The Blood Demon Saint Son looked along Ye Yang's fingers and saw tatters on the threshold.

It was trampled by people coming and going and was in a dilapidated state.

"There is a constant stream of visitors during this time."

"Let alone the Three Treasures Wanying Ointment, even if it is an ordinary healing elixir, I don't have much left in my hands."

The Blood Demon Saint was shocked.

"This elixir is so rare."

Ye Yang said.

"The Three Treasures Wanying Ointment is extremely precious. Not only is it difficult and cumbersome to refine, but the materials required are extremely rare. Many of the raw materials are from ancient species that have become extinct."

"If you can find the materials, it doesn't matter if I take the time to refine one for you."

"I wonder what materials are needed?"

The Blood Demon Sect also has a long heritage.

There are many strong people in the real world from generation to generation in the sect.

Several years ago, the founder of the Feitian Sect sought enlightenment in the Blood Demon Sect. After that, he couldn't stand the Blood Demon Sect's practice method, so he went out to establish the Feitian Sect.

Ye Yang did not hide his secrets and took out a list of various materials.

When the Blood Demon Saint Son saw it, he couldn't help but frown and let out a secret sigh.

"Good guy, there are quite a lot of things needed."

"But I also have a few friends who I will introduce to you when the time comes. They either come from a prominent family or have other opportunities, and they also have many treasures in their hands."

"If we can scrape it together, we might be able to scrape together a set of raw materials."

Ye Yang didn't say much either. One more friend and many more ways to go.

After the discussion, the two exchanged some practice methods.

The Blood Demon Saint Son took up residence in Feitianmen.

Time flies like a white horse passing by.

In an instant, more than half a month passed.

For more than half a month, the disciples of Feitian Sect are in full swing.

However, due to the large number of participants, it has not yet reached the final stage.

During the time that the Blood Demon Saint Son lived in Feitianmen, he spent a lot of time communicating with Ye Yang and practicing.

Although the two have different paths, they both benefited a lot from the exchange.

Ye Yang walked out of the room, preparing to go to the Sutra Pavilion to study the method of melting evil spirits, but he just walked out of the door.

Then I saw a man in white clothes and armor, waiting at the door, motionless, as if for a while.

After seeing Ye Yang, he felt quite excited, jogged over and said to Ye Yang.

"I have met Protector Ye. This junior has been waiting for you here for a while."

Ye Yang glanced at him and felt a slight thump in his heart.

The person in front of him is Cui Qinggui, the son of the Cui family.

As soon as this man arrived at Feitianmen, he tried to visit Ye Yang through various shops, but he was rejected by Ye Yang with various excuses.

Unexpectedly, he didn't give up and kept waiting for him at the door.

Cui Qinggui finally waited for Ye Yang today and thought to himself.

"It's not easy to meet Protector Ye. No matter what, we must not let this opportunity pass by."

In fact, after arriving at Feitian Sect, he had always hoped to help introduce Ye Yang through the routes of several high-level officials in the sect.

But those people were frightened by people from all walks of life who came to ask to see Ye Yang and refine the elixir.

Therefore, he was only hanging on him for the sake of Mrs. Cui of Changhe.

No matter how hard he refused to help.

He was holding the treasures he brought from Cui's family in depression.

He walked out from the residence of a protector quite angrily.

Out of anger, I have been squatting here for a long time.

Unexpectedly, he actually met Ye Yang.

"I didn't expect that the water elixir technique refined from the Biluo Three Purities Secret Scroll would be so powerful. My Cui family also has a copy of this thing, but it involves a trace of the power of time."

"Although countless people in the family have tried, none have gotten started."

"It would be great if, if only I could get the guidance of this Protector Ye and cultivate a little bit of the power of time to complete the Secret Scroll of Blue Luo Sanqing."

He sighed, so he was not ready to miss this rare opportunity.

No matter what, I won't move away.

Seeing him like this, Ye Yang said.

"We haven't seen each other for so many years. I wonder if your grandfather is in good health now?"

Cui Qinggui nodded and said.

"Since my grandfather received the treatment from Protector Ye, not only has he recovered from his injuries, but he has also become stronger and stronger. He has even made breakthroughs in his cultivation."

"In the past few years, I was still trying to break through to the realm of real people, but I didn't succeed."

Hearing this, Ye Yang was not surprised.

The warrior realm monk breaks through to the real person realm, which is the barrier between heaven and earth. I don’t know how many heroes have been stuck at this step.

If we say that the warrior realm is the gateway to spiritual practice.

Then in the realm of real people, it can be regarded as being able to peek into the mysteries of the world, control the breeze, and fly to the sky and escape from the earth.

It's not an exaggeration to call him a land god.

Once you reach this state, you can reach the vastness of the world. If you are in a remote place, it is convenient for you to be an ancestor, and you can say that the place is powerful.

The old man surnamed Cui is already old, so it is reasonable for him to fail in his breakthrough.

Then the two fell silent and stopped talking.

