at this time.

A neat figure stood on the ring, leaving only a silhouette with a long sword on its back.

Ye Yang looked at that figure and couldn't help being slightly silent.

Long time no see.

Because of the gap in status.

Nowadays, Yan Qingying has less and less contact with him.

The years have left some shadows on her body.

Except for the fact that my skin is somewhat saggy, it is no longer as plump, white and tender as it was in my twenties.

Ye Yang's stubborn temper and the coldness of the sword are still fresh in Ye Yang's memory.

Yan Qingying was carrying a long sword on her back at this moment, and the next moment she slowly drew out the long sword. It was simple and unpretentious, reserved and restrained, without showing any sharpness.

It's a bit unexpected.

After all, most people who practice swords are extremely sharp and upright, and would rather break than bend.

In addition, Yan Qingying's experience is too legendary.

So it caused an exclamation in the audience.

No one expected that she would appear in the first competition.

Become an ordinary peasant girl and join the Feitian Sect.

From a patriarchal family to a child bride who escaped from marriage, from an illiterate peasant girl to a core figure among a generation of disciples.

Every life presses the state of cultivation.

There has been no breakthrough since the last disciple competition.

Just to get a martial arts elixir.

So that I can break through to the warrior realm.

It should be noted that many people at the same time as him, such as Ye Yang, Wang Dong, and Li Bayuan, have already broken through to the martial arts realm.

And they have all achieved considerable achievements.

Opposite Yan Qingying is Wang Lei, a former disciple of the Five Poison Sect, who is proficient in the art of controlling insects.

Later he was incorporated into Feitianmen.

Wang Lei's eyes also shrank when he saw Yan Qingying. He didn't expect that he would be so unlucky to meet this evil star.

After all, Yan Qing is really famous.

He cupped his fists and said.

"Senior Sister Yan is offended."

Yan Qingying also lowered her sword, cupped her fists in return, and said.

"Junior Brother Wang is polite."

After she finished speaking, she didn't see any action.

Just thrust out with a sword.

But this sword happened.

But it made Wang Lei's hair stand on end, his heart trembled with fear, and he couldn't avoid it.

It felt like this sword had blocked all his changes.

"This sword!"

Yan Qingying's sword also attracted Ye Yang's attention.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door.

He can better see what this sword contains.

"not bad!"

Although what he said was exactly the same, but for his current realm and vision.

If you say a good evaluation.

I don’t know how many people will be surprised and crazy.

Hearing Ye Yang's words, a guardian next to him was frightened.

Unexpectedly, Yan Qingying's sword attack actually caused the big boss to speak.

In addition to Ye Yang, there are also several warrior-level protectors in the hall.

Ye Yang whispered, unexpectedly causing a sensation in the entire audience.

At this moment, everyone raised their heads and looked at him, and then word of mouth spread.

It turned out to be like a tsunami, quickly spreading towards the outside.

"Swordsmanship and swordsmanship mean that this sword is not bad."

"It's rare to hear him comment on others' sword skills."

"Yes, even many guardians in the warrior realm are not qualified to listen to his evaluation."

There are also many people with strange expressions on their faces.

"I heard that Yan Qingying had a close relationship with that person back then. He was the one who sold Yan Qingying's Pulse Protection Pill before she awakened to her destiny."

Huo Bingshuang's expression changed slightly after hearing this voice.

"Master Ye has taught me how to practice swordsmanship so many times, and he has never said that my sword is not bad. It seems that this Senior Sister Yan is really my strong opponent to win the championship this time."

Ye Yang didn't take the discussion of the others to heart.

At this time, Ye Yang looked at Yan Qingying's figure and thought to himself.

"Although Junior Sister Yan has never awakened her life, she has made considerable progress in her swordsmanship after years of dormancy."

The sword strike just now was simple, calm and restrained, with all the edge and sharpness gone.

He is no longer a swordsman who shows off his sharp edge and competes with the world.

But he is a master who swallows his arrogance, experiences prosperity, and becomes mellow and unified.

Ye Yang could see how terrifying Yan Qingying's sword was with just one glance.

She blocked all escape routes for the Five Poison Sect disciple.

Stable and steady, the atmosphere is calm.

Quite a master image.

"I originally thought that Huo Bingshuang possesses the body of the Moon Sword Body and has awakened his destiny as the Fairy in the Moon. This time, he should surely win the first place in the disciple competition."

"But now it seems that if the two of them compete, it's hard to know the outcome."

If Huo Bingshuang is about to come into contact with the realm of practicing swordsmanship.

Then Yan Qingying has already shown signs of becoming a silk swordsman.

In addition, she often goes out on missions and has been fighting for many years, so her fighting skills must be extraordinary.

Far beyond the reach of those young people who only grow in greenhouses.

In the field.

"Everyone says that your swordsmanship is fierce, and I will show you how terrifying my poisonous insect is."

Wang Lei's face was pale, he had just been injured by the sword energy just after the contact, and the blood on his hand slipped down drop by drop from his fingers.

There was even a trace of a sword mark on his cheek.

But his eyes were blood red, still bloody, and refused to relax.

The Five Poison Sect's methods are not good at attacking the opponent directly.

He bit the tip of his tongue.

As soon as he patted the storage bag, seven or eight huge red scorpions immediately emerged from the storage bag.

