, covering the sky and the sun.

Looming in the dark clouds.

Looking carefully, Ye Yang could see that hidden in the ghost dragon's mane were little people about a foot long, with cheeks like snakes.

Now hiding in the mane, like a louse.

"It's those strange races in the catacombs."

Although he didn't know what this weird mummy dragon was.

But the snake-faced villain on the dragon's mane is very clear.

He had seen these villains before in the underground tomb of Lord Tianyi Chunqiu.

We even saw a scene where they were imprisoned on a giant ship and were offered sacrifices like pigs and dogs.

"Why did these villains combine with this mummy dragon, and even fight with Gu Xuan?"

"Where have the other real people gone?"

At this time, one question after another.

Suddenly appeared in Ye Yang's mind.

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