After a long time, Ye Yang sighed.

This Cui Qinggui seems to be very articulate outside.

But once I encountered the real thing.

It seems a little slow.

"Guardian Ye, I want..."

Ye Yang actually knew what he was thinking.

But instead of saying much, he smiled leisurely and asked.

"What do you want?"

Even though Cui Qinggui has a sharp tongue and has been eloquent since he was a child, he has never been willing to suffer from words.

But at this moment, facing this hero who is at the top of the Hidden Dragon List, coupled with his status, it is difficult to say anything.

Ye Yang sighed slightly. This young man exposed his target too easily and was immature.

Even though he is young and energetic, it does not meet the requirements for him to teach skills.

At this moment, Cui Qinggui gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind.

"As long as Protector Ye can guide me to practice the Secret Scroll of the Three Purities of the Blue Mountains, I will definitely be furious and treat Protector Ye as my personal teacher."

Ye Yang secretly sighed again.

"Why is it that Cui Qinggui also comes from a wealthy family? Didn't the Cui family teach him how to do things?"

If he were to handle this matter, he would first find someone he knew to ask for help.

Then take out something that the other party is interested in and exchange it.

Only then will you put forward what you want. Although it may not be successful, planning step by step will always lead to a path.

How can you directly express what you want and want?

Looking at this young man, Ye Yang smiled.

"I know you want to practice the Secret Scroll of the Three Pure Purities of Blue. This secret scroll originally came from the Cui family, but later it was accidentally passed on to me. Now that it is given to you, it can be regarded as returning it to its original owner."

"It's just that you have to think clearly. It is difficult to practice the Blue Luo Three Purities Secret Scroll. If you are qualified, there is no harm in teaching you."

"But if you don't have the qualifications, it's just a waste of time, and water method alchemy is extremely energy-consuming, and it's difficult for most people to persist. Or you can have the help of water species."

Most of the conditions Ye Yang mentioned were harsh.

The first is qualifications, the second is character, and the third is resources, all of which are indispensable.

Especially water species, which are the essence of heaven and earth spiritual water, are extremely rare.

"Guardian Ye, I was born with a water spirit body. The reason why I came to Feitianmen to pay homage to Protector Ye this time is because I have already practiced the Xiangjun Hebo Jue passed down from my family to the great state."

Ye Yang nodded.

"In that case, then recite this secret. If you can understand the essence of water method alchemy within half a year, it will not be too late to come to me again."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang handed over a jade slip.

When he saw that he had exposed such a big secret of his water spirit body, the person in front of him didn't show much surprise, and he felt a little unhappy.

After all, the spirit body is rare. Whether within the family or outside, most people who know about his water spirit body are extremely surprised, with respectful expressions and compliments.

Ye Yang's performance made him a little uncomfortable for a while.

He raised his head and realized that Ye Yang had already walked away.

I had to open the jade slip and saw a line written on it

"If he is strong, let him be strong. The breeze blows on the hills. If he is weak, let him be weak. The bright moon shines on the river..."


Cui Qinggui practices alone under the bright moon.

In front of him were seven large vats specially prepared for him by his servants. The vats were filled with spiritual water.

As he suddenly stood up, a silhouette of He Bo wearing white clothes, with flowing black hair, wearing a crown, and controlling two dragons gradually appeared behind him.

The He Bo raised his hand slightly, and he hurriedly performed a magic formula. All the spiritual water in the seven large tanks in front of him was stirred up.

After a while, the spiritual water in the large tank surged up to a height of three feet, turned into a water line, and started flying randomly in the air.

After a long time, Cui Qinggui sighed and said.

"It's strange. With my water spirit body qualifications, I can learn ordinary water magic formulas in the blink of an eye. Why haven't I learned this formula yet?"

At this moment, an old man carrying a back and a cane walked up next to him.

After seeing his doubts, the old man spoke.

"Young Master, you took the wrong path from the beginning. This method is not a water method, but a state of mind exercise."

"This is my calm state of mind that allows me to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai despite the rising wind and waves. It is also a state of mind that is not affected by external objects."

"The human nature of the person who wrote these two sentences has reached a terrifying level. No wonder Ye Yang, from a humble background, can comprehend spiritual arts such as the Thirteen Swords of Time, and is ranked 20th on the Hidden Dragon List. Seven."

"Although this person's qualifications are average, his character and ability to persevere are among the best in the world."

"Following him, Young Master can also learn a lot of knowledge."

Cui Qinggui shook his head, feeling a little discouraged.

"But, it seems like he doesn't want to accept me as his disciple."

The hunchbacked old man sighed.

"Young Master, I didn't want to say more at first, but you did not do the right thing in this matter."

Cui Qinggui frowned, gestured slightly, and the water lines that covered the courtyard flowed down, and returned to the big tank again.

The bright moon hangs high, and there is a bright round jade plate in each of the seven jars.

"Uncle Gui, what did I do wrong?"

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