These scorpions were gleaming with blood after being released from the storage bag.

It jumped a few times, and then rushed towards Yan Qingying.

And over there, a sharp sword suddenly appeared, and as it fell, several sword marks flashed in the air.

A ray of cold light came forcefully.

Then the sharp light flickered, and it was as fleeting as an aurora in the sky.

This sharp and powerful sword slashed several times in a row, and actually chopped down seven or eight scorpions in the air, cutting them in half.

Seeing this scene, Wang Lei was shocked, looked extremely shocked, and then said.

"This, how is this possible!"

"My bloodthirsty scorpion has no resistance at all."

He was horrified when he saw that the bloodthirsty scorpion carefully cultivated in his hand was easily killed by Yan Qingying.

This is a poisonous insect that he specially cultivated for his disciple Dabi.

It is extremely hard, as fast as electricity, and has the ability to suck blood.

Unexpectedly, he was unable to fight back under the opponent's sword.

This scene in the field.

Many people were shocked, especially the disciples participating in the competition this time. They looked at the two fighting with solemn expressions.

In addition to Ye Yang, there are many protectors and deacons who are also proficient in swordsmanship.

At this moment, seeing Yan Qing cut a group of bloodthirsty scorpions in half so cleanly, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"It's truly extraordinary."

“No wonder it’s a good name to call Shuangjue of Swords and Swords!”

Yan Qingying struck with one sword again,

This sword was unavoidable and forced Wang Lei to the corner of the ring.

There was a hint of anger in Wang Lei's eyes.

He had no choice but to take out a Judge's Pen to fight against the enemy. This Judge's Pen was made of thousand-forged fine iron. The tip of the pen contained highly toxic substances and could spray venom, which was extraordinary.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several sounds of steel colliding were heard.

His judge pen did not have the desired effect.

The tip of the pen was actually cut off by Yan Qingying.

He was slashed in the face by three swords again.

Wang Lei was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood, which wet his chest.

It's hard to tell whether it's your own blood.

Still fell from the wound.

"Junior Brother Wang, be careful, I'm going to use my real move!"

When Wang Lei heard this, he became even more angry and spurted out blood again.

Just now, the other party was playing with him and didn't make a move at all.

He quickly patted the storage bag again, and a small group of poisonous bees that had condensed into dark clouds flew out.

Over there, Yan Qingying performed a sword technique, and the long sword in her hand suddenly disappeared into nothingness.

Then the void trembled, and a transparent light wave suddenly appeared next to Wang Lei.

"The Void Wandering Dragon Sword Technique!"

Everyone saw the sword wave coming from the void.

He couldn't help being surprised, with a look of surprise on his face.

No one thought that Yan Qingying would actually practice Taiyi Qingmen’s inherited spirit sword technique.

But now, after the death of Black and White, Wu Qi has firmly controlled Taiyi Qingmen.

The Void Wandering Dragon Sword Technique.

Naturally, he was also sent to Feitianmen’s Sutra Collection Pavilion.

This sword technique is suitable for sneak attacks.

Especially for early practitioners, it has an irresistible temptation.

Therefore, there are many people practicing Buddhism.

The sword light that came out of the void penetrated directly into Wang Lei's left shoulder.

He knew that Yan Qingying was showing mercy.

Otherwise, the sword would have been inserted into the chest.

A hint of gray appeared on Wang Lei's face

I originally thought that I would at least win the title of Feitian Qizhen.

As a result, I never thought that when I met such a strong person, I would stop at the top fifty.

"I'll admit defeat."

Although Wang Lei looked unwilling, he had no choice but to retreat.

And Yan Qingying returned the sword to its sheath.


Many people looked at Yan Qingying's slowly leaving figure and started talking.

"The fact that she used the Void Wandering Dragon Sword Technique at this time shows that this is not her trump card."

"Then what is her trump card?"

All the disciples who participated in the competition couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, and thought of a question.

This wonderful battle is touching.

No one ever thought about it.

Wang Lei, a popular disciple who had high hopes, was defeated by Yan Qingying in just a few sword strikes.

When she came off the stage, she glanced at Huo Bingshuang sitting in the crowd.

At this moment, Huo Bingshuang seemed to sense that someone was looking at her.

He raised his head and looked directly at Yan Qingying.

Silent electric sparks appeared out of thin air.

Her face was solemn.

In the next few battles, although the disciples who took action were all extraordinary.

But it didn't cause any further sensation.

Ye Yang watched a few games.

These disciples are not "young master monks" who can only fight with magic power and weapons.

Many people have rich fighting experience and fighting power.

This couldn't help but make him feel quite satisfied.

It seems that today's Feitian Sect has made a lot of progress in teaching disciples.

Begin to pay attention to practical experience.

Especially now, as the chief protector of the Official Affairs Hall.

He felt quite satisfied in his heart.

He called to the people next to him.

"I ordered you to go down and give additional rewards to the teaching gentlemen in the Hall of Teaching, saying that they have done meritorious service in teaching the disciples and should continue their efforts."

There were people nearby who were ready at any time. After hearing Ye Yang's instructions, they immediately responded and went down to start preparations.

After waiting a few more times.

Ye Yang finally saw Chu Hao come on stage. (End of chapter)

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